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Marcum's RT9 Ice Sonar


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The outdated Tablet's are most likely leftovers from some oversea warehouse,

Still waiting to see the specs on this tablet...

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Marcum's Pan Cam: http://youtu.be/wDypyHV92vU

One of the features I find neat about the RT9 is the ability to link up via wifi to the new Pan Cam. You could actually have multiple pan cams (cameras) link up to the RT9 and be able to view them all. Now if your buddies have tablets or smartphones themselves they can also link up to your cams so everyone can view the feeds on their own devices. Your no longer stuck to 1 stationary camera.

If you want the latest and greatest and most features no doubt its gonna cost you an arm and leg. There are always consumers out there who can and will purchase such options. For those of us who are more budget minded and cant afford such toys well there's already the current product market for that such as the LX7 or LX9. And then there's the old school mechanical flashers too.

I can understand the angry, frustrated or trolling comments. Ice fishing simply is not cheap, but at least the options are all there for those who can afford it and those who cant.

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I ran my LX6 10-13 hours a day for 3 straight days without a charge last year and never went into low battery mode. The people I've fished with their LX 9's never had the voltage drop below 12 after a full day of fishing.

Lol, so you can get 39 hours on your LX6? If you are going to exaggerate at least try to be somewhat close, we are a fairly educated bunch here at HSO.

The LX-6 has a draw of 600 milliamps, so a 9 AH battery would get you 15 hours of use. If you somehow made it 39 hours, simple math would mean you had a battery with a capacity of 65 AH, which is getting close to the size of a group 24 deep cycle.

I have an LX-7, and there is no way you can go much more than a full day (10-12 hr) of fishing on it, even if it is a brand new 9 AH battery that is fully charged. Anyone who says otherwise is using wishful thinking or extremely brand loyal to the point where they exaggerate

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I agree easy two day run time on my LX 6 never saw that with a mechanical flasher highly doubt that they are going to be that terrible. I know one thing and it has been mentioned here by many. This is what alot of us has asked for and then some for ice fishing. It give me the ability to use my ice depth finder year round. I ice fish all winter but I am in the boat probably 6 times a summer. I know the way I want to set it up right now with out a camera I will have about 1750 into it. I will be able to use it for both season. I don't knock the Lowrance touch one bit but that is still more I don't know were they are 2100 either. I don't have the high end stuff on my boat but it works this will supplement what I already have. The tablet thing is a bonus for me. I think it is awesome that it can be used as a tablet but that is not the reason I would be buy it either. I honestly will be buying it cause I have loved every Marcum I have ever owe and each one gets better than the one before. Plus I can watch you tube and play angry bird and hill climb grin

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The LX-6 has a draw of 600 milliamps, so a 9 AH battery would get you 15 hours of use. If you somehow made it 39 hours, simple math would mean you had a battery with a capacity of 65 AH, which is getting close to the size of a group 24 deep cycle.

If Vexilar or HB came out with this I would be all over it like a fly on cake. It's about the innovation of the product, soon all the top brands will have something just like the RT9 and better in their arsenal and the competition between them will bring the prices down.

Since all the specs on the RT9 haven't even been released yet, I can't see how so many "experts" have it all figured out.

I don't recall the total run time hours of that 3 days mentioned, which is why I didn't list a total run time in my post, but I definitely don't think it was close to 39 hours; to be fair and more accurate I could have more intricately stated that I fished for 10-13 hours per day... I don't leave the unit running while I'm popping my next string of holes, walking on and off the lake, or switching between lakes, or run a timer while the unit is turned on, so I'm sorry for the confusion in the way I worded the post. If you're going to nit pick, why not choose the comment that said the RT9 will only last 45 minutes... that's a pretty big exaggeration. Or the one that said the LX9 only runs for 4 hours, when the MAX amp draw of 800 milliamps from an LX9 would give 12.5 hours of continuous run time on a 9amp battery... Key word Max Amp Draw in these specs. If you're getting less run time than the max amp draw says you should be getting either your battery isn't fully charged or it is beginning to decay.

The LX6 has a MAX amp draw of 600 milliamps, which is what you would expect from having the screen brightness at 100%. Mine is usually running at about 30% because that's all I need, (sometimes I turn it up to 40 or 50) in turn the actual amp draw is much less than that, and the run-time is much higher.

My whole original point, which has escalated so far from its position by nit-picking on tinsel thin-off topic "corrections" is that I don't think this unit is designed to compete with other tablets on the but rather as a multi-purpose ice fishing unit. I also don't believe it is marketed as an affordable unit that everyone should have, but it is offering a whole new option in electronics that many have been begging for. I am in no way saying anyone should buy this because it is the latest and greatest, I am simply trying to make an argument against why comparing this to an Ipad or Samsung Tablet is ridiculous. I'm not trying to pose as an expert, I'm just giving my opinion. I am not trying to sell anything, but just make sense of what has been said, and I certainly didn't sign up on this site so I could spend my days defending my comments because internet assassins apparently go fishing now too.

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I agree easy two day run time on my LX 6 never saw that with a mechanical flasher highly doubt that they are going to be that terrible. I know one thing and it has been mentioned here by many. This is what alot of us has asked for and then some for ice fishing. It give me the ability to use my ice depth finder year round. I ice fish all winter but I am in the boat probably 6 times a summer. I know the way I want to set it up right now with out a camera I will have about 1750 into it. I will be able to use it for both season. I don't knock the Lowrance touch one bit but that is still more I don't know were they are 2100 either. I don't have the high end stuff on my boat but it works this will supplement what I already have. The tablet thing is a bonus for me. I think it is awesome that it can be used as a tablet but that is not the reason I would be buy it either. I honestly will be buying it cause I have loved every Marcum I have ever owe and each one gets better than the one before. Plus I can watch you tube and play angry bird and hill climb grin

That's exactly my scenario man, I literally spent more time working on my boat this summer from the outside, than I spent inside and it is in definite need for an upgrade in electronics.(the screen size on my HB798 just isn't ideal) I will spend more time fishing in 1 week on the ice than I will in a whole summer, so throwing down big bucks on my boat is hard to justify. For me, getting an RT9 would mean I would have a 9" screen instead of the 5" from the 798 for my navigation charts on my boat or on the ice.(I'm going to assume for now that the navionics in the RT9 will allow you to mark waypoints) I would also be able to use a camera (that I currently don't have) and sonar in the boat or on the ice too and not have a cluttered mess. I understand a lot of people will already have a camera, or already have sweet electronics on their boat and already have a top of the line Vexlar and even a sweet Tablet with the fastest processor on the market. But I don't. If I did, I wouldn't want to lug it all around a frozen lake pulling a sled with all that and the auger, gas, rods, tackle, bait, scoops, the day's catch and sometimes the pop-up shelter and heater/propane... that's a lot of stuff as it is.

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Lol, so you can get 39 hours on your LX6? If you are going to exaggerate at least try to be somewhat close, we are a fairly educated bunch here at HSO.

The LX-6 has a draw of 600 milliamps, so a 9 AH battery would get you 15 hours of use. If you somehow made it 39 hours, simple math would mean you had a battery with a capacity of 65 AH, which is getting close to the size of a group 24 deep cycle.

Actually, "simple" math says that you need to MULTIPLY hours by amperage to get amp-hour ratings. So, to get 39 hours out of a battery at 600 milliamps, you need about 24 amp-hours (instead, you divided 39 by .6 to get 65). Of course this assumes you run the battery to 0 capacity, which is unlikely. Regarless, if you're going to be snarky on the internet, claiming that 'we're educated' and comment about 'simple' math, at least get the multiplication versus division correct!

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. Or the one that said the LX9 only runs for 4 hours, when the MAX amp draw of 800 milliamps from an LX9 would give 12.5 hours of continuous run time on a 9amp battery...

now I'm getting a bit irritated with your posts. Its interesting that you just start posting here and ALL of your posts are either on this topic or some other Marcum product.

If you are going to call out a post made by me at least comprehend what it contained. I called you out on the fact an lx9 could last "two full days" using camera AND sonar. I said "unless those days are 4 hrs". Meaning 8 hrs total because you were talking two days when I referenced someone I fished with and it was completely dead at end of day one (we fished approx 8 hrs that day camera used 0 times).

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CaptainMuskey relax we get it the Lowrance is awesome and you get it for $2100. However this post is about the Marcum RT-9. I don't know why you care so much about this issue. I get it you think it is over price etc. So far on this thread you have felt the need to argue about everything on a unit that is just coming out and not many people have had their hand on it or know what all it can do. If you felt that buying the Lowrance was best for you perfect that awesome you like what you have I am really happy for you enough said.

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Whatever iff, my comment has ZERO to do with what I think is best or my opinion. He clearly couldnt comprehend my prior post which was fact and called me out on it incorrectly. I could honestly care less what brand people buy. I have Marcum products. I love how they push the edge of technology but for someone to say an lx9 will last for two full days using camera AND sonar is flat wrong based on the experience I shared and others even confirmed yet I'm the bad guy? Lol BTW you could get a hds 9 for 2100 I don't have one. If you want me to locate multiple sources (since you think its possible) I can PM them to you. SMH

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