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Obama's open borders

Uncle Bill

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  • Duffman



All I heard was...

"If you like your gardeners, you can keep 'em."

-Barack Obama

So in other words we can't, because every word that comes out of this DBag's mouth is a lie.

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All I heard was...

"If you like your gardeners, you can keep 'em."

-Barack Obama

Some are just easily "Gruber'd".... smiley-pinocchio-liar.gif

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Because I challenged your spineless, yellow bellied idols to actually grow a pair and send some back where they came from?

Because you're a fraud.

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Because you're a fraud.

I'll start an official " Number of illegals that don't qualify for Obamnesty that the GOP has deported" tracker.

So far the ticker is at zero. Zilch. Nada.

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So in other words we can't, because every word that comes out of this DBag's mouth is a lie.

I don't think you get what jokes are.

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Seems we have been waiting for years for some type of border improvement and what to do with those in our country now.

The GOP could get nothing done and just maybe instead of always trying to fight Obama, maybe they could pass a bill that would start to deal with this issue.

For now, I am all in on Obama's plan he talked about last, it is a start, may not be perfect but much better than what we have now. If the GOP does not agree with this, pass something else and put it on Obama's desk for a signature.

Both sides seem to do nothing but fight over this or that and it is time both parties get down to business. Now the GOP will spend who knows how long fighting this new immigration law and they still are fighting over Obamacare. get over the Obamacare, there is nothing you can do about it until you can control in the House, Senate and have a GOP president. The country is suffering even more from their lack of work trying to stop this and that.

As far as the immigration law Obama used with his exc privilege, come up with something better other than a we will sue you or have you impeached, won't happen.

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Seems we have been waiting for years for some type of border improvement and what to do with those in our country now.

The GOP could get nothing done and just maybe instead of always trying to fight Obama, maybe they could pass a bill that would start to deal with this issue.

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You think this is funny or something?

That has nothing to do with my comment to you.

See, the joke in Duffman's comment is that a lot of us have lawn services that employ a large number of immigrants, and we would lose our lawn care service if the workers were all deported.

It's funny because of irony, hyperbole, and it's also a little edgy/pushing the boundary of PC or not.

The pic you posted of Obama is a lazy attempt at a joke. It's a joke though, I recognize that. It matters not if I find it funny.

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David Gergen, writing at CNN:

President Obama's executive order on immigration seems to move us into uncharted, dangerous waters.


the challenges of immigration policy do not represent a national emergency, nor do they touch upon the military authorities of a president. Rather, they represent the chronic, abysmal failures of politicians in Washington to govern well from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.


As Mark Krikorian writes in National Review, the Reagan and Bush examples were presidents trying to implement congressional directives, as is constitutionally permissible, whereas the current action is the President telling Congress "I'm going to implement my own directives."


Against the spirit of the Constitution

One can argue whether this executive order is legal, but it certainly violates the spirit of the founders. They intentionally focused Article One of the Constitution on the Congress and Article Two on the president. That is because the Congress is the body charged with passing laws and the president is the person charged with faithfully carrying them out.


For a president to toss aside such deep traditions of governance is a radical, imprudent step. When a president in day-to-day operations can decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore, where are the limits on his power? Where are the checks and balances so carefully constructed in the Constitution?


Sadly, we instead have an action from the White House that will cast a dark shadow over prospects for legislative cooperation, falls short of what the immigrant population had hoped and steers us into deep, unknown waters in our governance.

Obama's dangerous move on immigration

By David Gergen, CNN Senior Political Analyst


This could come back to bite the democrats right in the A$$...

Democrat or republicans do want the President to have this much power. confused

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See, the joke in Duffman's comment

Jokes are supposed to be funny. That wasn't.

And what that clown is doing to this country isn't a laughing matter, either.

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Jokes are supposed to be funny. That wasn't.

And what that clown is doing to this country isn't a laughing matter, either.

As you would say: So you're saying you not only don't understand what a joke is, you have no sense of humor.

Got it.


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Obama was duly elected twice by majorities of the American people. He's made fewer executive orders than G.W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. So, of course, he's a dictator.

I'm a little tired of one side crying so much because they lose presidential elections and don't want to play democracy anymore.

I'm happy we still have an automotive industry, we've grown the economy dramatically from 2008, Bin Laden is dead, we've extended healthcare to millions of Americans and finally slowed overall costs. Oh, and gas is less than $3 a gallon.

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Obama was duly elected twice by majorities of the American people.

Wrong, Despot breath.

In neither 2008 nor 2012 did Obama get a majority of the popular vote, which is only a fraction of the American People. For example in 2008 he got 59,948k votes or 45.6% of the popular vote.


Next time check your facts before bloviating

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Jokes are supposed to be funny. That wasn't.

And what that clown is doing to this country isn't a laughing matter, either.

its funny how you carry on like you have any sort of credibility. Your role on this forum is comparable to crazy Uncle Gary: just let you ramble for a minute so the rest of us can move on.

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This could come back to bite the democrats right in the A$$...

Democrat or republicans do want the President to have this much power. confused

Sorry, that ship sailed a long time ago.

Not that it bothers me that the GOP is giving him a hard time over it. But their memory is very short when it comes to their president and their agenda.


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Obama was duly elected twice by majorities of the American people. He's made fewer executive orders than G.W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. So, of course, he's a dictator.

I'm a little tired of one side crying so much because they lose presidential elections and don't want to play democracy anymore.

I'm happy we still have an automotive industry, we've grown the economy dramatically from 2008, Bin Laden is dead, we've extended healthcare to millions of Americans and finally slowed overall costs. Oh, and gas is less than $3 a gallon.

As the number of hopeychangers dwindle, the few remaining become more and more entertaining to watch.

Save for the <3.00 a gallon gas, it appears this poster is trying to Gruber us.

Sadly for him, the public isn't buying it, anymore

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Obama was duly elected twice by majorities of the American people. He's made fewer executive orders than G.W. Bush or Ronald Reagan. So, of course, he's a dictator.

I'm a little tired of one side crying so much because they lose presidential elections and don't want to play democracy anymore.

I'm happy we still have an automotive industry, we've grown the economy dramatically from 2008, Bin Laden is dead, we've extended healthcare to millions of Americans and finally slowed overall costs. Oh, and gas is less than $3 a gallon.

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its funny how you carry on like you have any sort of credibility.

I understand you're butthurt after the Nov 4th bloodbath but that's rich, especially coming from a supporter of the left-wing moonbat party who has done everything WE said six years ago that it would and doesn't have enough credibility left to get the local dog catcher elected if he had a 'D' behind his name.

Now go lie by your dish and keep quiet. The adults are in charge again and have work to do fixing everything your party f'd up.

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Those who were opponents of this president are now being proven right about him each passing day. The good news is the public now can see it. The bad news is it took them so long. Now the administration is now being forced to admit they inflated the enrollment numbers for ObamaCare.

This latest of granting amnesty by EO is simply his expression of anger at the public for rejecting him. The proof of that is he did what he has said in the past he cannot do. None of this corruption and ineptness comes as a surprise to some of us. This was the same guy who denies Gruber was very influential in crafting ObamaCare despite proof positive he was that denied hearing Wright's sermons or knowing Ayres

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I understand you're butthurt after the Nov 4th bloodbath but that's rich, especially coming from a supporter of the left-wing moonbat party who has done everything WE said six years ago that it would and doesn't have enough credibility left to get the local dog catcher elected if he had a 'D' behind his name.

Now go lie by your dish and keep quiet. The adults are in charge again and have work to do fixing everything your party f'd up.

Oh, now, Chicken Little, just relax. I had no real horse in this race. Glad you are so joyous for a change. Kind of like the Dems were in 2006 with an unpopular President. And if I was to dig up FM posts then, you'd probably be there trying to spin the results of that election. Go ahead and pin me with those labels.

By the way, are these the same adults that led us into the Iraq fiasco, Plamegate, the largest expansion of federal government in American history, lies of so called death panels, threaten the credit rating of our country in a tantrum about a Supreme Court approved law, bail outs, and the policies which helped bring on the 2008 Economic crisis? Still trying to find the "adults" here . . . . . . .but carry on.

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By the way, are these the same adults that led us into the Iraq fiasco, Plamegate, the largest expansion of federal government in American history, lies of so called death panels, threaten the credit rating of our country in a tantrum about a Supreme Court approved law, bail outs, and the policies which helped bring on the 2008 Economic crisis? Still trying to find the "adults" here . . . . . . .but carry on.

No, I'm talking about the largest tax increase in American history, IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA spying, DOJ tapping of journalist's computers and phones, cash for clunkers, shovel ready jobs, red lines, Solyndra, EPA running unchecked, letting Iraq collapse into ISIS' hands, and now blatantly disregarding the Constitution to make his "fruit picker" supporters happy... Shall I go on?

Like TJ said, the remaining hangers-on are making this a hoot. Please, do "carry on" and continue to believe you have any sort of credibility whatsoever defending a president and party who can't seem to agree on their ideal path to failure. I'm enjoying the spectacle.

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They need billions more!!!


Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto and Central American leaders hailed U.S. President Barack Obama's sweeping immigration reforms on Friday, with the Mexican leader calling them the "most important measures taken in several decades."

Obama's plan, unveiled on Thursday, eases the threat of deportation for some 4.7 million immigrants who are in the United States without legal documents.

"This is an act of justice which recognizes the great contribution of millions of Mexicans to the development of our neighbor," Pena Nieto told a conference in Mexico.

Most of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States come from Mexico and Central America.

Leaders across Central America were also quick to praise Obama's plan. But they urged U.S. lawmakers to approve a deeper reform to give lasting security to the millions of undocumented people in the United States.

"This temporary relief is a great step in the right direction from the United States to resolve the migratory issues of 11 million people, and so we urge Congress to permanently resolve their status by approving a deep immigration reform," the office of Honduran President Juan Hernandez said in a statement on Friday.

More than a million Hondurans live in the United States, most of them illegally, the statement said, and the Obama plan "sends a powerful message of solidarity with Latin America."

Guatemalan President Otto Perez also applauded the plan, saying it would benefit roughly 100,000 Guatemalans in the United States. Nonetheless, Perez urged Guatemalans not to fall for misinformation spread by people smugglers or "coyotes."

Rumors of a U.S. amnesty for mothers and children helped drive a surge in unaccompanied minors arriving from Central America at the U.S. border last summer, sparking a political crisis in the United States.

Honduras' Hernandez and Guatemala's Perez have said both countries will need billions of dollars in U.S. aid and investment to stem the tide of migrants heading north.

In September, Central American leaders presented a plan to boost economic growth in the region and cut illegal immigration to the United States. But the plan hinged on major spending on infrastructure and energy projects in the impoverished region.

El Salvador's Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez also saw Obama's immigration rule changes as a positive step, but vowed to keep up pressure for a more permanent solution.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • gimruis
      The guys in that tourney aren't permitted to use live bait though.  That makes a substantial difference.  Clear water and pressure with nothing but artificial lures makes for a difficult bite.   I don't have a theory as to why the average size of smallmouth on Vermilion is declining.  The common explanation would be too many smaller fish are gobbling up resources and there isn't enough for bigger ones, but that doesn't seem like a plausible answer in a big lake like Vermilion.  Certainly people aren't keeping plus sized smallmouth either.  That far north, it takes a bass about 10 years to reach 5 pounds/20 inches in size.
    • Rick G
      St Cloud has a good access at Wilson park,  Sartell has a nice access off NE River Rd,  another access above Blanchard dam on East side off Hilton Rd  and at Lindbergh state park...Little Falls  has a access right above the dam.   Water is pretty high and dirty.  Crayfish colors have been good again this week.  Smallies have been using anything available that breaks the current so finding them most days has been pretty easy
    • Brianf.
      Interesting...   You're doing better than most.  The biggest bass weighed-in during the recent MN Bass Federation tourney was only 4.33lbs.   The winning bag was less then 20lbs.  To have several over 5lbs during your trip is pretty special.   Congrats!  
    • Jetsky
      Question.  I have guests coming who may want to fish for muskies.  I've cast for them in August along shorelines and at rock piles.   Do I fish for them that way in June?   Should I troll shorelines or drop offs for them?  Thanks.
    • partyonpine
      Yeah was up for a week.   As other alluded to the weather was brutal.  Did catch some larger walleyes on slip bobbers on windy points in under 5 feet of water.  As for minnows they were at Lucky seven in Virginia and Grubens has some nice minnows as well.  Smallmouth fishing was terrific given the circumstances.  
    • partyonpine
      Brian   That is funny and shows how things are anecdotal.  Just got back from a week we caught as many fish as we wanted, however our average size was 16.5-17 inches.  While no 6 pounders we did score several 5 pounders.  We did not catch any or very few fish under 14  inches all week.  I was just commenting that the average size has increased substantially.  We were throwing larger artificial and live bait but again did not really catch any small smallmouth.  Fished smallies for 5-6 hours each day and walleyes at night.  Overall was slow but the weather was horrendous.  Did go home with enough walleye to satisfy me.  
    • Brianf.
      I haven't been up to fish smallmouth  in a couple weeks.  My partner and I caught about 300 over the  course of those two days.  That sounds great - and it is if you like numbers. However, few of those fish were over 3 pounds and even fewer were over 4 pounds.  Most of our catch comprised fish between one and a half to 2 1/2 pounds.   I've been fishing the lake for 20+ years and feel that the size structure of the smallmouth in the lake has changed quite a bit during that time.  When I first started targeting smallmouth 20 years ago, half our bag seemed to be comprised of four pounders - and five pounders were in the mix with an occasional six pounder here and there. I haven't caught a 5 pound smallmouth bass in five years on Lake Vermilion!   They are a daily occurrence on places like Mille Lacs and in Door Co.   What has changed on Lake Vermilion?     I have some theories about why the size structure has changed, though curious what others are seeing.  Anyone have thoughts about the state of the smallmouth fishery on Lake V? 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Don't forget about the times that they unwittingly fly into your fishing line.   Normally I would say that ebbs and flows in food source would be a good sign. However, even with this bountiful mosquito population available there just really aren't enough bats around for the natural cycle to capitalize on it to any noticeable degree. The DNR says that roughly 90% of the bat population in the Soudan mine has died off. If that 90% is representative of the entire area, even a mosquito all-you-can-eat-buffet will not bring the bats back for many years.   Hopefully the little guys can make a comeback.
    • Dash 1
      Made it back to the chain today. Sunfish are spawning but finding them in the thick weeds is nearly impossible. My main reason to get out was to test my minnkota after rewiring it. It definitely made the difference. Never shut down once and I ran it for several hours.  Now I just need to relearn how to catch fish.😂
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   A good week of walleye fishing with some big fish caught along with good eaters.  All of that despite some fronts that came through and lots of wind.  Being in a charter boat a few days this week was an advantage for sure.     Wherever you fish, there are days the wind will blow.  Here are some good options for anglers when the wind blows on LOW.   -Fish on a big charter boat -Fish the 42 miles of navigable Rainy River -Bays such as Four Mile, Bostic and Zippel Bay -Slide behind one of the thousands of islands that being up at the NW Angle -Trailer your boat to a leeward boat ramp and fish that shoreline A jig and frozen emerald shiner was the go to presentation for walleyes.  Most boats are anchored up and vertically jigging.  Some are starting to use spinners and minnows or crawlers with success.  This pattern will pick up steam as the walleyes are starting to transition with warming waters. Walleyes have been caught this week in various depths.  As a rule, 21 - 32 feet of water was still the range.  Again, various areas across the lake are holding fish.   Various rock reefs have been good.  Fish are transitioning to mud as the season progresses. On the Rainy River...  The river is flowing strong right now as water is being released from the dam which controls its flow.  With the heavier current, fish are being found in areas with a current break.  Even a slight break that still has current is a fish attractor when the water is moving.   Jigging with a minnow, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.   Casting to shoreline structure and even docks is also an effective method.   For those who like fishing for dinosaurs, the sturgeon season opens July 1st. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing amongst the island area of Lake of the Woods.  Guides fishing the Canada side of LOW reported big numbers of walleyes along with a mixed bag.   Minnesota waters also produced good fish.  Many of the walleyes are being found in deeper than normal water for this time of year, in that 22 - 28 feet.  As hatches begin and shiners begin to spawn, there will be some shallow water opportunities as well. The goto presentation continues to be a jig and minnow.  Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers and trolling crankbaits also putting walleyes in the fry pan.     As is common in these parts, a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass being caught.   Muskie anglers, the season opens on both sides of the lake Saturday, June 15th.  A glorious day for those who target the almighty predators!  
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