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Gov Dayton


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It really works well for us. Elections are expensive and the big town of avoca saves major coin by not paying election judges. Everyone mails ballots to the county. I recommend other areas looking into it.

How do you keep track of who gets ballots, and who fills them out and returns them? Colorado seems to be having a little issue with that.

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If it's "not really that close", I wonder why Dayton's billionaire ex-wife pumped $880,000 into his campaign in the last 30 days...

Meh, because the final month is when you normally pump the most money into a campaign. I doubt it is anything unusual.

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If it's "not really that close" then why bother? It's not like it's $500 or even $5000...it's almost a million dollars.

Yeah, she can afford it, but why pony up that much cash if it's a forgone conclusion like the DFL and state-run media would lead you to believe?

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I think its done to make sure it stays "not close". Eric Cantor was cruising to a win, took his eye off the ball... Hillary was cruising...

Next door to me Martha Coakley, an absolute lock first for the senate criused to a loss to Brown, and appears to have cruised herself right out of the governorship. You spend a million to NOT be a Coakley.

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You are grasping dude. Just be content your boys... and a few girls.... are going to control the houses. Hopefully, for all our sakes they will actually walk the fiscal talk and not get muddled down in ministers, gays, killing babies before they are borne, trying to invade every planet on this earth, and simply anything other than the Obamola blame game.....am skeptical, but sincerely wish you/us well.

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Hopefully you have your hidden arsenal ready to defeat all your conspiracies next wed morning after your world comes tumbling down. In all of your rhetoric I have not once read a post by you saying something positive about your side, it has been all defamation to the other side. Complainers get nowhere, problem solvers are winners. If T-paw had not sat on his arse his entire term you may not look so bad, unfortunately reality sucks for you right now. Good luck LMITOUT

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If it's "not really that close" then why bother? It's not like it's $500 or even $5000...it's almost a million dollars.

Yeah, she can afford it, but why pony up that much cash if it's a forgone conclusion like the DFL and state-run media would lead you to believe?

These people put together a marketing plan long before election polls are announced. I'm sure this money was slated to be spent and the media was purchased over a year ago. This stuff doesn't happen last minute.

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They said the same thing before

Yep ... it's the old "Minnesota is in play !!!" delusion/fund raising angle.

Last heard on October 28, 2012, 2 years to the day of the above post !!!

2 years TO THE DAY.


BHO won by 8 points.

But hey, don't listen to me GOPers.

Now's the time to step up and write your guy a big fat check.

Your dollars could make the difference.

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If it's "not really that close", I wonder why Dayton's billionaire ex-wife pumped $880,000 into his campaign in the last 30 days...

Wonder how a guy gets an ex-wife that generous in the first place. Must be true love.

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Wonder how a guy gets an ex-wife that generous in the first place. Must be true love.

I'm sure there's nothing in it for her, nothing. whistle


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Wonder how a guy gets an ex-wife that generous in the first place. Must be true love.

For her it is nothing, like me throwing a few bucks in the red kettle on the way into Walmart.

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Meanwhile Alida keeps writing those checks for a candidate who's got it wrapped up...

Meanwhile.........you obviously don't know anything about marketing or media buying.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Donor No. 1

Wow. Talk about you heavyweight campaign contributor. A single individual--Rockefeller-heiress and ex-wife of Governor Mark Dayton, Alida Messinger--has contributed more than $2 million this election cycle to the Minnesota Democrat cause.

I’m not claiming that this represents all of her donations the last two years, but here is what I have documented to date:

Alida Messinger DFL Donations

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Meanwhile.........you obviously don't know anything about marketing or media buying.

Meanwhile....you obviously don't know anything about politics. *spoiler alert*

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A single individual--Rockefeller-heiress and ex-wife of Governor Mark Dayton, Alida Messinger--has contributed more than $2 million this election cycle to the Minnesota Democrat cause.

Funny how the left is against big corporations and big oil, however they have no problem accepting massive campaign funds from an individual that is extremely wealthy because of big oil. whistle

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I will serve up another H&F that is supplying the Democrats with $100 million in financing. Earned his money in the coal game. The left has no problem accepting money made polluting developing nations, however the Koch brothers are evil. crazy

Meet Tom Steyer.

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Were you aware that Governor Dayton proposed a huge middle-class income tax hike?

30 October 2014.

Note: this commentary was rejected by the editors of MinnPost and the Star Tribune.

Were you aware that Governor Dayton proposed a huge middle-class income tax hike?

If you were unaware of the Dayton tax hike proposal, you are not alone. The local media never reported it.

Dayton’s first budget proposal as Governor was to create a new 10.95% income tax bracket for "rich" people: individuals making over $85,000 and married couples making over $150,000 in taxable income. That doesn't seem like it would affect the middle class, but it would. You see, Governor Dayton's huge tax hike was not indexed for inflation. So, while salaries and prices will naturally continue to climb, the new tax bracket threshold would stay at $85,000 for individuals and $150,000 for married couples. Eventually the entire middle would be taxed at the new 10.95% rate.

One could argue that not indexing the tax increase to inflation was a mistake by Dayton. However, Deputy Revenue Commissioner Matt Massman testified in committee that not indexing it to inflation (Link to final tax policy.pdf) was a "policy choice” made by Dayton to "have a permanent revenue solution going forward."

This "solution" would be "permanent" because under Dayton’s budget proposal, inflation would move additional middle class taxpayers into the 10.95% tax bracket every year. There would be little need to actually raise rates again because every year more taxpayers would be bumped into the top tier by virtue of inflation, even if their income remained stagnant. Today's $45,000 a year job is tomorrow's $90,000 a year job for the same reason a hamburger doesn't cost 15 cents anymore. Dayton’s proposed bracket creep would not end until all Minnesota income taxpayers eventually paid the 10.95% rate......

Dayton’s middle class income tax proposal is not the only example of Governor Dayton supporting middle class tax hikes.


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Yeah, yeah yeah..and eventually we are all gonna die too. This is a bogus argument and I see why the piece was rejected. It presumes there would NEVER be any changes to tax policy as years went by and incomes rose.

Am not necessarily a Dayton fan but would like to see valid arguments used in attempts to defeat him.

And as people make more money they are GOING to pay more taxes. We will need additional revenues to pay for all the bleeding heart social programs and to cover the costs of all the various "refugees" the state seems hell bent to drag into the tent.

Move from most other states INTO Minnesota if you want a kick in the teeth tax-wise.

We should have signs at the border "Welcome to Minnesota-Bring money"

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The trouble with the "tax the rich" crowd is they need to keep moving the goalposts to make things actually work. Well, sort of work..

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How do you keep track of who gets ballots, and who fills them out and returns them? Colorado seems to be having a little issue with that.

Late with the response, I know.

The county auditor mails the ballots to the registered voters of Avoca. When you fill yours out in front of a witness, you put it in a little envelope and seal it. Put that envelope in another envelope. On the second envelope there's an area for you to fill out your name and address and witness signature. This ballot bundle gets either mailed or you can hand deliver them to the county auditors office.

I'm not famaliar with the situation in Colorado.

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Late with the response, I know.

The county auditor mails the ballots to the registered voters of Avoca. When you fill yours out in front of a witness, you put it in a little envelope and seal it. Put that envelope in another envelope. On the second envelope there's an area for you to fill out your name and address and witness signature. This ballot bundle gets either mailed or you can hand deliver them to the county auditors office.

I'm not famaliar with the situation in Colorado.

It is basically the same, except they have an issue with people moving or dying etc and the ballots ending up with whoever. A couple of signatures and it is good to go.

How does the County assure that the voting rolls are accurate and up to date? One advantage of having to physically show up to vote or get an absentee ballot is it cuts down some on voting the cemetery.

If the county mails them, what actions do they take to assure the actual people get them and return them? What keeps college students from voting there and at school, especially out of state? What would keep someone from buying ballots?

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I don't know how the county does it all. All I really know is that it's basicially an absentee ballot.

I do know this much, however. When my 3 kids were 18 and living with me they were registered voters, and got ballots mailed to them at my house. After they left, ballots no longer showed up for them. How this happens I have no clue.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • knoppers
      when I was guiding for Dan Gapen on the river, we kept the smaller smallmouth for shore lunch. they taste like any other fish.
    • leech~~
      Church is tomorrow, you may want to go get that mind cleaned out!🤭
    • CigarGuy
      Leech, let's try to keep this site PG!😂
    • leech~~
      I've never kept and eaten a small mouth and have only kept 2 large mouth my whole life.  One I mounted and the other I eat just to see what they were like.  But that just me. Well, I've never eaten a rock bass or dog fish either! 😆
    • EyeWannabee
      After 15+ yrs going to pike bay lodge every June I have noticed many more bass anglers in the resort.  Also notice many 15-18” smallmouth in the cleaning shack.  I would estimate on a daily average 4 of 5 buckets of entrails are of smallmouths vs walleye or pike.  Not sure how it is at other resorts but if folks are taking the larger fish for fish fry it could explain the smaller average size of smallies being caught.  Just my 2 cents.  Largest smallie brought in my boat this year was 19” but fewer 17-18” fish than past years.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Sounds like it's time to start keeping the smaller smallies for lunch.
    • SkunkedAgain
      With two muskies under my belt, my best advice is to fish for pike and bass and then let a giant muskie come chomp down on said pike/bass as you reel it in. 🙂   Unfortunately I have no other good advice.
    • gimruis
      The guys in that tourney aren't permitted to use live bait though.  That makes a substantial difference.  Clear water and pressure with nothing but artificial lures makes for a difficult bite.   I don't have a theory as to why the average size of smallmouth on Vermilion is declining.  The common explanation would be too many smaller fish are gobbling up resources and there isn't enough for bigger ones, but that doesn't seem like a plausible answer in a big lake like Vermilion.  Certainly people aren't keeping plus sized smallmouth either.  That far north, it takes a bass about 10 years to reach 5 pounds/20 inches in size.
    • Rick G
      St Cloud has a good access at Wilson park,  Sartell has a nice access off NE River Rd,  another access above Blanchard dam on East side off Hilton Rd  and at Lindbergh state park...Little Falls  has a access right above the dam.   Water is pretty high and dirty.  Crayfish colors have been good again this week.  Smallies have been using anything available that breaks the current so finding them most days has been pretty easy
    • Brianf.
      Interesting...   You're doing better than most.  The biggest bass weighed-in during the recent MN Bass Federation tourney was only 4.33lbs.   The winning bag was less then 20lbs.  To have several over 5lbs during your trip is pretty special.   Congrats!  
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