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Gov Dayton


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I guess you don't need tax cuts when you stash your inherited trust fund across the border to avoid MN taxes.

Hypocrite and Fraud.

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I guess you don't need tax cuts when you stash your inherited trust fund across the border to avoid MN taxes.

Hypocrite and Fraud.

Much like the gun show laws, you seem to have trouble grasping tax laws also. What is it you don't understand about where the tax obligation lies when the trust fund distributes the money? Dayton pays Minnesota taxes on every dollar distributed to him by the trust his grandfather set up.

I've pointed this out many times and yet you still can't seem to comprehend how this works.

You are the poster child for low information voters.

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"We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money."

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Ahh, again with the gun show laws you have shown time and time again that you know absolutely nothing about, except using weasel words to dance around the topic in an effort to prove you are right...which you are not.

Dayton pays Minnesota taxes on every dollar distributed to him by the trust his grandfather set up.

Then why establish the fund in SD?

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Ahh, again with the gun show laws you have shown time and time again that you know absolutely nothing about, except using weasel words to dance around the topic in an effort to prove you are right...which you are not.
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And why did he?

Regardless, Dayton (much like Obama) hasn't had to do a day of work in his life and knows nothing of the middle class. He's out of touch (just like his voters) and is nothing more than a puppet for the unions.

So why not give the link to that discussion and show everyone how wrong I was?

Sorry, I don't bookmark my conquests.

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Regardless, Dayton (much like Obama) hasn't had to do a day of work in his life and knows nothing of the middle class. He's out of touch (just like his voters) and is nothing more than a puppet for the unions.
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Leave LMITOUT alone, the blinders he keeps talking about are his own which his side broke in on him, he knows nothing else, its not his fault (it never is). We will love and support him (and his cause always) after all it is much easier to win by constantly attacking the other side like he does instead of actually standing up and taking a stance for something that may eventually come back to haunt you.

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Leave LMITOUT Dayton alone, the blinders he keeps talking about are his own which his side broke in on him, he knows nothing else, its not his fault (it never is). We will love and support him (and his cause always) after all it is much easier to win by constantly attacking the other side like he does instead of actually standing up and taking a stance for something that may eventually come back to haunt you.


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The numbers…

Dayton is stuck at 45 percent—which is exactly the same spot he was at in the last Star Tribune poll taken in early September. Dayton has plateaued and hit his ceiling of support, and he cannot win with 45 percent.

Even better, Jeff is on the rise and has closed the gap to 7 points. What’s more, 10 percent of voters remain undecided, which is more than enough for Jeff to overtake Dayton on Election Day.

More good news about the poll…

Any political analyst will tell you that an incumbent below 50 percent in the polls this late in the campaign is in deep trouble. Dayton is stuck at 45 percent.

Dayton’s name identification is 100 percent, but he can’t crack 45 percent…and 10 percent of voters remain undecided. These undecided voters will not vote for Dayton. Political analysts consistently say that undecided voters almost always break hard for the challenger—and this is especially the case when the incumbent is so well known, as Dayton is in Minnesota.

The more people see and get to know Jeff, the more they like him. With our ads on the air now, Jeff has risen 5 points since the last poll…and we still have a lot of room for growth. On Thursday, we launched three new ads (with tailored messages to different regions of the state) and made our largest television buy of the campaign—positioning Jeff to peak at the perfect time.

The political environment strongly favors Republicans this year, yet the Star Tribune poll projects Democrats having a 6 point turnout advantage or in other words, according this poll, indicates democrats will be more enthusiastic about coming to the polls this year than republicans. Which if it were true, why did the democrats bring in Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and Joe Biden? Simply stated, the Democrats are worried about their voters showing up at the polls. It’s very likely that Jeff is in an even stronger position than this poll shows.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

The funny thing is that about 50% of people in this state only know that they have a Governor, his name is Dayton and he gives them stuff!

They don't know or care that he has become brain dead and that he can't keep giving away the state for ever! His goody bag only holds so much then someone has to pay to fill it again! whistle

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Higher taxes on Gaming? the casinos don't pay the state do they? What gaming are they talking about?

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Yes, I think.

I'd have to do a bit more research into that area but I don't have time right now, got a few things on my plate. However, from what i understand ( I'm a dimwit) gambling earnings are taxed at a higher rate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I had no idea, so that is why I asked, being a non-gambler I have no reason to know.

(off to google)

Ah, it is due to Minnesota's Alternative Minimum Tax

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Gambling tax waz bout 40% last time I went (long time ago) same as tax on bonuses through employers

Tax hikes on smokes, top 1% ers in state, threw out stipid marriage penalty, I see zero problems, should b A+

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So a guy does a good job at work, gets a bonus, and has to give almost half to the government.

No problem?

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

So a guy does a good job at work, gets a bonus, and has to give almost half to the government.

No problem?

Comrade Eric, now is that any way to build a stronger Union? We all work to one goal me friend. All work hard and should share in the bonus of our work for the state! smile

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What? Tax on bonuses is higher than normal payroll tax? I never realized that and I derive a good portion of my income from bonuses.

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Big Dave 2, see above pic

LMItout, who took that pic of you? Which side did you really want all to see?

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So a guy does a good job at work, gets a bonus, and has to give almost half to the government.

No problem?

First, slightly

Second love how all ya like to nit pick, what about the REST Eric?

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • smurfy
      yeppers......nuttin more aggravating the boat motor issues!!!!!!!   what was the problem the first time???????
    • Hookmaster
      Nice fish Kettle. Hope it's really "fixed" next time.
    • Rivergroup
      Our group will be returning in September as well. Wish we were able to be there now to lend a hand.
    • smurfy
      dang...tough to hear..........hope the good people up there recover soon!!!!!!!!!
    • MarkB
      We just returned this afternoon from 6 days on Vermilion. We arrived Saturday and enjoyed 3 fantastic days of walleye fishing. My cousin, our friend Greg, and myself fished several of our spring spots and found fish on all of them. Water temperatures were pretty much 65-67 degrees everywhere we fished. The wind was variable and made boat control a challenge at times. Bait was not an issue and we had success on crawlers(Tim), leeches(Greg), and minnows(me). If I had to pick one of those as catching the most fish, it would be crawlers. Our best day totalled 48 walleyes, 4 smallmouth, and 2 big JUMBOS. We ended up with over a hundred walleyes, 12 jumbos 11"-13", and 10 smallmouth to 18". Our biggest walleye was 24.5" and the balance went from 13"-22". There are lots of 14"-16" walleyes this year which are perfect eaters. The mayfly hatch was in full bloom in some areas but we found very few mayflies in the water column over rock reefs. We caught our fish in depths ranging from 10' to 32'. I didn't fish in any area where I could see mayflies top to bottom in the water column. Slow trolling in the .3mph to .6mph worked and we caught nothing using slip bobbers. Terminal tackle was a 3'-4' 10# flurocarbon leader, 2 lime colored beads, and a plain #6 Gamakatsu walleye hook . Snags are always an issue when fishing in and around the rocks and when the fish are biting they are acceptable. NOW, for the bad news.......Tuesday was a day I won't soon forget. The area suffered devastating torrential rainfall. Lightning was non-stop for several hours and when things settled down, flood damage was everywhere. We checked our rain guage on the side of the cabin and we got 7 3/4 " in a little over 4 hours! Breezy Point road washed out, Mud Creek road washed out as did several others in the area. Cooke business area was completely covered with flood water. I would consider it a disaster area and should be declared as such. We couldn't find a dock anywhere that wasn't covered with water. People were stranded behind flood covered and washed out roads. Dock decking, limbs and such were floating everywhere in the big water. My group sends our prayers to the people of that beautiful country that lost their businesses, homes, and suffered damage to their lake properties. The people of that north country are resilient and we have confidence that they will recover. We stayed our final 3 days but didn't fish at all Tuesday. Our last 2 days showed the effects of the storm. Water temps dropped to 64 degrees and our premo fishing became 10 walleye days. We did manage to catch a dozen really nice jumbos. We plan on returning in September and we pray the area will have returned to normal by then. I haven't figured out how to transfer photos from my phone to my computer yet so no pictures at this time. Good Fishing and God be with you. MarkB
    • SkunkedAgain
      Word is that the river has peaked and therefore the town can start the process of recovering sooner.
    • smurfy
      Heard that too. Also heard 38 was closed for a but north of rapids due to flooding.    I know the water really came up when I was up last week compared to when I was there in April. 
    • Kettle
      Someone said 4 inches in the past week, more expected this weekend. A few roads, including county roads that are asphalt ended up with sink holes. Lakes are the highest I've ever seen in the 30+ years coming to the area and now living here. Several people lost trees Tues night
    • smurfy
      Dang Kettle  that bites. Great to hear fishing was good though.   How much rain you get up that way?
    • Dash 1
      50 in 6 hours is great. Boat issues really put a damper on a great day though. Hope you get it fixed quickly.  
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