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Gov Dayton


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The good news for you is that you will have another four years to whine about Gov. Dayton.

Yep. Another four years on brainless liberal autopilot thanks to brainless liberals voting for him.

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  • delcecchi


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  • swamptiger


It constantly amazes me the amount of complaining that resides here, if you dont like the winner maybe your side should find a better candidate. The reality of recent history is though that the other party is so out of touch and off base they cant even get together to decide what the party stands for, let alone a person to stand for it. 3 people in primary and no one ran away with it again. Dont keep blaming the winners for your losing desiveness.

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If I don't like the winner, perhaps it is because the majority of those who voted didn't agree with me, for reasons of their own. A "better candidate" probably wouldn't help that.

For example, if 55% of the people are in favor of raising taxes on the other 45% in order to provide money for the government to provide more services and more transfer payments, no "better candidate" who doesn't agree will get their vote.

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The reality of recent history is though that the other party is so out of touch and off base they cant even get together to decide what the party stands for,

Speaking of brainless liberals...

Who's out of touch?


Yeah, this state. And 30 years later nothing has changed. Still on brainless liberal autopilot.

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It constantly amazes me the amount of complaining that resides here, if you dont like the winner maybe your side should find a better candidate.

It's much easier for the bitter to call the opposition brainless. Complaining is all some people have to contribute.

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Yeah, this state. And 30 years later nothing has changed. Still on brainless liberal autopilot.

Before Dayton, who was the last Democratic Gov.?

And you complain about the brainless? laugh

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This post reminds me of the old joke:

How many republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Five - One to do the work and four to talk about how good the old one was.

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Love your same ole song n dance LMITOUT, your sides failure to change with the times continues to speak volumes. Still complaining about a chart 30 years ago, must not get out much. Truth be told im hardly a party hardliner but red continues to see red cause they fail to realistically acknowledge future. I will admit Obama has not been seeing it super clear recently either, he does seem to b mailing it in lately.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

It's just kind of funny how the Dem's jump all over Mills for coming from a family of wealth, but not say a word about Gov Goofy and where he came from!

"A native of Minnesota, Dayton is the great-grandson of businessman George Dayton, the founder of Dayton's, a department store that later became the Target Corporation. Graduating from Yale University in 1969 and married Alida Rockefeller Messinger, a member of the Rockefeller family"

H & F's! whistle

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Leech, you can go round and round with that argument, maybe the,question should be why are they not going after Dayton that way? Dont critisize the winner for being smart, question the loser for not being smarter (or what the democracy wants) confused).

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"We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

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Yep, and amateurcommie, Kidd, and Canon are all standing in the bucket waiting for everyone else to do the heavy lifting.

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Leech, you can go round and round with that argument, maybe the,question should be why are they not going after Dayton that way?

Are you actually that naive?

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What's he so afraid of?

Losing the election.

If the polls are correct, and I believe they are, he's going on to win a second term. By avoiding these questions regarding MnSure,the stategery makes sense from a purely political perspective.

He just has to get through the next two weeks without saying something stupid and he's in.That's why he avoids anything having to do with discussing MNSure especially without being coached first. Eventually, it will catch up to him but probably not till after he's re elected.

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Ha! Classic.

From the King of Derp himself.

I love the fact that you have been trying to take over the Derp meme for a while now, even though most of us already know that the internet has recoginzed that The Derp Dynasty has been your side all along.

I'm still waiting for the day when you guys will claim you were always for gay marriage.

Just wait for it..........wait for it.......


(I will admit that Dayton rocks the Derp Face quite well though)


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Minnesota: For governor, Jeff Johnson: Pioneer Press editorial

Since DFL domination began two years ago, we have beat the drum loudly in favor of the checks and balances afforded by divided government in Minnesota.

Unchecked, Democrats -- controlling the state House of Representatives, state Senate and governor's office for the first time in more than 20 years -- have increased taxes and state spending, unwisely placing the state's business climate at further risk. Therefore:

-- We support Republican Jeff Johnson for governor.

-- We're convinced Minnesotans will be better served by a House that returns to a Republican majority. It will take only seven seats to do so. With state senators not up for re-election until 2016, the Senate will remain in DFL control.

In conversations after his nomination, before the primary and at our conference table, Johnson impressed us as a thoughtful, capable public servant, a man well qualified to serve as the state's chief executive.

The limited-government approach espoused by the lone conservative on the Hennepin County Board is the one best suited to a Minnesota business climate already beset by high taxes and regulation. His approach represents an uphill battle. What would be called admirable restraint in the private sector gets tagged as "austerity" -- or worse -- in the public sphere. Limiting trips to the punch bowl is a hard sell. It can be a downer to explain that forcing employers to pay higher wages will in many cases result in fewer employees.

But we favor the restraint Johnson represents because, long-term, it makes Minnesota more competitive, and that means more jobs and opportunity.

Johnson acknowledges that the state's unemployment rate is lower than the national average, but he contends that doesn't get at the real issue: the under-employment rate. About 50 percent of Minnesotans, he told us, "are in a job that they don't really want to have, but they can't find anything better. And that is not the sign of a strong economy."

The valuable local-government experience he brings includes "skills at figuring out how to actually accomplish something when the vast majority of your colleagues don't agree with you," said Johnson, who also is a former state representative from Plymouth and an attorney who worked for Cargill handling labor and employment law matters.

He is a believer in what should be the goal of tax reform -- make taxes low, broad and simple -- and he pledges to work to streamline and scale back regulations, including licensing and permitting, where it's prudent and the legislative balance of power allows.

Those should be welcome moves for the state's business community, which argues that current policies, including significant increases in taxes, health care and other costs, hurt our ability to compete here at home and around the globe. Sixty-two percent of employers participating in the Minnesota Business Barometer Survey released earlier this month identified taxes as the major barrier to job creation.

When it comes to education and addressing the achievement gap between the state's white students and their peers of color, Johnson asserts, correctly, that money alone isn't the answer. He's a believer, for example, in the teacher-tenure reform that would base layoffs, when needed, on teacher effectiveness, not seniority. Minnesota could see new hope for such reforms under Republican leadership not beholden to organized labor.

As for Gov. Mark Dayton, at a personal and professional level, we like him very much. In our interactions, he has always been engaged, an absolute gentleman and a pleasure to be around. He has governed just as he said he would. That's a credit to his integrity.

But the policies he favors, in our estimation, aren't those that will enhance Minnesota's competitiveness in the years to come. Mark Davis, whose family owns Cambria and Davisco Food International spoke well to that point in a report in the Minneapolis-based Star Tribune. "We told what we thought the adverse effects would be on our companies and situations," Davis said. "We told him that we were at a disadvantage being headquartered in Minnesota and having factories in South Dakota and Idaho, where, had we put our headquarters there, we'd pay considerably less taxes."

Dayton, Davis told the Star Tribune, has "always been willing to listen and engage in the discussion. The fact that he ends up making the wrong decision is probably a comment on my salesmanship."

The wrong decisions include, in addition to direct tax increases, policies that also drive up costs for taxpayers and businesses. Encouraging public-sector unionization, as he did, simply drives up the expense of government. Increasing the minimum wage is in effect a tax on labor -- and when you tax something, you get less of it. The governor and his party too often subordinate the needs of school children to the interests of labor unions and the adults they represent.

Further, our among- the-highest-in-the-nation corporate and individual tax rates present a mirage -- a picture of progressivism that hides the ill effects of high taxes on the little guy. Big companies and truly wealthy people, including Dayton himself, have myriad ways of limiting their exposure to higher corporate and income taxes. Meantime, the salary-earner and the smaller business owner pay through the nose.

If given a new term, Dayton has said he wants to work on jobs, workforce readiness and clean energy, and give continued attention to early education. If he were to win re-election, with transportation destined to be a focal point at the Capitol in 2015, Dayton has said he would consider a gas tax increase at the wholesale level to fund infrastructure projects.

Again, we respect Dayton as a person and as a politician; we just believe his policies aren't what Minnesota needs.

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Guess what, I dont care what pioneer press or anyone else thinks, I care about what I think. Job growth, equality, fulfilling needed campaign promises.

Good luck with loosing to derps wink

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Guess what, I dont care what pioneer press or anyone else thinks, I care about what I think. Job growth, equality, fulfilling needed campaign promises.

Good luck with loosing to derps wink

Loose, tight, what does it matter?

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Thats his way of complaining bout his own problems, always blames the other side.

It my fault for asking a troll to leave his comfort zone. crazy

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Repeatedly blame "the media" for GOP failures at the ballot box


highlight that the Pioneer Press endorses "What's his name".


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It my fault for asking a troll to leave his comfort zone. crazy

No, it's your fault for willingly wearing blinders and "playing" dumb.

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Guess what, I dont care what pioneer press or anyone else thinks, I care about what I think. Job growth, equality, fulfilling needed campaign promises.

Glad you brought up campaign promises.






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It's just kind of funny how the Dem's jump all over Mills for coming from a family of wealth, but not say a word about Gov Goofy and where he came from!

Might have something to do with their different positions in re tax rates.


Both are rich, but only one thinks he deserves tax cuts.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • smurfy
      yeppers......nuttin more aggravating the boat motor issues!!!!!!!   what was the problem the first time???????
    • Hookmaster
      Nice fish Kettle. Hope it's really "fixed" next time.
    • Rivergroup
      Our group will be returning in September as well. Wish we were able to be there now to lend a hand.
    • smurfy
      dang...tough to hear..........hope the good people up there recover soon!!!!!!!!!
    • MarkB
      We just returned this afternoon from 6 days on Vermilion. We arrived Saturday and enjoyed 3 fantastic days of walleye fishing. My cousin, our friend Greg, and myself fished several of our spring spots and found fish on all of them. Water temperatures were pretty much 65-67 degrees everywhere we fished. The wind was variable and made boat control a challenge at times. Bait was not an issue and we had success on crawlers(Tim), leeches(Greg), and minnows(me). If I had to pick one of those as catching the most fish, it would be crawlers. Our best day totalled 48 walleyes, 4 smallmouth, and 2 big JUMBOS. We ended up with over a hundred walleyes, 12 jumbos 11"-13", and 10 smallmouth to 18". Our biggest walleye was 24.5" and the balance went from 13"-22". There are lots of 14"-16" walleyes this year which are perfect eaters. The mayfly hatch was in full bloom in some areas but we found very few mayflies in the water column over rock reefs. We caught our fish in depths ranging from 10' to 32'. I didn't fish in any area where I could see mayflies top to bottom in the water column. Slow trolling in the .3mph to .6mph worked and we caught nothing using slip bobbers. Terminal tackle was a 3'-4' 10# flurocarbon leader, 2 lime colored beads, and a plain #6 Gamakatsu walleye hook . Snags are always an issue when fishing in and around the rocks and when the fish are biting they are acceptable. NOW, for the bad news.......Tuesday was a day I won't soon forget. The area suffered devastating torrential rainfall. Lightning was non-stop for several hours and when things settled down, flood damage was everywhere. We checked our rain guage on the side of the cabin and we got 7 3/4 " in a little over 4 hours! Breezy Point road washed out, Mud Creek road washed out as did several others in the area. Cooke business area was completely covered with flood water. I would consider it a disaster area and should be declared as such. We couldn't find a dock anywhere that wasn't covered with water. People were stranded behind flood covered and washed out roads. Dock decking, limbs and such were floating everywhere in the big water. My group sends our prayers to the people of that beautiful country that lost their businesses, homes, and suffered damage to their lake properties. The people of that north country are resilient and we have confidence that they will recover. We stayed our final 3 days but didn't fish at all Tuesday. Our last 2 days showed the effects of the storm. Water temps dropped to 64 degrees and our premo fishing became 10 walleye days. We did manage to catch a dozen really nice jumbos. We plan on returning in September and we pray the area will have returned to normal by then. I haven't figured out how to transfer photos from my phone to my computer yet so no pictures at this time. Good Fishing and God be with you. MarkB
    • SkunkedAgain
      Word is that the river has peaked and therefore the town can start the process of recovering sooner.
    • smurfy
      Heard that too. Also heard 38 was closed for a but north of rapids due to flooding.    I know the water really came up when I was up last week compared to when I was there in April. 
    • Kettle
      Someone said 4 inches in the past week, more expected this weekend. A few roads, including county roads that are asphalt ended up with sink holes. Lakes are the highest I've ever seen in the 30+ years coming to the area and now living here. Several people lost trees Tues night
    • smurfy
      Dang Kettle  that bites. Great to hear fishing was good though.   How much rain you get up that way?
    • Dash 1
      50 in 6 hours is great. Boat issues really put a damper on a great day though. Hope you get it fixed quickly.  
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