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Gov Dayton


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Oh no! This is not the first time I have noticed it. But from time to time I feel it useful to call attention to it since it is such a despicable and cowardly tactic.

Clearly Ufatz found the back to back articles as disturbing as the rest of us.

Honest, articulate, and carefully reasoned, assessments of governor dayton.

Unable to refute the articles in an intelligent manner, ufatz resorts to attacking the messenger.

Understandable, under the circumstances.

But still very, very sad.

Not only to witness the melt down of gov. dayton.

But also that of his blindly loyal disciples...

You may take solace in knowing that the mainstream media has now done everything in it's control to remove any video documenting gov. dayton's painful descent into mental disorder.

The man is clearly not fit for office.

And if re-elected, mark dayton does not stand much of a chance of finishing his term.

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Yeah, don't care what kind of bot you are, Marky Mark ain't right in the head...if ya know what I mean wink Not unprecedented though, and speaking of bot's blind loyalty, lacking mental competence in office, and painful to watch in his second term grin


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"I’ve seen the hucksters go up there and promise chopstick factories.”

DFL gov. dayton, on the campaign trail, criticizing former DFL gov. perpich.... laugh

DFL = hucksters ?? grin

Perhaps a moment of clarity, in an otherwise mindless fog.. wink


Honestly people.

It's time to do the compassionate thing, and retire gov. dayton.

Let him get the help he soo desperately needs. frown

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Nolan is a blowhard! I am surprised anyone voted for that buffoon last time.

I bet a friend he would win last time. I have a bet with the same person he would win again. If that poll is accurate, looks like I'm buying dinner this year.

Mill's ads started out just complaining about Washington but in recent weeks he has been going after Nolan's voting record and that may be starting to have an effect...we'll see

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I bet a friend he would win last time. I have a bet with the same person he would win again. If that poll is accurate, looks like I'm buying dinner this year.

Mill's ads started out just complaining about Washington but in recent weeks he has been going after Nolan's voting record and that may be starting to have an effect...we'll see

Yep pay more attention to what they do, not what they say.

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Nolan is a blowhard! I am surprised anyone voted for that buffoon last time.

I have to believe gov. dayton is tied at the hip with r. nolan.. confused

How do his "polls" look for the great white north ?

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Yep pay more attention to what they do, not what they say.


Mill's doesn't fine and incarcerate others for enjoying a good beer bong..

Frauds and hypocrites..

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Ya got me. I'm crossing Obama off my list of "Politicians I'm going to vote for". laugh


You're an "independent" .... (aka, political hermaphrodite) grin

P.S. That's a real funny pic. of Mills, Kidd.

My kind of guy .. Smiling.gif

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P.S. That's a real funny pic. of Mills, Kidd. My kind of guy .. Smiling.gif

Funny; I relate way more to the Obama picture. Must be why we're on opposite sides of the isle eh?

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This is a outdoor blog site,the question who will protect the natural resources the best for the future.

Nolan has a good track record of doing that. Mills talks about doing away with regs to protect wetlands etc.

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Funny; I relate way more to the Obama picture. Must be why we're on opposite sides of the isle eh?

True dat.

Kick'd back all afternoon smokin weedly aint for me, bro...

Us workin folks gots to pass a pee test if needed be.. wink

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Honestly people.

It's time to do the compassionate thing, and retire gov. dayton.

Let him get the help he soo desperately needs. frown

We would lose about half of Congress, if all inept and senile members were forced to resign.

Great idea, and it will actually happen about the same time pigs learn to fly.

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We would lose about half of Congress, if all inept and senile members were forced to resign.

I'm OK with that.. wink

Let's get to the ballot box on Nov. 4 and get it done..

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This is a outdoor blog site,the question who will protect the natural resources the best for the future.

Nolan has a good track record of doing that. Mills talks about doing away with regs to protect wetlands etc.

Have you been paying attention to some of the absurd actions taken by the government regarding what is a wetland and what one can do with property alleged to have a wetland?

Do you need me to start posting some of the more egregious ones?

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I was thinking the same thing Del. The way the other poster worded his post it makes it sound like Mr. Mills could abolish all these regulations with a swing of the magic wand. Good luck with that, those reg's are not going anywhere no matter who gets elected.

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I was thinking the same thing Del. The way the other poster worded his post it makes it sound like Mr. Mills could abolish all these regulations with a swing of the magic wand. Good luck with that, those reg's are not going anywhere no matter who gets elected.

Except if Mills is not elected, the EPA and Corps of Engineers could very possibly get their way in the re-wording of the Clean Water Act to include that low spot in your back yard.


Republican Stewart Mills visited a dairy farm south of Brained today to call attention to what he says are problems with the federal government overregulating businesses, including family farms.

Earlier this week the House passed a bill that would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers from redefining which waters it can regulate under the Clean Water Act. Farmers worry without the protection federal regulators will be more intrusive.

DFL U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan voted against the bill. Mills said he should have supported it. He also criticized Nolan for voting to tax carbon emissions, a measure contained in a budget plan put forward by the House Progressive Caucus.

“Rick Nolan has cast some very bad votes in direct opposition to what his district needs,” said Mills. “He’s voted for the carbon tax, and he’s also voted to have the EPA regulate our family farms to the point that it would be devastating to them.”

Nolan’s responded in a statement issued by his campaign.

“It’s unfortunate to learn that Stewart Mills doesn’t care about clean water in northern Minnesota. Keeping our lakes, rivers, and streams clean is critical to tourism jobs, fishing, our health, and our way of life,” Nolan said.

“Tea Party claims against this EPA rule are outrageous, untrue, and have been disproven time and time again by groups like the League of Conservation Voters and the National Wildlife Federation,” he added. “I am not afraid to stand up to the EPA when I believe it’s gone too far, but this is not one of those times. Calling this an overreach is nothing but helpless fear-mongering.”

Mills said he does not oppose what he called “common sense regulatory oversight.”

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Mills said he does not oppose what he called “common sense regulatory oversight.”

I think the vast majority of the American public fall under that category.

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I think the vast majority of the American public fall under that category.

But yet that same American public continues to elect people who either don't or that will appoint people that don't.

That's the bigger problem with these type of agencies, they are not accountable to the people because they are not elected, they are appointed. The only way to change the appointments is to change who we elect.

Once again, as we've seen, we get what people vote for. Just another example of either uninformed people or people who don't pay attention.


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Tina Flint Smith, Governor

My post last week asking if Governor Mark Dayton was mentally competent was, I'm told, the talk of the town and, if my traffic is any indication, apparently so. I'm not Powerline and I don't blog on a regular basis. But the simple question of whether our state's governor is mentally competent was said to have been a taboo, one I broke. It's 2014 and Minnesota pretends to be a progressive state. In fact, it's backwards and parochial, with a high school level of politics mirrored by a high school level of political reportage. Almanac and At Issue prove the point every time they air, to say nothing of print, online, wire and radio.

I myself was fascinated by the lack of media coverage outright of what I wrote and the attempt to insulate Dayton from the worst aspects of it. I wasn't surprised on either count.

Remember, I wondered out loud both whether Dayton was up to the task of governing and if, in fact, Tina Flint Smith, shown above, wasn't the de facto governor already. Her being moved from Chief of Staff to Lt. Governor candidate for this year's election simply confirmed what, at a minimum, she'd already been.

The day my piece posted the Associated Press rushed out a quickly thrown together story claiming in "an interview" with Dayton (readers are never told when it took place nor at whose request) that there was no truth to the "rumors" that he would not serve out his full term should he win next month and be replaced by Smith. Mission accomplished, or at least one half of it: the idea Dayton would step down was refuted by the end of the day my post appeared. Weirdly, the governor himself is quoted in that piece talking about "acuity," a word I used in my post. No one has a claim on a word, of course, but I could be forgiven for noticing.

The AP reporter, naturally, never asked the salient question about Dayton's mental health. This is how it works. Instead, the focus was on Dayton's hip injury and recovery. Absent the unforeseeable or the catastrophic, our bored dilettante of a governor is going to sleep walk his way through another four years.

The rumors referenced in the AP report were also never explained to the reader. What rumors? Where did they come from? For how long had they been circulating?

The fact is media and democrats themselves are the source of those rumors, something never revealed in the story. This omission created the desired effect: such questions are coming from those crazy republicans. Again.

The story also repeats the myth that former Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettnor Solon "decided against another term." Of course she didn't: she was frozen out the entire first term and then pushed off the ticket.

Is this the truth? Yes. Do media know it? Yes. Are they liars?

Let's just say that they don't begin to report what they know.

Here's a question, then:

Is is true Dayton cannot hold a driver's license because of the levels of his medication?

Let's see if any media suss out that one. If I'm wrong, they will. If right, crickets. At any rate they'll have done more original research about Dayton than at any other time in his tenure.

I confess to thinking that perhaps Morning Take would have, at least cautiously, linked to my post with all the appropriate caveats so the client base wouldn't punish the proprietor. It's previously linked to bloggers with stories that damage republicans so I thought my post would be of interest because the owner is said by himself to no longer be partisan. But no.

Brian Lambert, who writes "The Glean," a twice daily feature in MinnPost, has previously publicly and privately admired my writing, for which I've thanked him. He's linked to me regularly in the past. He, too, passed on linking to this piece although he generously quoted from and linked to my "MN Republicans' Simulacrum of Competitiveness," calling me the "iconoclastic conservative blogger."

This is how you get stroked when they approve of you.

MinnPost seems unable to live up to its own billing, "a non-profit news organization providing high quality journalism for news intense Minnesotans." This is called a conceit and Joel Kramer seems content with feeding his aging liberal audience, through mostly aging former Star Tribune reporters, the same pablum and "world view" that has kept them from having a new political thought for forty years. They're edgy only in their minds or when able to pronounce items in the latest food fad.

MPR, of course, remains the land of the invincibly ignorant (that's actually a Catholic theological term of art) so I had no expectation that the praetorian tax-supported guard there would do anything constituting real political journalism.

I only mention the lack of "break out" in traditional media of my piece questioning Dayton's mental health not because I want the press, so to speak, as much as to show how little true, genuine, challenging reporting our media do.

If you can go to the Governor with rumors about his physical health, why not his mental, where concerns about it have been on display for years?

Tina Flint Smith has effectively been governor for most of the last four years. What makes me say this? The same sources that wondered out loud to me about Dayton's mental capacity. Even if Smith doesn't take over from the obviously impaired and not fully functioning Dayton, she would remain the power behind the throne. The continuity would be seamless; the reporting deceitful.

Recall that when her "candidacy" was announced local media outdid themselves to praise her. You have to laugh at these people; it's like they think no one with an intellect is watching. The Star Tribune's first sentence was:

"Her boss is one of the most demanding and critical politicians in Minnesota--and she is friends with his ex-wife."

Bootlicking doesn't come any more appalling than that. Remember, there are "stories" to tell now in journalism, the very idea of news, short of breaking catastrophes, something of an idea driven out of town. You can be pretty not bright and tell stories, thanks, and our general political reporting environment is much too filled with those sorts.

Smith oversees some of the most important projects in the state, with immediate and long term consequences of a relatively high order (it's just Minnesota, after all, xenophobes). In one sense it's doubtful she could further ruin the state given its brainless liberal autopilot. Minnesota democrats remind of me Kabuki extras: there, barely noticed and unessential. Special far left forces have already shaped the rough outlines of a second Dayton term and they are so organized it will mostly fall into place. How I hate republicans obsessing over an occasional small time democratic squabble, as if that were the game, while whole agendas go sailing into enactment. We play the game so very badly compared to them but don't need to. Yet nothing changes.

What also doesn't change is a media with no accountability.

God forbid the truth about Minnesota politics, or at least a real question about it, pierce the miasma of the Twin Cities' media outlets. If you want to know what's going on politically in Minnesota, you won't learn it from them. Instead, you'll get--how to say it?--a simulacrum.

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Dayton’s MNsure dishonesty exposed

In September, Mark Dayton insisted that PreferredOne’s leaving MNsure was competition in action:

Gov. Mark Dayton says a key provider’s decision to drop out of the state-run health exchange is competition in action.

The Star Tribune is reporting it’s nothing of the sort:

Sometime after the insurer PreferredOne submitted its proposed rates for the first year of the MNsure exchange, state regulators asked the company to consider lowering the numbers.Ultimately, the insurer responded with “a total rate decrease of 37 percent,” according to a July 2013 letter from an outside actuary to the company. Those final rates were the lowest in the Twin Cities, and across the country, in many cases, and helped Preferred­One to grab nearly 60 percent of the MNsure business.

Now, those subscribers face an average premium increase of 63 percent if they stay with PreferredOne, a yo-yo scenario that health policy experts say points to the challenge in setting prices under the federal health law. The big swing also suggests that the low prices were out of step with the reality of the business.

Dayton’s dishonest numbers, combined with his disdain for competition, have caused Minnesota insurance prices to skyrocket. Dayton’s dishonest health insurance numbers were always dishonest. Now it’s verifiable.

Marky Marble Mouth attended an event the other day after this news broke that his administration has been manipulating the Minnesta Obamacare debacle by strong-arming insurance companies but dashed out early without taking any questions. Huh.

What's he so afraid of?

4.5% increase according to Marble Mouth...

My arse.

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What's he so afraid of?



RCP Average - Dayton +9.0

KSTP/SurveyUSA - Dayton +10

CBS News/NYT/YouGov - Dayton +7

Rasmussen Reports - Dayton +10

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RCP Average - Dayton +9.0

KSTP/SurveyUSA - Dayton +10

CBS News/NYT/YouGov - Dayton +7

Rasmussen Reports - Dayton +10

All those PAC funded attack ads by the dems must be working.

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Of course he's not afraid when he can outrun the press with his bionic hip.

Oh wait, that would mean the press would actually have to chase him for a story.

Hypocrites and Frauds

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • smurfy
      yeppers......nuttin more aggravating the boat motor issues!!!!!!!   what was the problem the first time???????
    • Hookmaster
      Nice fish Kettle. Hope it's really "fixed" next time.
    • Rivergroup
      Our group will be returning in September as well. Wish we were able to be there now to lend a hand.
    • smurfy
      dang...tough to hear..........hope the good people up there recover soon!!!!!!!!!
    • MarkB
      We just returned this afternoon from 6 days on Vermilion. We arrived Saturday and enjoyed 3 fantastic days of walleye fishing. My cousin, our friend Greg, and myself fished several of our spring spots and found fish on all of them. Water temperatures were pretty much 65-67 degrees everywhere we fished. The wind was variable and made boat control a challenge at times. Bait was not an issue and we had success on crawlers(Tim), leeches(Greg), and minnows(me). If I had to pick one of those as catching the most fish, it would be crawlers. Our best day totalled 48 walleyes, 4 smallmouth, and 2 big JUMBOS. We ended up with over a hundred walleyes, 12 jumbos 11"-13", and 10 smallmouth to 18". Our biggest walleye was 24.5" and the balance went from 13"-22". There are lots of 14"-16" walleyes this year which are perfect eaters. The mayfly hatch was in full bloom in some areas but we found very few mayflies in the water column over rock reefs. We caught our fish in depths ranging from 10' to 32'. I didn't fish in any area where I could see mayflies top to bottom in the water column. Slow trolling in the .3mph to .6mph worked and we caught nothing using slip bobbers. Terminal tackle was a 3'-4' 10# flurocarbon leader, 2 lime colored beads, and a plain #6 Gamakatsu walleye hook . Snags are always an issue when fishing in and around the rocks and when the fish are biting they are acceptable. NOW, for the bad news.......Tuesday was a day I won't soon forget. The area suffered devastating torrential rainfall. Lightning was non-stop for several hours and when things settled down, flood damage was everywhere. We checked our rain guage on the side of the cabin and we got 7 3/4 " in a little over 4 hours! Breezy Point road washed out, Mud Creek road washed out as did several others in the area. Cooke business area was completely covered with flood water. I would consider it a disaster area and should be declared as such. We couldn't find a dock anywhere that wasn't covered with water. People were stranded behind flood covered and washed out roads. Dock decking, limbs and such were floating everywhere in the big water. My group sends our prayers to the people of that beautiful country that lost their businesses, homes, and suffered damage to their lake properties. The people of that north country are resilient and we have confidence that they will recover. We stayed our final 3 days but didn't fish at all Tuesday. Our last 2 days showed the effects of the storm. Water temps dropped to 64 degrees and our premo fishing became 10 walleye days. We did manage to catch a dozen really nice jumbos. We plan on returning in September and we pray the area will have returned to normal by then. I haven't figured out how to transfer photos from my phone to my computer yet so no pictures at this time. Good Fishing and God be with you. MarkB
    • SkunkedAgain
      Word is that the river has peaked and therefore the town can start the process of recovering sooner.
    • smurfy
      Heard that too. Also heard 38 was closed for a but north of rapids due to flooding.    I know the water really came up when I was up last week compared to when I was there in April. 
    • Kettle
      Someone said 4 inches in the past week, more expected this weekend. A few roads, including county roads that are asphalt ended up with sink holes. Lakes are the highest I've ever seen in the 30+ years coming to the area and now living here. Several people lost trees Tues night
    • smurfy
      Dang Kettle  that bites. Great to hear fishing was good though.   How much rain you get up that way?
    • Dash 1
      50 in 6 hours is great. Boat issues really put a damper on a great day though. Hope you get it fixed quickly.  
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