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Gov Dayton


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Dont like that either, next?

Flag should b sacred symbol and only destroyed when no longer cosmetically respectable

Vulger demonstrations at services of our fallen heroes makes me wanna puke

Pledge of allegiance not in schools is where some dump starts.



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Originally Posted By: amateurfishing

BTW..... pretty scary that you prefer the indulgence of an inanimate object over precious innocent lives.

Do you indulge in driving automobiles? Over 34,000 Americans die each year in auto accidents, should automobiles be outlawed? If not, isn't it "scary that you prefer the indulgence of an inanimate object over precious innocent lives

Do you have proof that proportionally speaking auto accidents kill more people including innocent children in public schools that they stole from parents, bought via internet or undocumented auto show going 5x over speed limit?

FYI. My record

No tix

Dont text/talk & drive

Dont speed

Follow ALL laws

And you?

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Our ammendments and constitution are great and wonderful laws that are unfortunately over 350 years old, just sayin a tweek here and there would not hurt to bring up to date once in a while.

I highly doubt our fore fathers ever imagined the internet, mass produced guns and auto calibers to use them (especially against the innocent).

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FYI. My record

No tix

Dont text/talk & drive

Dont speed

Follow ALL laws

And you?

Oh, so you are the pain in the rump everyone gets stuck behind on the road.

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Right. Because it's only democrats that think citizen united is a terrible thing...

Citizens United ruling provided corporations with more opportunity to contribute to political campaigns.

Unions still outspend corporations 3 to 1..

Where's the outrage .. cry

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So what other parts of the Constitution do you want to get rid of? How about trial by jury, after all OJ got off. Or search and seizure, just think about the criminals who get off due to police restrictions?

Sounds to me like you have a pretty good totalitarian tendency going there.


There is a big difference between "getting rid of" and updating.

.....and you are willing to put words in my mouth and compare OJ found innocent by jury trial to children finding, obtaining, & collecting guns and ammo to kill innocent unsuspecting kids and staff and write it off as collateral damage in the gun community?!! Unreal!! True sportsman absolutely agree with me, there is no need for any of that in the huntng community.

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There is a big difference between "getting rid of" and updating.

.....and you are willing to put words in my mouth and compare OJ found innocent by jury trial to children finding, obtaining, & collecting guns and ammo to kill innocent unsuspecting kids and staff and write it off as collateral damage in the gun community?!! Unreal!! True sportsman absolutely agree with me, there is no need for any of that in the huntng community.

No, updating and "getting rid of" are pretty much the same thing based on what you have said. "right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" goes away and becomes "some people will be allowed by the government to possess certain firearms for government approved purposes".

" Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" becomes "Unpopular or any other speech deemed inappropriate may be made unlawful" "Political speech shall be restricted and limited as elected officials deem proper"?

So, come on. Which protections do you want to get rid of?

BTW possession of firearms by minors is already unlawful. So, which protections of our liberty do you want to get rid of? "

People like you are almost enough to turn me into a Libertarian.

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Our ammendments and constitution are great and wonderful laws that are unfortunately over 350 years old, just sayin a tweek here and there would not hurt to bring up to date once in a while

I tell ya what, I'll be on board with your train of thought, if you will be on board me my train of thought with ZERO TOLERANCE in schools. In other words I think it's rediculous that a first grader gets suspended for playing cops and robbers during recess. This is what happens when government (whether school, local, state, federal, township etc.) change anything...to many special interest groups get involved and it turns into a 8000 page law/ammendment and all common sense is thrown out.

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There is a big difference between "getting rid of" and updating.

.....and you are willing to put words in my mouth and compare OJ found innocent by jury trial to children finding, obtaining, & collecting guns and ammo to kill innocent unsuspecting kids and staff and write it off as collateral damage in the gun community?!! Unreal!! True sportsman absolutely agree with me, there is no need for any of that in the huntng community.

Updating verses getting rid of.....lol.

There may not be a need for a semi auto AK 47 for hunting. But it still is protected under the USC.

There is alot of things the framers didn't "foresee." But were is the evidence that they believed the BOR should be "updated" to restrict freedoms?

The "for the children" argument has been used by politicians worldwide to encourage their citizenry to give up their rights

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True sportsman absolutely agree with me, there is no need for any of that in the huntng community.

Your argument is that "sportsman" are right therefore other beliefs by sportsman are also right. Just because they are "sportsman" does not mean that they understand logic, liberty, or the intent of the constitution.

I am sure that there are "sportsman" that think a dictatorship is the best form of gov't. Putin? That does not make a king better than a democracy any more than it validates a gun grabber.

Your argument is flawed and the idea that you think that guns are just for hunting (aka sportsman) means that you are wrong from the beginning.

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Our ammendments and constitution are great and wonderful laws that are unfortunately over 350 years old, just sayin a tweek here and there would not hurt to bring up to date once in a while.

I highly doubt our fore fathers ever imagined the internet, mass produced guns and auto calibers to use them (especially against the innocent).

In your mind, what was the expiration date of the constitution and bill of rights?

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Our ammendments and constitution are great and wonderful laws that are unfortunately over 350 years old, just sayin a tweek here and there would not hurt to bring up to date once in a while

I tell ya what, I'll be on board with your train of thought, if you will be on board me my train of thought with ZERO TOLERANCE in schools. In other words I think it's rediculous that a first grader gets suspended for playing cops and robbers during recess. This is what happens when government (whether school, local, state, federal, township etc.) change anything...to many special interest groups get involved and it turns into a 8000 page law/ammendment and all common sense is thrown out.

100% with you.

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Your argument is that "sportsman" are right therefore other beliefs by sportsman are also right. Just because they are "sportsman" does not mean that they understand logic,

Sounds like Sillytown were everyone's right and understands logic winkgrin

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There may not be a need for a semi auto AK 47 for hunting. But it still is protected under the USC

AND THIS is the very problem! Automatic firearms did not exist back then and have absolutely no business in the public sector whatsoever.

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Speaking of Governor Goooooffffyyyyy.. Fromt the Trib.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its most recent Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, the higher-quality but time-delayed job statistics that go deep into the state and county level.

The numbers, now available through the first quarter of 2014, paint a less promising picture of job growth in Minnesota last year than we've been seeing in the monthly job numbers.

According to the new data, which everyone agrees is more reliable than the monthly numbers, Minnesota ranked 41st in the nation in private sector job growth from March 2013 to March 2014, with a growth rate of 0.8 percent.

That ranks last in the Midwest. Behind Michigan, behind Iowa, behind Illinois, and, unfortunately, behind Wisconsin

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Well anyway back to the Nolan add, all of the pro gun minds out there fuming bout someone on other side of aisle makin ya'll look bad, LOL! He is not even needed for that.

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AND THIS is the very problem! Automatic firearms did not exist back then and have absolutely no business in the public sector whatsoever.

Neither did Automobiles, internet forums and Budweiser.

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There may not be a need for a semi auto AK 47 for hunting. But it still is protected under the USC

AND THIS is the very problem! Automatic firearms did not exist back then and have absolutely no business in the public sector whatsoever.

But the guns you are wanting to ban AREN'T AUTOMATIC!! 99.99% of the AR rifles in the public sector are semi-automic rifles. There are a million hoops to jump through to get a full auto rifle, and many states just plain out don't allow them.

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Neither did Automobiles, internet forums and Budweiser

Can you state an incident where one of these was obtained legally and caused massive child casualties at one time?

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So what other parts of the Constitution do you want to get rid of? How about trial by jury, after all OJ got off. Or search and seizure, just think about the criminals who get off due to police restrictions?

Sounds to me like you have a pretty good totalitarian tendency going there.


There is a big difference between "getting rid of" and updating.

.....and you are willing to put words in my mouth and compare OJ found innocent by jury trial to children finding, obtaining, & collecting guns and ammo to kill innocent unsuspecting kids and staff and write it off as collateral damage in the gun community?!! Unreal!! True sportsman absolutely agree with me, there is no need for any of that in the huntng community.

Where in the 2nd Amendment does it mention anything about limiting arms to those that would be useful for hunting? It was written plain and simple to not allow the govt to take away the peoples arms.

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Semi auto aint much better

Well we can all agree to disagree, hopefully Nolan (and I) wont rile you up too much more.

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Now I'm just dying to know. AF, if you were running the show what, if any, firearms would I be allowed to have?

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BTW..... pretty scary that you prefer the indulgence of an inanimate object over precious innocent lives.

"Precious innocent lives" are saved every day because of this inanimate object.

What will save yours? The cops? Bahahahahaha.

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Now I'm just dying to know. AF, if you were running the show what, if any, firearms would I be allowed to have?

Just ignore the troll. If he isn't trolling then it must be heavy medication or some other brain ailment.

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"Minnestans deserves better."

How Rick Nolan stopped worrying and learned to love assault weapons

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan’s position on gun control seemed to be the one constant amid ever-changing positions on myriad issues. But all that changed Wednesday, after a picture surfaced of the congressman cheerfully posing with one of the assault-style weapons he says are dangerous and should be banned. Nolan is now facing new charges of hypocrisy and finds his hunting credentials called into question in light of obvious violations of basic gun safety rules.

Nolan wasn’t shy about voicing his support for gun control legislation during his 2012 campaign. As a newly-elected congressman, he reiterated that position during an early January 2013 appearance on CBS’ Face the Nation:

“I don’t need an assault weapon to shoot a duck. And I think they ought to be banned.”

Seems pretty clear.

And later that month, Nolan told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he’d received threats as a result of that position

Nobody has actually come out and said they’re gunning for me, but the messages are quite angry, vitriolic, and a little bit frightening to people at my front desk who have been taking the calls. I’m a little nervous about it. I’ve never been nervous before

Nolan repeated that claim more than once, yet still made the puzzling decision to move his primary district office from the Gerald Heaney Federal Building – and the protection of security screenings by federal guards – to the ground floor of an unsecured building, just steps from the entrance to the bar of a downtown Duluth restaurant.

Odd behavior for a congressman concerned enough about threats of violence to voice them on national television to be sure. But no matter what their content, the messages gave Nolan an opportunity to portray himself as the victim of the NRA, garnering the sympathy and support of anti-gun progressives across the country. And he continued to beat the drum of gun control right up until this week.

But Nolan is now fighting for his political life, desperately trolling for votes from pretty much anyone – including those gun owners he previously vilified.

So bring on the picture of Rick Nolan holding an AR-15 (you know, one of those pesky assault rifles that he wants to outlaw.)

Most politicians would be at least a little embarrassed but not good ole Rick, who never lets a previously stated position on anything get in the way of shameless pandering. Just look at that smile!

Nolan might not have a spine but, God love ‘em, he has the chutzpah to pose for a photo op so transparent that it insults the intelligence of every single voter in the 8th congressional district (a sports coat and tie, Gracie?)

Unfortunately for the congressman, he demonstrates far less common sense than most kids on the Iron Range, who learn at a very young age that you NEVER place your finger on the trigger of a gun unless you intend to shoot because:

#1: There is no such thing as an unloaded gun

#2: If you think the gun is unloaded, see #1

But wait, there’s more.

Nolan’s blatant disregard for the safety of others isn’t an isolated incident, as documented in this tracking video released Thursday by the NRCC.

Holy. Buckets.

Congressman, we know you’re desperate but, trust us, winning the Dick Cheney Award for Gun Safety won’t get you many votes in the 8th district.

(Seriously Rick, even kids up here know better than to play around like that with a gun.)

Nolan may indeed go hunting (maybe he learned from the former vice president?), but he seems completely oblivious to the standards of responsible gun use that is the norm among sportspeople in northern Minnesota.

In the social media frenzy that followed the posting of the picture on facebook, many pointed out that Nolan violated a basic rule taught to 12-year-olds in DNR firearms safety classes. One declared “Rick Nolan’s right – guns are dangerous, but only when he’s holding them!”

Gun Owners PAC stepped up with a very generous offer to pay for Nolan to receive firearms safety training from a qualified instructor at (drum roll, please) Mills Fleet Farm Indoor Shooting!

Green Party candidate Skip Sandman said they all make good points, and while the Fleet Farm reference is amusing, there’s nothing funny about ignoring basic gun safety rules. “Carelessness like that [shown by Nolan] gets people killed”

Sandman and Republican Stewart Mills have different opinions on the gun issue, but both find Nolan’s hypocrisy troubling.

“The congressman is not acting for the benefit of his constituents” observes Sandman.

“What is Nolan really trying to say to the people – that he can’t make up his mind or he’s sitting on the fence? His record on gun control speaks for itself. This is a contradiction and contradiction leads to confusion among voters. And this is just one of many contradictions ”

“Rick Nolan’s hypocrisy is getting out of hand, and this is just the latest example” says Mills spokeswoman Chloe Rockow. “It’s absolutely outrageous that he would say he wants to ban guns like this in Washington, then come home and pose with one the first opportunity he gets. Minnesotans deserve a representative who won’t say whatever it takes to mislead his constituents on his real positions. Minnesotans deserve better.”

Rick Nolan - Hypocrite and Fraud lifetime achievement winner.

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Nope, you missed the "true" sportsmen part. If they don't agree they aren't "true sportsmen".

I did think about his qualifier but let it go. Haha. laugh That one word is worth an entire discussion on it's own.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • gimruis
      The guys in that tourney aren't permitted to use live bait though.  That makes a substantial difference.  Clear water and pressure with nothing but artificial lures makes for a difficult bite.   I don't have a theory as to why the average size of smallmouth on Vermilion is declining.  The common explanation would be too many smaller fish are gobbling up resources and there isn't enough for bigger ones, but that doesn't seem like a plausible answer in a big lake like Vermilion.  Certainly people aren't keeping plus sized smallmouth either.  That far north, it takes a bass about 10 years to reach 5 pounds/20 inches in size.
    • Rick G
      St Cloud has a good access at Wilson park,  Sartell has a nice access off NE River Rd,  another access above Blanchard dam on East side off Hilton Rd  and at Lindbergh state park...Little Falls  has a access right above the dam.   Water is pretty high and dirty.  Crayfish colors have been good again this week.  Smallies have been using anything available that breaks the current so finding them most days has been pretty easy
    • Brianf.
      Interesting...   You're doing better than most.  The biggest bass weighed-in during the recent MN Bass Federation tourney was only 4.33lbs.   The winning bag was less then 20lbs.  To have several over 5lbs during your trip is pretty special.   Congrats!  
    • Jetsky
      Question.  I have guests coming who may want to fish for muskies.  I've cast for them in August along shorelines and at rock piles.   Do I fish for them that way in June?   Should I troll shorelines or drop offs for them?  Thanks.
    • partyonpine
      Yeah was up for a week.   As other alluded to the weather was brutal.  Did catch some larger walleyes on slip bobbers on windy points in under 5 feet of water.  As for minnows they were at Lucky seven in Virginia and Grubens has some nice minnows as well.  Smallmouth fishing was terrific given the circumstances.  
    • partyonpine
      Brian   That is funny and shows how things are anecdotal.  Just got back from a week we caught as many fish as we wanted, however our average size was 16.5-17 inches.  While no 6 pounders we did score several 5 pounders.  We did not catch any or very few fish under 14  inches all week.  I was just commenting that the average size has increased substantially.  We were throwing larger artificial and live bait but again did not really catch any small smallmouth.  Fished smallies for 5-6 hours each day and walleyes at night.  Overall was slow but the weather was horrendous.  Did go home with enough walleye to satisfy me.  
    • Brianf.
      I haven't been up to fish smallmouth  in a couple weeks.  My partner and I caught about 300 over the  course of those two days.  That sounds great - and it is if you like numbers. However, few of those fish were over 3 pounds and even fewer were over 4 pounds.  Most of our catch comprised fish between one and a half to 2 1/2 pounds.   I've been fishing the lake for 20+ years and feel that the size structure of the smallmouth in the lake has changed quite a bit during that time.  When I first started targeting smallmouth 20 years ago, half our bag seemed to be comprised of four pounders - and five pounders were in the mix with an occasional six pounder here and there. I haven't caught a 5 pound smallmouth bass in five years on Lake Vermilion!   They are a daily occurrence on places like Mille Lacs and in Door Co.   What has changed on Lake Vermilion?     I have some theories about why the size structure has changed, though curious what others are seeing.  Anyone have thoughts about the state of the smallmouth fishery on Lake V? 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Don't forget about the times that they unwittingly fly into your fishing line.   Normally I would say that ebbs and flows in food source would be a good sign. However, even with this bountiful mosquito population available there just really aren't enough bats around for the natural cycle to capitalize on it to any noticeable degree. The DNR says that roughly 90% of the bat population in the Soudan mine has died off. If that 90% is representative of the entire area, even a mosquito all-you-can-eat-buffet will not bring the bats back for many years.   Hopefully the little guys can make a comeback.
    • Dash 1
      Made it back to the chain today. Sunfish are spawning but finding them in the thick weeds is nearly impossible. My main reason to get out was to test my minnkota after rewiring it. It definitely made the difference. Never shut down once and I ran it for several hours.  Now I just need to relearn how to catch fish.😂
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   A good week of walleye fishing with some big fish caught along with good eaters.  All of that despite some fronts that came through and lots of wind.  Being in a charter boat a few days this week was an advantage for sure.     Wherever you fish, there are days the wind will blow.  Here are some good options for anglers when the wind blows on LOW.   -Fish on a big charter boat -Fish the 42 miles of navigable Rainy River -Bays such as Four Mile, Bostic and Zippel Bay -Slide behind one of the thousands of islands that being up at the NW Angle -Trailer your boat to a leeward boat ramp and fish that shoreline A jig and frozen emerald shiner was the go to presentation for walleyes.  Most boats are anchored up and vertically jigging.  Some are starting to use spinners and minnows or crawlers with success.  This pattern will pick up steam as the walleyes are starting to transition with warming waters. Walleyes have been caught this week in various depths.  As a rule, 21 - 32 feet of water was still the range.  Again, various areas across the lake are holding fish.   Various rock reefs have been good.  Fish are transitioning to mud as the season progresses. On the Rainy River...  The river is flowing strong right now as water is being released from the dam which controls its flow.  With the heavier current, fish are being found in areas with a current break.  Even a slight break that still has current is a fish attractor when the water is moving.   Jigging with a minnow, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.   Casting to shoreline structure and even docks is also an effective method.   For those who like fishing for dinosaurs, the sturgeon season opens July 1st. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing amongst the island area of Lake of the Woods.  Guides fishing the Canada side of LOW reported big numbers of walleyes along with a mixed bag.   Minnesota waters also produced good fish.  Many of the walleyes are being found in deeper than normal water for this time of year, in that 22 - 28 feet.  As hatches begin and shiners begin to spawn, there will be some shallow water opportunities as well. The goto presentation continues to be a jig and minnow.  Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers and trolling crankbaits also putting walleyes in the fry pan.     As is common in these parts, a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass being caught.   Muskie anglers, the season opens on both sides of the lake Saturday, June 15th.  A glorious day for those who target the almighty predators!  
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