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Gov Dayton


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I think Ufatz works or has ties with Law enforcement / Unions / or some special interest group that Dayton also supports, listens to and takes orders from...:)

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Don't look at me. I didn't vote for them.


Aren't those revenues you are talking about derived from taxes? If so, isn't collecting less of them a good thing? Typical case of RINO big spending idealogy.

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$2B in tax increases complements of Dayton and the DFL, squashing economic growth. That's what that is.


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Just watch Dick Nolan up north run away from the POTUS on mining over the course of the next few months and the people up north will buy it hook line and sinker. He will get re-elected and then run back to the Presidents side on enviornmental and energy issues. The north country residents will be left holding the bag and be stuck with Nolan for another two years until he does the same thing again. When are people in this state going to learn that people like Nolan, Governor Goofy, Walz, Bachman are worthless? In Bachman's defense Tinklenberg and the Carpetbagger were even worse than her.

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KSTP/SurveyUSA: 68% of Minnesotans oppose new Senate office building. Just 18% approve and 14% are "not sure."

Nice job, DFL and Mark Dayton!


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KSTP/SurveyUSA: 68% of Minnesotans oppose new Senate office building. Just 18% approve and 14% are "not sure."

Nice job, DFL and Mark Dayton!


Please refer to it is SLOB.

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So which of you critics are running to unseat current admin. Convince me to vote for you!! Come on, stand up. confused

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I actually like my current state and city reps. Just need to make sure my city rep isn't replaced by a community organizer and progressive thinker (she said it not me).

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Well, Dayton is good for something, like testing low maintenance turf grass. a tweet from extension turf

The low maintenance #turfgrass at @GovMarkDayton residence is establishing well @UMNExt pic.twitter.com/BjcNsBaCUu


Note that the HSOforum is really extension.umn.edu/turfgrass not turgrass

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I see Dayton and his backwards thinking tax policies chased ANOTHER Fortune 500 company out of Minnesota.

Nice job, DFL!

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I see Dayton and his backwards thinking tax policies chased ANOTHER Fortune 500 company out of Minnesota.

Nice job, DFL!

If you are talking about Medtronic, it wasn't Marky Mark, it was Barry and his Buddies.

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The jobs are staying lmit.

They did it for tax purposes.

It is just a good business decision.

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The jobs are staying lmit.

They did it for tax purposes.

It is just a good business decision.

That would still make it Dayton's fault. Raising taxes makes business' leave. Tax the hell out of them, why would they stay here or come here?

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The jobs are staying lmit.

They did it for tax purposes.

It is just a good business decision.

The jobs might be staying ("Might be")....

At this point, that is unclear.

But what is crystal clear, is the revenue will be going... blush



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The jobs might be staying ("Might be")....

At this point, that is unclear.

But what is crystal clear, is the revenue will be going... blush

So, how does Minnesota corporate tax work for world wide corporations? Does it vary with the location of their corporate offices? Where they are incorporated?

I know that IBM had some issues with the way Minnesota taxes stuff but I'm not up on any real information. Anyone care to explain?

I guess I could try to look it up, but if someone already knows it would save a lot of time.

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Foreign Royalty Subtraction.

Dayton and his Progressive allies have been pushing to reduce the rate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Advance Auto will move CEO, CFO and 100 corporate jobs out of Minnesota

Advance Auto Parts Inc. is closing the 100-person corporate office in Bloomington where its CEO and chief financial officer work and shifting the jobs to Raleigh, N.C.

Advance (NYSE: AAP) opened the Minnesota office in 2009 after hiring former Best Buy Co. Inc. executive Darren Jackson to be its CEO. The office will close in September 2015, according to a press release. An office in California also will close.

Minnesota's loss apparently is Raleigh's gain. Advance Auto Parts announced Wednesday its expanding its operations in Raleigh and adding 600 jobs with an average wage of $110,000 per year for a store support center. It is keeping its headquarters in Roanoke, Va., where the company has about 1,600 employees.

Advance Auto Parts, which is on pace for revenue of about $9.8 billion in 2014, said in a regulatory filing that plans to relocate some employees and lay off others. The retailer estimates it will spend between $39 million to $51 million over the next two years on restructuring costs related to the moves.

Thanks, Dayton

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  • 3 weeks later...

Every time you post something like this, I just have to chuckle at the fact that the party you dutifully carry water for couldn't come up with a candidate that could beat this lightweight.


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Peatmoss' post brought to us tonight by the letter "O".

What can I say, a lot of ignorant people in this state (see: campaign ad above)...along with a few dopes who thought a guy with no shot was worth wasting their vote on.

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I hand loaded and hauled 2500# of flagstone today for a landscape project. Several of the stones I hauled would have made a better Governor than Dayton or his last IR opponent.

I voted 3rd party in the last election to send a message to the elephant party that I would not accept their far-right, crazy candidates.

I would like to unseat this ding-dong sitting in the governors' mansion, but I'm wondering if the elephants got my message? Will they give me a viable candidate to vote for, or will they trot out another crackpot misogynistic, homophobic, bible thumping, science hating, creationist nutbag?

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I would like to unseat this ding-dong sitting in the governors' mansion, but I'm wondering if the elephants got my message? Will they give me a viable candidate to vote for, or will they trot out another crackpot misogynistic, homophobic, bible thumping, science hating, creationist nutbag?
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So in other words, you really wanted Dayton but took the coward's way out by voting for the 3rd party (who everyone knew didn't stand a chance) so that when it all went bad you could sit back and say "Don't look at me, I didn't vote for him".

Nope. I meant what I said. I will not vote for one knucklehead to save me from another. You put forth an AWFUL candidate and I could not, in good conscience vote for him. I know that you are a team player. I am not. Give me a decent candidate if you want my vote. Period.

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