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Former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe says he was subjected to homophobic language late in his tenure with the team, and eventually cut, because he spoke out in support of gay marriage.

Kluwe says that Mike Priefer, the Vikings’ special teams coach, was openly prejudiced against gays and intolerant of those who support gay rights. Kluwe also says that Vikings General Manager Rick Spielman and former head coach Leslie Frazier ultimately decided to get rid of him because they didn’t like him expressing his views.

In other news.....

Vikings say they take Chris Kluwe’s allegations seriously

Hours after former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe alleged that he was subjected to homophobic language and eventually cut because he vocally supported gay marriage, the team released a statement saying the former allegation is a serious matter, but the latter allegation is totally false.

Although the Vikings say they will investigate claims that special teams coordinator Mike Priefer used homophobic language around Kluwe after Kluwe began speaking out in favor of gay rights, the team also says he was cut for football reasons, period.

“The Minnesota Vikings were made aware of Chris Kluwe’s allegations for the first time today. We take them very seriously and will thoroughly review this matter,” the team said in a statement. “As an organization, the Vikings consistently strive to create a supportive, respectful and accepting environment for all of our players, coaches and front office personnel. We do not tolerate discrimination at any level. The team has long respected our players’ and associates’ individual rights, and, as Chris specifically stated, Vikings ownership supports and promotes tolerance, including on the subject of marriage equality. Because he was identified with the Vikings, Chris was asked to be respectful while expressing his opinions. Team ownership and management also repeatedly emphasized to Chris that the Vikings would not impinge on his right to express his views.”

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Well if your 32 and out of a job. You may as well "Punt" and see if you can win a suit against your old employer! whistle


NFL average punt is 45 yd. Kluwe's average for 2013 was 44.2yd. With the weak link in the chain discovered/removed, the Vikes should be SB-ready for 2015. That inspires me to go polish my split shot so I can catch more fish. laugh


i will save the moderators time on this issue. go away punter.


i will save the moderators time on this issue. go away punter.

Kluwe has needed to shut his yapper for years. Yes he had the right to speak his mind. Yes the Vikings can ask him not to since he is associated with the team, yes they can release him, now he is crying about it. When you are in a high profile position, you need to watch what you say a little bit. Look a Phil from duck dynasty. Bye bye kluwe, glad you're gone


I dont care who you are, or what you support, if you are an extremest on either side of any argument, it turns me away and I side against the extremest. As for Kluwe, he just wore out his welcome in MN, by constantly talking to the media about one thing or another. The Vikings like their players to be seen and not heard.

Not that it matters, but Kluwe was not gay, he just was a big supporter of gay rights. So for him to say that Priefer used homophobic language, it wouldnt have been directed at Kluwe.


What a time for libel - Priefer is looking for a job and the league is cracking down on locker room talk about homosexuality and racism. Gasoline and matches.


Kluwe sucked glad to see him gone. Glad I don't have to watch him shank anymore 10 yard punts off the side of his foot.


Vikings Players Stand Up For Priefer, Walsh Calls Kluwe's Claims "Reprehensible"

By: Aj Mansour | KFAN.com


Minneapolis, MN - Following the dramatic allegations made earlier Thursday morning by former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, current Vikings players including kicker Blair Walsh, fullback Jerome Felton and punter Jeff Locke have been backing their coach Mike Priefer.

Fullback Jerome Felton took to his verified Twitter account and said, "Coach Mike Preifer has always been professional and one of the best special teams coaches I have been around! In any meeting I have been in, I have never witnessed him say anything close to what's been alleged. That's just my experience!"

Then it was rookie punter Jeff Locke, "In my short time with the Vikings, Coach Priefer has treated me with respect and has helped me develop as a player and person. I have never witnessed any actions or statements by Coach Priefer similar to those described in the recent Deadspin article."

And then, maybe the most telling comments came from second-year kicker Blair Walsh. For one full season Walsh was teammates with Kluwe and was within the walls of the meeting rooms where Kluwe alleges the bigotry took place.

In a statement released by the kicker himself, Walsh not only stood up for his coach, he flat out called Kluwe a liar.

"I have been a member of the Minnesota Vikings for 2 years. I want to start off by saying I have the utmost respect for Rick Spielman, Leslie Frazier and Mike Priefer. All three, are good men.

I have had countless conversations and interactions with Coach Priefer, and I personally can attest to his integrity and character. His professionalism in the workplace is exemplary, and I firmly believe that my teammates would whole-heartedly agree. The allegations made today are reprehensible and totally not compatible with what Mike Priefer stands for.

As we all know, in the NFL you must perform at the highest level and meet the performance expectations of your coaches, management, and ownership. If these expectations, based upon past performance AND future potential for excellence, are not met, your NFL career with that team, is over. I believe this was the case with Chris, and it is unfair to think that his release was anything other than football related.

In my time here at Minnesota, Rick Spielman and Leslie Frazier have exemplified true leadership. Contrary to Chris’ statements, they have promoted a workplace environment that was conducive for success. At no time did I ever feel suppressed or that I could not be myself.

I firmly stand behind Rick Spielman, Leslie Frazier, and Mike Priefer.

Blair Walsh"

Read more: http://www.kfan.com/pages/vikingsblog.html?article=11941243#ixzz2pG2o47Fv


Who cares what this loser has to say. Why does anyone in the media even give this clown a platform to spew his nonsense...


What a time for libel - Priefer is looking for a job and the league is cracking down on locker room talk about homosexuality and racism. Gasoline and matches.

Dead on!!


Why does anyone in the media even give this clown a platform to spew his nonsense...

Really? Have you watched the news anytime during the last 10 years? It's closer to TMZ than 'the news'. Even sports is about spewing garbage like this vs talking about 'sports'. Remember how you'd get all the MLB scores during the summer and NFL in fall, hockey over the winter? Now you get a couple of games at best. At least lead into the sports w the scores on the screen like they did for a few years... But nw, it's all about shock value and who breaks what story...

Good Luck!



I'm with the Kluwe needs to "admit he's a clown " camp. We fired him ok, so who picked him up if he thinks he's Ray Guy then he should be on a roster. I doubt the ink has yet to dry on his application at a 1 bedroom rundown apartment in Colorado, next his app to become a resident. The way I see things is what good has any of his blabbering done anyone ? Oh he's the voice of concern still what good have you done, what a clown, I'm very thankful I'm not related to that clown, no one at Thanksgiving would get a word in edgewise and he'd argue anyone to death, glad we shipped that clown, play football and shut up.


Living on the western edge of the state, I'm not exposed to Vikings chatter, and had no clue as to Kluwe's personal opinions/beliefs. I do know from supervising contracted union employees that the unwritten rule for dealing with "noisy" employees is to avoid taking actions that would give the appearance of separating such employees from the herd. Had the decision to fire him been announced in a context of "thinning the herd" (announcing in conjunction with other player decisions), it would be far less newsworthy. Bad timing on the part of management.


It would be interesting to cross reference some of the opinions expressed here with the ones expressed in the thread regarding the Duck dynasty guy.

There seemed to be a lot of support for that guy and his ability to voice his opinion. With Kluwe not so much. I guess support for peoples right to speak their mind is only extended to those you agree with.

Really no difference between the two, Kluwe has just been published more often. Neither did anything wrong expressing their opinions but both employers took issue with their statements and acted accordingly.

Its really no surprise that the Vikings likely got rid of him at least in part because of his actions but if what Kluwe claims about Priefer is true that's really the only issue here. I don't care what your beliefs are there are just some things you can not do or say in a work place and what he allegedly said would fit into that category.


If I remember correctly wasn't Matt Blair doing the same as Kluwe? of course it was from the other side of the fence. I guess the first rule is if your a celebrity or a professional athlete only open your mouth if you can use the Bible in some way to support your view. Now a quarterback may have gotten away with Kluwe's statements and point of view, but punters are a dime a dozen.


Just sick of Kluwe, we all had a bozo like that in high school you just never wanted to talk to because it would be 1 sided and his way or the highway, the world would be just as well off if he never said anything. It's not like many have said just a Kluwe thing it goes for all the idiots out there that we're all tired of listening to not that we have to but my remote batteries are low and sometimes I can't get the channel changed fast enough. What a scumbag ratting out former coaches and such, what a crybaby nobody, fired well who picked you up if you're so valuable ?


It would be interesting to cross reference some of the opinions expressed here with the ones expressed in the thread regarding the Duck dynasty guy.

There seemed to be a lot of support for that guy and his ability to voice his opinion. With Kluwe not so much. I guess support for peoples right to speak their mind is only extended to those you agree with.

To me the big difference is the manner in which he went about his latest tirade. Kluwe is referencing something that happened months ago. Why did he wait? Did he have any conversations with those involved to say their "words" were hurtful? If not, then why the sudden need to send this message?

I dont chastise the guy for speaking his mind, but I think the timing is a bit suspicious and downright sinister right now.

The words he used could certainly be used as libel IMO. Phil Robertson spoke his mind without saying someone "should never be employed again" or calling them names like Coward or Bigot.


I enjoyed the part in the KFAN interview this morning where he basically said that he was not calling out for anybody's head then stated like 2 sentences later that he doesn't think Priefer should be an NFL coach. What a gutless choadie, guy sucks.

I guess he got what he always wanted, face time.


To me the big difference is the manner in which he went about his latest tirade. Kluwe is referencing something that happened months ago. Why did he wait? Did he have any conversations with those involved to say their "words" were hurtful? If not, then why the sudden need to send this message?

I dont chastise the guy for speaking his mind, but I think the timing is a bit suspicious and downright sinister right now.

The words he used could certainly be used as libel IMO. Phil Robertson spoke his mind without saying someone "should never be employed again" or calling them names like Coward or Bigot.

I'll agree that I don't really agree with how he went about this latest statement. I don't see how it really serves a purpose other than to shame Priefer. The similarities between Kluwe and Phil from Duck Dynesty were in regards to their previous comments in regards to gay marriage and gay people in general. Kluwe's latest statement is certainly different and does wreak of lack of attention but still the content is somewhat eye opening if its true.

If you read through all of Kluwe's statement he goes into the reasons behind coming out with this now. He said he wrote it all right after he got cut but wanted to wait for the season to end before releasing it as not to create a bigger distraction than necessary for the players on the team. Take that for what its worth but that's the reason he gave.

As for libel, if Kluwe is speaking the truth then there isn't much that can be done. Priefer could certainly sue if he can prove damages but he'd also have to prove that what Kluwe said is false. Sounds like it was said in the presence of many other Vikings players and staff so there should be plenty of witnesses to help sort it out in court. My guess is if Priefer really didn't say these things you'll see a court case, if he did say them then he'll likely let it go knowing he'd lose in court.


NFL average punt is 45 yd. Kluwe's average for 2013 was 44.2yd. With the weak link in the chain discovered/removed, the Vikes should be SB-ready for 2015. That inspires me to go polish my split shot so I can catch more fish. laugh

Good idea about polishing split shot. While your at it look up Kluwe's playing years and stats so they're at least 50% accurate.


Man, you guys are unbelievable. So he's wrong for waiting this long to bring it up, but if he speaks out when it happens, he's a distraction to the team. When would have been the right time to bring this story to light? I agree he was let go for football reasons, the gap between salaries was greater than the gap between skills, I don't think we needed to use a 5th round pick on a punter though...

I'm thinking maybe he meant that he doesn't WANT to ruin his career, but that is his goal. You ever have to do something you didn't want to? And if Priefer did in fact say the alleged statements, he needs to go.

And as far as Blair Walsh's opinion, I'm not taking anyone seriously who believes bio-magnetic therapy is a real thing.



Sounds like a po'ed x employee trying to take another person down with him what a loser. If he is as good as he says he is in his rant why is he sitting at home playing guitar hero. No company likes added drama..


While your at it look up Kluwe's playing years and stats so they're at least 50% accurate.


I referenced his stats from 2013 mainly because he was fired after 2013. I think the numbers quoted are accurate based upon the source/parameters I chose. Sorry I ruined your day.


If Kluwe really wanted to prove his point and make a stand for his beliefs, He would have immediately brought this to light the day it happened. Potentially at the risk of being let go. He was still 'employed' as a Viking then, so obviously this proves his desire to get paid as a punter, outweighed his desire to be a liberal mouthpiece and take a stance based on his beliefs. Now that he has no chance to get back in the NFL (he admitted so yesterday), he will come out with this dump to hopefully get one more pay day... when there are two sides to a story, the truth generally lies in the middle of those two stories. The thing that is troubling is Kluwes personal shots at coaches and the GM. I hold little respect for the guy, not because of his opinions and beliefs, everyone has their own, but how he goes about advancing them.

Good Luck!



Kluwes departure is nothing more than a business decision. The team went young to pay out less for at least the same as they were getting with Kluwe. I dont know how that can be argued.

A guy who loves the spotlight and the smell of his own butt toots would say otherwise. All he wants to do is be relevant. He's made everything more about HIM than anything else. Way to stand up for a cause, the Chris Kluwe cause.


All he wants to do is be relevant. He's made everything more about HIM than anything else. Way to stand up for a cause, the Chris Kluwe cause.

I can't say with any certainty how much of this is motivated by his desire for attention, but even if he wanted no attention/money/job, if these allegations are true, I think as a decent human being he's obligated to speak up.


Its a heck of a cover for his true cause...


Its a heck of a cover for his true cause...



Kluwe, don't go away mad

Kluwe, just go away

Kluwe, don't go away mad

Now Kluwe, just go away

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      If you fished with me more often, you'd never have to make this statement...   38" of ice - love it. I'm really going to have to dig around for my auger extension. I don't think that I've needed it in over a decade.   Too bad nobody has a locomotive chugging across the ice to do some logging, like the good old days.
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  Ice fishing remains strong across the south shore of Lake of the Woods out on Big Traverse Bay.  Resorts and outfitters on some parts of the lake have ice roads extending over 16 miles staying on nice schools of walleyes and saugers.  Many fish houses are over deep mud.  Some are on structure.  It is always fishing of course, but overall, February has been very productive for most anglers.   Extensions are being used on ice augers as the ice continues to thicken.  The thick ice this year will be good for the extended ice fishing season Lake of the Woods enjoys with fish houses out through March 31st, walleyes and saugers open through April 14th and a pike season that never closes. Most fishing activity is taking place in 26-32 feet of water.  Anglers are finding a healthy mix of walleyes and saugers, with a good number of jumbo perch in the mix this year.  Some big eelpout are also showing up.  Anglers are reporting plenty of fish for fresh fish frys and usually extra fish to bring home.   The one-two punch of a jigging line and deadstick is the way to go.  On the jigging line, jigging spoons with rattles tipped with a minnow head have been consistent.  Lipless crankbaits and jigging rap style lures also doing well.     Lures with a light have been working well in the stained water.  Please remember, in MN, lures with a light or water activated light can be used as long as the battery is mercury free and the hook is attached directly to the lure and not as a dropper line.     On the deadstick, a plain hook or a small jig with a live minnow 6 inches to a foot off of the bottom.    Some days, mornings are better, other days, it's the afternoons.  There is no distinct pattern, they could come through at any time. On the Rainy River...  The start of the day and end of the day have been best for those targeting walleyes on the river. A jig and minnow or a jigging spoon tipped with a minnow head is also producing some fish. Some big sturgeon being iced by ice anglers targeting them.  It is a catch-and-release sturgeon season currently.   Although ice conditions on the river are good, they can vary significantly due to the current, so anglers should always consult local resorts or outfitters for the most up-to-date safety information and fishing advice. Up at the NW Angle...  Ice fishing has been strong in the islands area of Lake of the Woods. Resorts continue to move their fish houses around, staying on the best schools of walleyes.     Anglers are catching a nice mix of walleyes, saugers, and jumbo perch with an occasional pike or tullibee as well.     Big crappies are still being caught just over the border.  Fish houses are available, check with a NW Angle resort for info on crappie fishing.   Lake of the Woods enjoys an extended ice fishing season with fish houses on the ice through March 31st and walleye and sauger seasons open through April 14th. Perch, crappie, and pike seasons remain open year-round.    
    • leech~~
      Maybe you should put rattle wheels down, if your going to sleep for 6hrs! 🤭 😆
    • JerkinLips
      Monday was my worst day of winter fishing on Vermilion in the last 4 years.  Caught only one 14" walleye in nearly 8 hours of fishing.  Missed two other bites and was marking very few fish.  Maybe the fish were taking Monday off after a big weekend.   No more water came up on the ice under my house.  Think it was because I haven't banked snow around it for a couple of weeks so the bare ice around the house is getting very thick.  I measured 38" of ice under my house and the Ion barely made it through even with the extension installed.  Needless to say I banked around the house this time.  Another lesson I learned today is don't drill holes if ice is frozen on your blades.  I did that on one hole and it didn't center properly and drilled at an angle on the edge of the opening.  Hope I can correct the location and angle on my next trip up.   Not much change in the surface lake surface conditions.  The drifts may be a little higher and are definitely harder.  There are still a few bare ice spots on the lake.  Very little activity on the lake today.  There are about 3 dozen houses from McKinley Park out to Birch Island.  Another person pulled there house off today, and I am sure many more will pull theirs off this coming weekend.  Only 13 days left of walleye season.    
    • leech~~
      A good start for never picking up a bow!   IMG_1910.mp4
    • leech~~
      Um, #metoo   leech~~ Author 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders Posted January 26 My whole goal for the rest of this season.  Is to watch KC lose and Taylor cry!  🥳
    • smurfy
    • Wanderer
      Smurfy is happy.
    • Dash 1
      Great looking food. So far not much of a game and I thought the halftime show was worse I've seen. 
    • leech~~
      Oh is there a Superbowl game? 😋😋
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