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The Official Minnesota Vikings 2013 Thread!!


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Garbage call? What other options do we have to score a TD? A Rudolph out route? Would that have made you happy?

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Garbage call? What other options do we have to score a TD? A Rudolph out route? Would that have made you happy?
let me explain it.....10 seconds left on the clock you don't call a run play where the ball was at on the field. If Peterson fails to get in the end zone there likely wouldn't have been enough time to get another play run.

It was another silly-me call and AP bailed Musgrave out.

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The play call in this is moot. They should have never been in that situation to even contemplate the Peterson run. Even the Viking bobo's on KFAN said that was the worst PI call they've ever seen.

Regardless, the original point was that the score wasn't indicative of how putrid the Vikings played.

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The play call in this is moot. They should have never been in that situation to even contemplate the Peterson run. Even the Viking bobo's on KFAN said that was the worst PI call they've ever seen.

Regardless, the original point was that the score wasn't indicative of how putrid the Vikings played.

There you go being objective again. Don't you know that will get you booed from this forum? All the maroons on here cant realize why we blow so bad. Its a very fun thing to be correct about the Vikings all the time and then have people hate you for it.

I wonder how many Viking defenders have sore ears today after having Rodgers zip the ball right past their helmets? I wonder if Rodger is sore from all the pressure Jared Allen put on him last night??

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I'm glad you get your NFL insight from meat sauce, a guy who nicknamed himself sludge, Chris I know nothing about sports Hawkey, and the less than common man. It wasn't a dumb call, it wasn't a gutsy call either. It was the right call to our only threat on offense. Finally a call that made sense, caught the D off guard didn't it. I wish I saw more of that from the Vikes staff. Did these so called NFL minds think Stafford's call was genius then? That'd be on par for the takes those guys have.

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You're right though rundrave, we should've thrown a couple of incomplete passes and settled for 3. Just because that's what you're "suppose" to do in that situation.

I very much appreciate your explanation though, so insightful, really broadened my thinking. Cookie cutter offense is what this team is lacking....

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I'm glad you get your NFL insight from meat sauce, a guy who nicknamed himself sludge, Chris I know nothing about sports Hawkey, and the less than common man. It wasn't a dumb call, it wasn't a gutsy call either. It was the right call to our only threat on offense. Finally a call that made sense, caught the D off guard didn't it. I wish I saw more of that from the Vikes staff. Did these so called NFL minds think Stafford's call was genius then? That'd be on par for the takes those guys have.

You must be the only one in the world that thinks it was the right thing to do. A clueless call from a clueless coaching staff.

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Tell me something Buck, O Wise One. What was there to lose? Football is a game of chess, and at that point that call was unexpected by the opposition. For once a call that caught the other team off guard. Castrate them for that though. Go herd some more sheep.

I'm not trying to stick up for this coaching staff because I think they're doing a terrible job but that call was spot on and if you think any other way then go join Bucks herd.

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Is your real name Mike Wobschall?

How you can sit there and defend this horrible team just screams delusional low information MN sports fan.

Good grief!


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Tell me something Buck, O Wise One. What was there to lose? Football is a game of chess, and at that point that call was unexpected by the opposition. For once a call that caught the other team off guard. Castrate them for that though. Go herd some more sheep.

I'm not trying to stick up for this coaching staff because I think they're doing a terrible job but that call was spot on and if you think any other way then go join Bucks herd.

Do you watch the modern NFL and have any ability to comprehend what's going on at all?? Take a look at the football and its shape. The dam thing was meant to be THROWN!!! And that why you spent $49 million on Greg Jennings and gave up half of your draft for CP, and got Kyle Rupolph and paid Chong again.

Whats's there to loose?? Maybe some serious dollars??? If they keep sucking do you think people will buy the remaining tickets or have interest in the stadium??

Do you think GB or anyone else that's good would have ran the ball at that point????? Peterson was absolutely 100% lucky to get that ball in. It didn't catch the Pack of guard. They just did a [PoorWordUsage]-poor job of tackling combined with an AP amazing run. 9 times out of 10 he doesn't make it.

And what does it truly say about our QB situation??

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Do you watch the modern NFL and have any ability to comprehend what's going on at all?? Take a look at the football and its shape. The dam thing was meant to be THROWN!!! And that why you spent $49 million on Greg Jennings and gave up half of your draft for CP, and got Kyle Rupolph and paid Chong again.

Which is precisely why running the ball sortof makes sense. I dont recall who was all on the field for the play or the formation, but if they had a heavy pass look, then running the ball makes sense because the D wouldnt expect it.

Everyone in the stadium expected a pass in that situation, time left of the clock, distance, etc. Element of surprise and it worked.

Had it not worked everyone would be [PoorWordUsage] because they didnt pass, but the fact that it did work and people are [PoorWordUsage] puzzles me.

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Is your real name Mike Wobschall?

How you can sit there and defend this horrible team just screams delusional low information MN sports fan.

Good grief!

Please validate your opinion if youre going to be so objective. I'd like to know why you think Im a delusional low information MN sports fan.

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Do you watch the modern NFL and have any ability to comprehend what's going on at all?? Take a look at the football and its shape. The dam thing was meant to be THROWN!!! And that why you spent $49 million on Greg Jennings and gave up half of your draft for CP, and got Kyle Rupolph and paid Chong again.

Whats's there to loose?? Maybe some serious dollars??? If they keep sucking do you think people will buy the remaining tickets or have interest in the stadium??

Do you think GB or anyone else that's good would have ran the ball at that point????? Peterson was absolutely 100% lucky to get that ball in. It didn't catch the Pack of guard. They just did a [PoorWordUsage]-poor job of tackling combined with an AP amazing run. 9 times out of 10 he doesn't make it.

And what does it truly say about our QB situation??

I did not know the shape of the football changes in this modern era we are in. Was it square before? What does that say about our QB situation? mmm, so youre saying we should have thrown the ball in that situation and then you rip the QB? Maybe Aarun to AP seemed to be the best bet if we can get some blocking. I guess your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I also did not know that it was luck that allowed him to score, silly me, I was thinking it was all the hard work and dedication to conditioning that allowed him to break through those tacklers and get in the endzone. What was I thinking, I must be a delusional, ill-informed MN sports fan.

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Which is precisely why running the ball sortof makes sense. I dont recall who was all on the field for the play or the formation, but if they had a heavy pass look, then running the ball makes sense because the D wouldnt expect it.

Everyone in the stadium expected a pass in that situation, time left of the clock, distance, etc. Element of surprise and it worked.

Had it not worked everyone would be [PoorWordUsage] because they didnt pass, but the fact that it did work and people are [PoorWordUsage] puzzles me.

They just love to hate Musky, that's all. Oh wait that isn't all, they love to troll as well. Oh wait that isn't all either, they love to contradict themselves. Theres more football knowledge in my morning stool than both of them combined.

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Yep, love to hate and love to troll. Maybe some of us are sick tired of SUCKING year after year and would like to fricken do something for once. The fact that the play was our only option to score shows just how bad things really are. Too bad we don't play Jacksonville and you aren't in charge DR donkey so we could end up with the first pick.

Sick of tanking in NFC championship games, sick of celebrating divisional playoff wins like it was the Superbowl. Sick of being happy and just making the playoffs and saying we will get them next year. Sick of being so short-sighted that we try to build a team to win for one year, and not build it for ten.

LMT show them the trophy case again.

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The fact that the play was our only option to score shows just how bad things really are. Too bad we don't play Jacksonville and you aren't in charge DR donkey so we could end up with the first pick.

LMT show them the trophy case again.

So now you agree with the play call??? Weird you would contradict yourself like that again... Thanks for the name call again though, I appreciate it smile. Maybe you can think for yourself next time instead of call on your troll brother LMT for back up.

The Vikes are in need of some new Blood on the sideline. There is no option to start over with a new roster, a coach needs to come in and coach these guys. It seems every game/team I watch, the team comes in with a plan of attack. What is ours? There never seems to be a game plan. Watching that game last night, seahawks/rams, and the plan Jeff Fisher put together against a great defense was masterful. Yeah the Rams lost but the way that team executed the run and play action with much less talent than the Vikes was awesome to watch. Where is our plan? Line up, snap the ball, try to block the guy lining up in front of you and if the D throws a different look at you then give up? And then on D, lets rush 4 and play cover 2 and throw no "looks" at the opposition. No schematics at all. There isn't one team out there that would lose to us.

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Theres more football knowledge in my morning stool than both of them combined.

You're full of something but it sure ain't "football knowledge" as you've demonstrated repeatedly in your posts here.

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You're full of something but it sure ain't "football knowledge" as you've demonstrated repeatedly in your posts here.

Please list these examples so we can have something to debate. Talking points are much better than invalidated statements.

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We've debated them repeatedly so there isn't much reason to do it again, but you can believe my statements have been validated time and time again. This can be proven just by looking at the Vikings record. What you support is failing miserably, while all my points have hit the mark time and time again. Once again, this is a luxury I have when viewing objectively compared to your Wobschall induced lunacy. You have been wrong every single time.

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If you can not single out a few scenarios of my inept ability to analyze football than I will go ahead and just assume that you are playing your usual games LMT. Its funny that you say I am being supportive when I am actually being critical (previous post stating that the staff needs to go and we need new blood isn't really supportive). Certain situations (very few might I add) I do agree with. I call it as I see it, you call it as you see it through a pair of cloudy glasses filled with high levels of hypocrisy. Viewing things objectively never lets you fully see the truth, that is a bad thing when it comes to debate, pessimism never wins. You never input anything that's factual, you only come on with these one-liners that you think are genius followed by a funny cartoon that will get an LOL from a few people. You think then your statements are validated? They are most likely laughing at you not with you, pal.

Now please Zygi, get a new leader in here. Gruden, Rob Ryan, Cower, Dungy, Bruce Arians, Denny freaken Green, ANYBODY!!! Somebody that can game plan!

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LMT, let's actually see you give some informative input rather than input that has nothing to do with the topic. Show how smart you think you are rather than look for arguments and contradict yourself steadily.

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If you can not single out a few scenarios of my inept ability to analyze football

I can think of 2 right off the top of my head.

1. Your take on the running play at the end of the first half was dead wrong and you were advised amply by others as to why it was wrong.

2. In another thread you state something to the effect that the defensive line is not the problem, it's the linebackers and secondary missing tackles. Again, dead wrong. If the D-line is doing their jobs there wouldn't be so many tackles missed by the linebackers and secondary because THEY would be making a few of the tackles. I'm not going to stick up for too many players on this team and they all leave something to be desired but most every good secondary I've ever seen has been a product of an even better defensive line. If the line is tackling running backs and pressuring quarterbacks it sure makes a secondary look good.

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It's all on the defensive line in the Cover 2. We barely blitz or do anything special. We mainly play zone with 2 high safeties and play the middle linebacker deep. Without any pressure from the front 4 QB's can eat us alive, no linebacker, corner, or safety can cover a WR when the WR has all day to get open.

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I can think of 2 right off the top of my head.

1. Your take on the running play at the end of the first half was dead wrong and you were advised amply by others as to why it was wrong.

2. In another thread you state something to the effect that the defensive line is not the problem, it's the linebackers and secondary missing tackles. Again, dead wrong. If the D-line is doing their jobs there wouldn't be so many tackles missed by the linebackers and secondary because THEY would be making a few of the tackles. I'm not going to stick up for too many players on this team and they all leave something to be desired but most every good secondary I've ever seen has been a product of an even better defensive line. If the line is tackling running backs and pressuring quarterbacks it sure makes a secondary look good.

1. PLEASE name me a guy on this squad that you would have rather put the ball in the hands of, PLEASE. If its truly a pass from Ponder then I am sure I can find dozens of posts from you (and all the others that want to argue me) calling out Ponder for his weak arm strength and accuracy issues. You have an opinion, I have an opinion. The only thing that is fact is this: Touchdown AP! It worked. It wasnt wrong. Even if he didnt get in it wouldnt be wrong why? Because he is about the only trustworthy guy we got on that side of the ball.

2. When there is no blitz scheme its pretty hard to be productive up front. Why? Well when you line up 4 vs 5 every down and you barely run a blitz package with your LBs or DBs you are already at a disadvantage. Now add in a TE or 2 and a Blocking RB you are WAY WAY over matched. You could have the best D-Line in the game and they'd look as bad as ours. Big D, its pretty hard to do your job when you're out numbered on every snap. How many times did you see a LB or DB leave their feet and miss a tackle? I dont know about you but I saw it MULTIPLE times. This may all be beyond your level of comprehension, think a little deeper into it. Here, I will come down to your remedial level:

More O's than X's, who wins more of the time?

A) O's

B) X's

C) Both A and B

D) I only understand fake wrestling

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1. PLEASE name me a guy on this squad that you would have rather put the ball in the hands of, PLEASE. If its truly a pass from Ponder then I am sure I can find dozens of posts from you (and all the others that want to argue me) calling out Ponder for his weak arm strength and accuracy issues. You have an opinion, I have an opinion. The only thing that is fact is this: Touchdown AP! It worked. It wasnt wrong. Even if he didnt get in it wouldnt be wrong why? Because he is about the only trustworthy guy we got on that side of the ball.

Furthermore, it was probably the only play call all year that wasn't predictable...

This board is full of posts calling out the vikes play calling (for good reason, it's predictable).

And... as you said... it worked. TD AP!

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It's all on the defensive line in the Cover 2. We barely blitz or do anything special. We mainly play zone with 2 high safeties and play the middle linebacker deep. Without any pressure from the front 4 QB's can eat us alive, no linebacker, corner, or safety can cover a WR when the WR has all day to get open.

Spot on.

But i would say its not just pressure from the front 4. EVERY good to great cover 2 defense (and any good defense for that matter) has a common theme and thats a STUD MLB. Urlacher, Derrick Brooks, Ray Lewis just to name a few. The vikings LB play has got to be some of worst i have ever seen. The last time the vikings had a stud MLB may have been scott studwell in the late 80's, and I'm not sure you could even call him a stud.

Also you need 2 corners that can cover someone...... where do you find those at? Home Depot?

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LB is just one of many weak points on this team. IMO not having Winfield in this D is what's causing the vast majority of our issues. The rest of the players are essentially unchanged from a year ago.

He was very impactful for the Vikings while he was here. Too bad things couldnt have gone differently there to keep him in Purple.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      I've done my part to lower the lake level by pressure washing my dock all the way up to my upper deck. I figure that lowered Vermilion by at least 1/4" lake-wide....
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   This week was a great week of walleye fishing on Lake of the Woods.  In addition, saugers, jumbo perch, some monster pike and an occasional crappie in the mix!     There are three fishing techniques being used to score Lake of the Woods gold (walleyes).  First, drifting or slow trolling crawler harnesses.  In a nutshell, using about a 2 ounce weight and a 3-4 foot harness with a spinner, two hooks and a crawler.     A tip for crawler harnesses, hook the dark part or head of the crawler on the front hook.  Try to keep the crawler straight between the two hooks.  Try to leave a few inches of crawler off of your last hook and pinch off the rest.  The walleyes and saugers will still hit it, but you will create more hookups.   The second presentation is a jig and minnow or frozen emerald shiner.  Basically locate fish out on the mud or on structure, anchor up and jig.  If you are amongst fish, they will find you.     The third way walleyes are being caught, and some may be surprised about, is trolling crankbaits.  Some have put on the trolling gear when the walleyes weren't as cooperative or when the fish are spread out.  Lots of success catching good numbers of walleyes and good sized fish.     Lots of fish out over deep mud or deep structure.  The deep mud is holding a lot of walleyes in 21' - 27'.  Electronics will help you mark fish.     There is another shallow water bite still taking place anywhere from 5 - 17'.  Much of the shallow bite has to do with feeding opportunities on various minnow spawns, crawfish and hatches.  Not every walleye is targeting the same prey.  Lots of opportunities.  .   Gold, orange, chartreuse, glow and pink, or a combo of these colors, are a great place to start.   Anglers can keep a combined limit of 6 walleyes and saugers.  Up to 4 can be walleyes.  All walleyes 19.5 - 28.0 inches must be released.  One fish over 28 inches may be kept.  The possession limit in MN is one day's possession.  If you catch a limit, eat some fish and freeze a couple, make sure to count your remaining fish left over for your possession.   On the Rainy River...  With some rain in the area, the river was flowing with a strong current and some debris this past week.  Debris has slowed considerably and water clarity is starting to improve.     Water clarity is important for walleyes, saugers, pike and smallmouth bass.  Sturgeon are much more dialed into scent to find their next meal, consequently, when the sturgeon season opens again on July 1st for the keep season, things should be good.   The fishing happening on the river is focused in areas just out of the current.  Most fish will hang just off, able to grab a passing meal but not having to expend too much energy.  Current can be good as it focuses fish in areas.   Jigging with a minnow is effective when you are on fish.  Otherwise, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.  Up at the NW Angle...  Fishing for a variety of species has been excellent and is in full summer swing up at the Angle.   For those fishing out of the NW Angle, both the Minnesota and Ontario waters of Lake of the Woods are producing a number of nice walleyes.  Many fish have slid off onto deeper structure.  With that said, there are so many areas of forage on LOW, walleyes will be in numerous spots, some shallow and some deeper, taking advantage of opportunities.  Lots of fish to be had, just go fishing.   Jigging structure has been effective.  When fish are a bit spread out, pulling spinners with crawlers or trolling crankbaits is catching a lot of fish.     In this part of the lake, expect to catch walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass.   Muskie anglers are after it and reporting good numbers, and in true LOW style, some big fish over the 50 inch mark.  Summer patterns are starting to take hold, but fish are holding in a variety of areas still.  
    • leech~~
    • redlabguy
      We got .5” last night. Hasn’t affected the lake level yet. It’s been steady the past three days here (Frazer Bay). RLG
    • MikeG3Boat
      Water Levels I believe are now at a record high with all the rain last week, and more fell last night.  I hope it stops raining soon for all the people who have businesses and live in the area.  Water can do so much damage.
    • MikeG3Boat
      MarkB, Where did you find the perch?  I would love to get into some of those.  MarkB are you fishing more on the east or west end?
    • MikeG3Boat
      Where are the water temps now with all the rain?  Coming up for a week on Friday and want to see what I can find out.  I have had a very poor fishing so far this year.  New to the area and just can't figure it out.  Home is on the west end of big bay.
    • smurfy
      👍 dang that walleye is dark?????they all that dark out of that system?????
    • leech~~
      I think you got it! Nice Eye and hog Perch! 👍
    • MarkB
      I'm gonna try this picture thing again. Please bear with me.      Our buddy Greg with his best of the trip.     Above: Pike River bridge the morning we left.        Below: My cousin Tim caught these the morning after the storm.  
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