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Bravo Spielman!!


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I'm not sure what else you can reasonably ask for from a single draft.

Theoretically he could have drafted Russell Wilson and then PERHAPS Percy would have put some of his differences with management behind him and accepted a contract with the Vikes.

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I am very happy with what we got for Harvin. The ravens got a 6th round pick for Boldin...

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THatoneguy- Yeah, i said it was good. what else should i say about it? The LT was taken with the 4th overall pick in the draft! One would like to think that you could get somebody pretty good in that spot. The kicker was a great pick and Smith and Robinson can both play- they are not probowlers. If you call that the best draft ever thats fine, I dont.

His Wr picks were garbage and his FA moves were equally as terrible with the exception of Felton. So all im saying is, IM NOT SOLD on him after one good draft. Lets give him another year to screw it all up and see what happens.

Yes its nice and ideal to build through the draft- but when you have literally NO ONE at wideout (wright and burton, oh goodie) they cant just draft 2 or 3wr's and hope they pan out. They have to sign at LEAST one if not two proven wr's, and they have the money to do it.

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The Vikings have roughly 18 million free right now, but then you have to save about 3 million for rookies, you also need to find a couple line backers to play. Loadholt will require a raise, assumuming he doesnt play for someone else, but if he does, we still will need to replace him. We cant go all out on WR here, if we get someone for 5-8 million, bring him in, but we cant go all out on the 12 million dollar man. There is no way we get Cruz, or Wallace, if we do, we are going to be strapped to fill the other positions of need.

This doesnt include cuts from today, but of the WR I seen we arent tendering, we wont save much anyhow.

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The Vikings have roughly 18 million free right now, but then you have to save about 3 million for rookies, you also need to find a couple line backers to play. Loadholt will require a raise, assumuming he doesnt play for someone else, but if he does, we still will need to replace him. We cant go all out on WR here, if we get someone for 5-8 million, bring him in, but we cant go all out on the 12 million dollar man. There is no way we get Cruz, or Wallace, if we do, we are going to be strapped to fill the other positions of need.

This doesnt include cuts from today, but of the WR I seen we arent tendering, we wont save much anyhow.

I hear ya, but there is also alot of money about to come off of this teams book after this season or shortly also- K. williams, Winfield, maybe Ja Allen. Thats alot of money right there. And what was it we gave John Carlson? One of the worst moves in all of FA last year. Id rather we at least TRY to get a WR that can play in here then waste money on the John Carlson's and Jerome Simpsons of the world.

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Jeez SLoBs, all the back and forth on Gophs b-ball... I dont think I couldve put it better myself. A legit #1 WR is our top priority PERIOD. From there do what we have to do to get Patterson in the 1st round. If that happened I wouldnt care what else took place. Sign Load, and pick up some other pieces in the draft. The 3-5th round WRs or signing a 2nd or 3rd WR and expecting them to be a #1 never works, we continue to do it and get burned and waste money.

If we go for Te'o Im boycotting.

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JEROME CHONG SIMPSON! WE GOT HIM AGAIN!!! Seriously, what in the hell do these guys see in him? Do they like watching balls bounce off of his facemask when hes stoned out of his mind on the field???? I hope this isnt the last guy we sign at WR. Cuz this is a non move and a waste of fricking money IMO. I seriously would have rather signed Jenkins again. Bravo Spielman..... wow

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IMO they need to sign the best WR available now and then make judgment on Ponder after getting him the pieces they think he needs. AP can't carry this team all the way..we saw that this year. I still think they need to upgrade at QB but they are giving it one more year it seems.

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Ponder will never be great, but many people are writing him off too early. He could still turn into a decent QB. Time will tell... San Diego gave up on Brees too early. I'm not saying Ponder will ever be Drew Brees, but its still possible he could turn into a good starter. People write off QBs pretty fast now a days, and don't allow them time to develope. We need to get him some tools to see what he can do.

I doubt Spielman picks up a big time free agent WR. They will need to sign some veterans, but it won't be Wallace, Cruz, Amendola or Jennings. It might be Gibson from St Louis. I assume they will re-sign Simpson too. They are building a young base. We will also get a WR with one of the first round picks. I wouldn't be surprised to see the vikings pick 2 WR in the first 3 rounds.

This draft is different from most years. Many people are saying the talent at 1-5 isn’t that much different than 20-25. That puts us in a great spot! It's also a deep draft for WR this year.

I love Percy, but he had to go. Spielman did pretty well considering...

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If Speilman really thinks he's going into this season having Simpson as #1 hes a complete silly-me. AP needs support. We made the playoff with no passing game at all. Just think where this squad would be if we had WRs that could run a route, create separation, and catch a fricken pass! We'd be unstoppable. We would control the ball so much, our D line wouldnt be so worn down, APs career would last. How does the front office not get it?

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I think the Vikes get one of the top WR in FA whether it be Wallace, Jennings, or Amendola. Welker is too old.

Agree! The Wilfs are getting impatient IMO and the Stadium deal is off to a rough start from a funding standpoint...how they ever thought a bunch of gambling machines would work is beyond me...they need to put up a winner because they are going to need the public's help at the end of the day and they'll get support if they have a CONTENDER if not they'll have to dig deeper into their own pockets and they'd rather take ours than their own!!

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Loadholt will require a raise, assumuming he doesnt play for someone else, but if he does, we still will need to replace him.

Word has it the Bears have already offered him more than the Vikings. If the Vikes raise the anti, the bears have painted the Vikings into a hard corner... using up that precious cap space on an O-lineman... if the vikes let him go to the Bears, they will improve one of the worst lines in the NFL. Word is they are courting Bushrod and Jake Long also...

Good luck!


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If Speilman really thinks he's going into this season having Simpson as #1 hes a complete silly-me.

You can say that again! Youd think with his a$$ on the line with Ponder, Spielman would want to help him out a little.... Bouncing balls off simpsons facemask isnt going to do much to help Ponder there ricky. Wouldnt surprise me if Spielman thinks hes the GURU after last years draft and thinks he can just draft a couple wr's and they will step right in and ball.

And if the bears over pay for Loadholt, good luck to them.

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nd if the bears over pay for Loadholt, good luck to them

I agree to an extent. Their line is so wretched they are almost forced to overpay line man. He is average at best as a pass blocker... and that is what the Bears need the most. He is primamrily a run limeman, and opens lanes for Peterson, but they cannot pay much more than his 5 mil he wants...

I think maybe the Bears are 'pushing' the Vikes trying to get them to use up more cap space limiting other free agency moves to help improve their team.

Good Luck!


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I think Loadholt had a good year last year, but only because he was in a contract year. He really under preformed the 2 years prior.

Amendola is always hurt, Welker is old, Wallace is going to Miami, Cruz will require a 1st round pick in compensation. Jennings is a possibility, but he is 29 and a little injury prone. He will require big money, but they have some money to spend, so we'll see. Gibson isn't a big name, but he's young, has rising stock and won't cost too much.

I know Simpson had a bad year, but that was on a bad ankle. I don't hink he's great, but he knows the offense, he will DEFINATELY have a better year than last year and they can get him for a song.

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Just heard the vikes released Winfield..... if its true, SAD day. One of my favorite vikes of all time. Cant say enough good things about him. And guess what- He was a FREE AGENT, signed through FREE AGENCY. So YES, big name FA do work out now and then.

But this makes me think they are making a run at a big name FA.

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One of my favorite all time Vikings. He was so underrated throughout his entire career. Man, I don't like this move at all, he still had some left in the tank, and is still one of the best tacklers in football.

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Lets see, so far we've gotten rid of two of our best players and signed chong simpson again. Why do I find myself scratching my head... There better be good news coming real soon Ricky

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Simpson is a #3/4 WR and the Vikings know this too. They never signed him to be their #1 WR. It's a good signing because it's cheap and he has upside and fills another need.

Winfield probably didn't want to take a pay-cut but I wouldn't count on them trying to re-sign him at a reduced contract.

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Spielman makes me laugh. He DOES indeed think hes the draft guru. Im not sure why he even has press conferences. The man says nothing.

Zep- where is this "upside" and "potential" you and spielman speak of about Chong Simpson?? He's been in the league like 5 years. There is no upside- he is what he is.

The way Spielman talked at the press conference all the fans are just gonna have to wait for the "guru" to fix everything thats broken with his masterful draft picks and shut our mouths. Good luck to ya Ricky!

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Spielman makes me laugh. He DOES indeed think hes the draft guru. Im not sure why he even has press conferences. The man says nothing.

Zep- where is this "upside" and "potential" you and spielman speak of about Chong Simpson?? He's been in the league like 5 years. There is no upside- he is what he is.

The way Spielman talked at the press conference all the fans are just gonna have to wait for the "guru" to fix everything thats broken with his masterful draft picks and shut our mouths. Good luck to ya Ricky!

I agree he is what he is...a #3 or #4 WR. We needed both a #3 and/or #4. I'm sure they signed him on the cheap again and it's almost impossible for him to be any worse than he was last year. He's a solid signing filling a depth need at a position of dire need.

If he stays healthy and "clean", he'll help the team this year.

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Spielman is doing a great job. Cast off the malcontent, put the old CB out to pasture and freed up cp room. They picked up another 1st round pick, locked up the RT and resigned their FB.

With the draft picks they have they will be in great shape to shore up the LB and WR positions. The team will be younger and stronger than it has been in years by the time the training camp rolls out.

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With the 23rd pick in this years draft the Vikings select.... Manti Te'o. With the 25th pick the vikings select..... Tavon Austin.

I could see that happening, I will then be a Packers fan.

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Spielman is doing a great job. Cast off the malcontent, put the old CB out to pasture and freed up cp room. They picked up another 1st round pick, locked up the RT and resigned their FB.

With the draft picks they have they will be in great shape to shore up the LB and WR positions. The team will be younger and stronger than it has been in years by the time the training camp rolls out.

It usually takes recievers a while to make an impact in the NFL. You cant just draft multiple rookies and expect them to contribute immediatly, especially where we're picking. Spielman needs to realize you have to add talent through FA, not just the draft every year.

He had a good draft last year and now everyone thinks he's a genius. If he doesnt pick up any recievers in FA, or gets another Jerome Simpson and calls it good, i can see this team taking a BIG step back this year. It took a historic season from AP for this offense to get to the playoffs last year- dont count on that happening again.

Then what is he gonna say about Ponder when hes got nothing but rookies to work with and has a bad year- "well, he didnt have anything to work with, we need yet ANOTHER year to see if he's the guy" I can see that one coming already.

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We need to trade up and get Patterson, sign Jennings, pick up a LB in round 2 or if we trade our round 2 pick there will still be some talent in round 3, this is a deep LB draft we will get a decent player. There aren't many holes this team has but the holes we have are HUGE and that starts with the passing game. We need a premo #1 and good #2 we can pick up in the draft that will be able to make an impact. This trendy Gibson pick up everyone is throwing out there makes me want to puke. We don't need another #3 on this squad and he will never be a #1. It seems like something the vikes would do but why haven't we learned from that? I'm fine with the Simpson re-sign as long as he's not suppose to be our #1 or #2 guy he's a #4, I like Wright much better as a #3. This free agent and draft is going to make or break us. Adding talent at WR is going to be what takes to improve and if Ponder can't fling it with talent then we know that and we can make a move at QB later. It's much easier to get a good passing attack changing QBs then to not have anybody to throw to.

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You mean add talent like the Bucaneers, Jets and Eagles did through free agency the last few years?? Would you like to add some talent like that?? Dumdi ASSumpuke, Vincent Jackson, the list goes on and on. How did those teams do last year? They were huge players in free agency.

U know the Bucs spent more than anyone last year in free agency. Those guys didnt do squat. U know who there best player was?? Doug Martin. The guy they drafted in the first round.

You cant fix the recievers if you dont have a QB. Ponder will have enough weapons for us to figure out if he is a starter or a career backup.

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You mean add talent like the Bucaneers, Jets and Eagles did through free agency the last few years?? Would you like to add some talent like that??

You cant fix the recievers if you dont have a QB. Ponder will have enough weapons for us to figure out if he is a starter or a career backup.

NO, talking about adding talent like Antoine Winfield and Pat Williams. Remember those FA additions? Worked out pretty well if i remember right. Just need to be smart about who you give the $$ too.

Vincent Jackson had 1350 yds and 8tds last year. I would say thats a pretty good season. What did our leading reciever have last year? hmmmmmmmmm... Oh thats right he plays for seattle now anyway. Pierre Garcon was also very good when he wasnt hurt, and he was a high paid FA.

I agree totally on the Ponder commentary, i dont think hes got near the arm to be a good starter in the NFL. But dont you think if you're Spielman and your job is tied to this guy, you may want to help him out a little besides adding a few rookies?????

Those of you who think Ricky can solve everything by drafting away every problem this team has, good luck to ya. You're gonna be waiting a while. NEVER said the draft isnt the most important way to improve the team, but you still need to add talent other ways- especially when you have a MASSIVE hole at wr like we do. There is no question at this moment the vikings have the worst recieving corps in the NFL

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NO, talking about adding talent like Antoine Winfield and Pat Williams. Remember those FA additions? Worked out pretty well if i remember right. Just need to be smart about who you give the $$ too

And do you see any of those types of players out there this year??? I sure dont. And as good as they were for us they still never helped us win a Superbowl. Why should we spend money on what someone has done in the past? Spielman has a lot of carp to undo from the Childress days. Give him a little time. Our team is going to be young for years to come. Meaning we have a chance to be good for a really long time like the 49ers or Patriots. The Qb is the biggest missing link. We have never even been to a Superbowl in my life so I can easily wait a couple more years to get there. We dont need to do it all this year. Thats what we tried to do with Farve and we have been trying to rebuild since.

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