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Ray Lewis


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Apparently I'm not the only one who can't stand the circus........not that Toomer is relevent, I just like what he had to say.

Kind of like Moss, seems like guys either love him or hate him.

Amani Toomer had a very good career as a receiver for the New York Giants, and he has stayed in the media mostly on NBC SportsTalk through the years, so he has stayed relevant in the media landscape even though his last game was in 2008.

And he made it clear he doesn't like Ray Lewis' antics. Really, really doesn't like Lewis' antics.

While making it clear that he thinks Lewis is a great linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens during an interview with USA Today, he unloaded on the circus surrounding his play.

"It's definitely all about him. Once a guy goes to the center of the field, goes into the victory formation on the last play of his last home game …" Toomer said to USA Today Sports. " I just don't think the Giants or any organization I've ever been a part of, even growing up, would allow somebody to single themselves out like that.

"If you single yourself out after you make a play, that's one thing. But to walk out on the field reminds me of the WWE, like The Rock coming out. You're becoming a caricature of yourself. It's exhausting. I don't know why somebody would want that."

And if you don't SMELLLLLLLLLL what Ray Lewis is cooking, Toomer wasn't done blasting the Ravens star.

"If you want to say you're Mr. Religious and all of that, have a clean record. Don't say all of that stuff if you know there's stuff that might come back," Toomer said. "Those are the things that, when I look at him, I just think hypocrisy."

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Personally, I'm a big fan of Ray. He's the greatest linebacker I've ever seen play, and will probably ever see. This statement might have meant a little more had it come from the mouth of a better player. Toomer wasn't even close to being a hall of famer. Jealousy is an ugly thing.

Why would Toomer blast Ray for being religious? Sure the guy has made mistakes in the past, which he will gladly admit too. I'd imagine that most of the "religious" people out there have a less than stellar conscious as well. The only difference is that Lewis is put under a much larger microscope. Ray lied, and got caught. If any one of you religious people can tell me that you have never lied, or broken any of the other commandments, I would be shocked. Why a double standard for Ray? Are your sins or crimes any greater because your a superstar athlete or celeb?

So much hate gets tossed Ray's way, it's almost sickening. He is a consummate professional and teammate, and the best linebacker to ever put on a helmet. It's just too bad that he hasn't been able to live up to the expectations of the religious fanatics. I guess not everyone can be a Tebow. crazy

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agree Ray is over the top yes but thats his personality always has been just getting more attention since hes got one game left

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He will occasionally use spray paint, but most of the time he goes with the deer antler extract.

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Why would Toomer blast Ray for being religious? Sure the guy has made mistakes in the past, which he will gladly admit too. I'd imagine that most of the "religious" people out there have a less than stellar conscious as well. The only difference is that Lewis is put under a much larger microscope. Ray lied, and got caught. If any one of you religious people can tell me that you have never lied, or broken any of the other commandments, I would be shocked. Why a double standard for Ray? Are your sins or crimes any greater because your a superstar athlete or celeb?

I don't know of many religious people or anyone for that matter that's been involved in a street fight that left 2 people dead. That's probably what Toomer is talking about.

He's a great linebacker but I wouldn't go as far as the best ever, he is quite the character though.

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ya i dont like him

every body desrves a 2nd chance I guess

but being put on a pedistal like he is being

i dont think so he killed people for what ever the reason

not one but 2 i think

just not real high on my list

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Tebow never murdered anyone...or had 6 illegitimate kids...or used banned substances.

When did Ray test positive for a banned substance? Guilty until proven innocent? Sad

He murdered someone? Why wasn't he ever convicted? Guilty anyways, eh? Sad

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Hey Ted-gotta ask-was OJ innocent too? Will agree he is one of the greatest linebackers ever but he defines the privelaged thug mentality of the pro athlete. Goes back to being able to get away with whatever you want as long as you can buy a good enough lawyer.

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When did Ray test positive for a banned substance? Guilty until proven innocent? Sad

He murdered someone? Why wasn't he ever convicted? Guilty anyways, eh? Sad

I see ignorance is the flavor of the day.........

I know if I wasn't involved in a murder I certainly wouldn't pay the victims family a huge settlement would you ted? Course it wouldn't look too good if the guys blood was found in your car and your clothes disappeared.......consummate professional is right.

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Hey Ted-gotta ask-was OJ innocent too? Will agree he is one of the greatest linebackers ever but he defines the privelaged thug mentality of the pro athlete. Goes back to being able to get away with whatever you want as long as you can buy a good enough lawyer.

Like I said, he definitely made mistakes. Shoot, I absolutely HATED him when he played at Thug U back in the 90's. However, over time it was hard not to appreciate the things this guy has done for football, and Baltimore.

Did he make mistakes? YES.

Has he done about everything he can do to make up for the wrongs he's done? YES. That's my point in all of this. Other than Payton, which has done great things for Indianapolis, name me a player who has done more for his city and team than Ray Lewis.

On a side note - If you want a peak into Ray Lewis' daily life, watch the NFL Networks show called "A Football Life". After watching that, let me know if you think the guy is a phony.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

On a side note - If you want a peak into Ray Lewis' daily life, watch the NFL Networks show called "A Football Life". After watching that, let me know if you think the guy is a phony.

Edited piece done by the NFL for the NFL's image. Don't think for a minute Ray doesn't know what to do when he's on camera.

He deserves the second chance but I would feel better if he went quietly about doing things to repay for the damage he caused.

To me it's all Ray Lewis me.. me.. me.. Look at ME PR.

Instead of Gun Control it should be Ray Lewis Control.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm surprised there's not more love for Ray on these forums... all the thumpers must've been busy talking about guns and god in sillytown

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