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ran into sheriff on the ice on adrians.. pease read

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i was pulling on to adrains road about 1:30am fri night.. i was about 100 yards of the shore when i pulled over to load my gps... my radar dector started going nuts i was like what the heck!! then headlights started coming at me from out on the lake.. he pulled up to my window... this is how conversation went.... (sheriff) isnt it kinda late to be going out? (me) yeah, i just drove 6 hours to get here (sherif) 20 seconds of saying nothing.. (me) whats the earliest i can get propane in the am? (sheriff) dont know try adrians..(me)ok (sheriff) after another 20 seconds of just stairing at me.. What are u doing? (me) just loading my gps..(sheriff) 1 minute of silence looking at me.. SO I ROLLED UP MY WINDOW AND DROVE AWAY.. imust say he was pretty rude,and i even tryed to start a friendly conversation... i couldnt believe it, he must of had a really bad day... now my question is can the sheriff drive out on the ice? im guesing he was looking for intoxicated drivers. but in all my years of fishing ive never seen a sherif in a car driving on the ice..only seen the dnr.. by the way i put my blinker on when i started to drive off again.. didnt want to get a ticket for merging... any thoughts?

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See Sheriff patrol jurisdictionally in boats all the time on the water....so suppose why not drive on the ice, would be a lot easier than the boat right now smile Personally have never seen one driving either. Would not mind seeing tickets given out for stupidity and driving too fast on the roads, but probably not much in the books for that. Too bad about your encounter. Most LEOS are pretty cool, but as with most things in life, always a few in the crowd. Odds are though at 1:30 am, there would be a better chance that you would be up to "no good" and can see his initial train of thought. I found out a CO was checking up on me simply because I was posting pictures and giving out reports of catching fish on this site.....talk about extrapolating. Sure I was a little miffed...as were you, but be happy your happy and don't take your job that seriously....plus it will be a good story later.

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yeah, i wanted to say a few things to him but i bit my toungue.. everyone in the truck started laughing when i put the blinker on.. wouldnt been so bad if he was a little nicer... and all in all i know he was just doing his job.. but seriously how could you pull someone over for thinking there drunk. no one drives perfect on the ice.. swerve this way, swerve that away. speed up slown down. dodging rough ice... i know he didnt go father out than 2 miles cause theres no way his impalla was going to make it over pine island lol..

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

I think he was waiting for people coming back from the resort bars to nail! wink

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Thats strange? I have seen them right on the road when you get off the bay, but never on the ice. I was tould they cant drive on the ice, but looks like they can. It might be a good idea for them to be seen out there once in a wile to keep the break ins down a bite.

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If you were just parked there, he may have just been checking up to make sure you were alright. Never know, wiht the cold temps, someone could have just been passed out drunk?

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i never though about to be seen to prevent some theft... actually last year my house was parked near shore at adrians.. someone cralled up through the hole cover took a few small things i had left in there. and toatally emptied everything all over the floor.. thats why i never leave valuables in there... this last wknd i noticed alot of the wheel house were lowered to the ground or cranked down half way.. guesing they may have had same problem last year with theft

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another thought, woulndnt that suck if the sheriffs started parking out side the igloo ice bar over in zipple... lol

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Thank goodness no law in Minnesota against consuming a beer or two on the ice, DUI different story. Canada no booze on the water, not sure about ice up there. Long day without one cold one during the lull in fishing, or while frying up some nice fillets.

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there could very well have been reports of break ins, maybe he was out there trying to find someone that may or may not have been involved in the break ins.

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He is waiting for people to leave Wigwam. We had a sheriff following us from Wigwam all the way Lake Road Lodge the other weekend. Then he turned around and drove right back towards Wigwam.

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It was 1:30 in the morning! Is anyone friendly at 1:30 in the morning? Or perhaps a better question would be is anyone "sober" friendly at 1:30 in the morning?

There's no doubt he was watching you for signs of intoxication. Count yourself fortunate that you were sober, and handled the situation very well. cool

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Is theft a big issue on the lake? I thought not much if any occurs up there. Is it almost always the houses parked near shore or has there been some out on the lake recently? It's just too bad one has to worry about that bull. I'd like to think my house would be safe on its own.

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He was probably gauging your response the way he was talking to you. Like others have said, the math is easy, Wigwam 100' away from the landing, 1:30 am, bar just closed. The deputies up there do a lot of traveling around at night just looking around, that is one reason there is not a lot of theft around. I have seen them walking around between the resorts when I have been stumbling between bars.

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I'm not really sure that this should have "please read" in the title. Like you are trying to warm us to not break the law because they are watching.

I've been pulled over for questionable reasons, not very happy about it, but never felt the need to publicly voice my displeasure.

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Yeah thats kinda wierd but no big deal if your not doing anything wrong, tell ya the truth I wouldnt want a CO's Job or a sheriffs job up there, I think he'd rather be home with his family instead of having to deal with a percentage of people going back to there ice house loaded at 1 to 2 in the morning.

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Have seen the county mounties off Bablers a couple times too. Seems to usually coincide with reports of break ins. I would like to think they have bigger fish to fry but sometimes the crime in northern MN migrates to the lake...

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I don't see any problem with having law enforcement officers around the lakes.If you don't do anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.

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max power, i wasnt doing anything wrong nor did i question his intent.. what i simply stated was i felt he could have been a little more friendly and considerate.and i allso was surprised to see them on the ice. yes i know what they deal with,i hear about it all the time. my mom is a cop and my uncle is a state trooper! i have the ut most respect more law enforcement and what they do.. but i do not like the way he treated me like i was guilty.. even after i tried to have a friendly conversation with him.. sure he may of had a bad day,happens to everyone. but i was in no way bashing the cops and warning people not to do anything wrong because they may being watched.. just surprised to see them on the ice!

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Here is some food for thought. Im a LEO in Nebraska, and I know that certiain traffic laws must be enforced on public roadways only. However, there are a few "traffic laws" that can be enforced anywhere. Those are: DUI and Reckless Driving. So, that being said, I know SD laws are similar. If MN law is anything like that, than yes, you can get a DUI on the ice. And yes, they can patrol out there. If that public water falls within their respective jurisdiction or county, than they have every DUTY to patrol those areas. Taxpayers expect that. Sounded to me like early icers had some complaints about a-hole drivers going too fast. Maybe just a mere presence out there will slow people down and make them think twice about being idiots.

Roads are no place for carelessness....the ice is surely not a place for idiocy. Be safe everyone..

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And yes..lol..we all have bad days!!! Im coming up tomorrow to vent a little and hopefully catch some fish! Maybe have a beer or 2.

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