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I'm done Too after tonight


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You Twin fans

(and one WSox fan who remains nameless...HA Again!)

think you have all the headaches.


6 in the ninth by the Astros tonight....off our closer....I am done.

Sure, I'll still check the boxscores and read up a little so I can learn a little about the no-names/young guys, but I AM DONE hoping this year they can improve their standing.

I am gonna concentrate on FISHING the rest of this summer.

This past weekend we got some eater/small cats and several small LMB in ILL to prep me for my trip to Cass in T-10. I missed so many bites, my new nickname is "Rusty".

When I return from God's country this year, I will also be out on the lake alot this year. Last year it was so hot, that I went swimming instead of fishing, but not this year.....so long as the bugs cooperate.

Hang in there....wait 'till next year as usual I guess.

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I got to agree with you, Geno! Since my beloved Black Hawks and Bulls decided to take early exits from their championship drives and my beloved Pale Hose are swimming in the sea of mediocrity, it is amazing how much time you have to do other things when you are not tied to a television set for hours on end. I have some grand kids that are wanting to get out and do some fishing in my boat right here in the Land of Lincoln, even before we set sail for our two week excursion to the Land of the Twinkies! LOL


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Well, I have come up with one reason to watch: maybe they can play "spoiler".

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Way to go 'stros laugh

I sure miss Berkman, boy is he tearing it up for the Cards this year, I'm just glad he went to a team I also tend to like.

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Way to go 'stros laugh

I sure miss Berkman, boy is he tearing it up for the Cards this year, I'm just glad he went to a team I also tend to like.

According to Sled, you can't like more than one team, and apparently, it has to be the hometeam. wink

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That's the problem for us 'multi-state resident' types. I've cheered too hard for too many home teams to just give them up any time life moves me around a bit. Anyone who only roots for one team has just been holed up in one area for too long :P Besides, it's too fun picking and choosing potential playoff math-ups between my favorites.

My alliances are a "degrees of separation" thing, either I lived there or have a close connection there, but they are ALL a "home team" to me. I've just had a lot of homes.

In baseball, my favorite teams are rated as such(in order of closest to furthest in degrees of separation):





-Blue Jays


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