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Their not even close to being good!

Scott K

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I dont even have interest in turning the game on any more. Until they start playing like a team, I have better things to do with my time. mad

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I guess I will continue to watch them.

Boy they sure do look pathetic. They just look like they are going through the motions. This is not a very good baseball team. They have time to turn it around but i see no signs that they can, every part of the team failing tight now.

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I dont even have interest in turning the game on any more. Until they start playing like a team, I have better things to do with my time. mad

Funny, That is exactly how I feel. When you can't even get up to the plate and bunt a ball to advance a runner or hit a sac fly your team is in trouble. I expect them to lose to teams in the east but to look like a AAA team against KC is pathetic. I was a fan of Casilla a few years ago but this guy has got worse instead of better and Tolbert is just as bad.

I really wonder if the Twins can turn this ship around even if everyone gets healthy. We can only hope....

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yes, I don't understand the love affair Gadry has with Casilla and Tolbert. Cut Casilla and keep Cuddy at 2nd and move Nishi to SS when he returns. Tolbert has a good glove so I'll give him that. Wonder how long it is untill Gardy starts to feel the heat

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for whatever reason, gardy walks on water with the local press. nobody has the guts to ask him tough questions. when one tries to ask a question that makes gardy the least bit uncomfortable, he scolds them and they run away like a whipped pup. seems the press had no problem holding chilly and the other pro teams mgrs accountable but it's different with gardy. he routinely burns up the bullpen by having guys pitch to one or two batters and using pitchers that make no sense. case in point was the doubleheader blowouts the other day. when you are down by a ton of runs late in the game, why not just let the pitcher finish it out even if he's getting pounded instead of having other pitchers go through their entire warmup routine and then only throw a limited number of pitches and then end up with tired bullpen?

why keep cuddy at 2b? he's not mobile enough to play there. of course the announcers on tv are such homers too that they exclaimed last night when he made a play that all 2b men would make that it more than made up for his error on the prior play that gave the royals a run. how can a routine play make up for a prior play that should have got them out of the inning without a run?

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for whatever reason, gardy walks on water with the local press. nobody has the guts to ask him tough questions. when one tries to ask a question that makes gardy the least bit uncomfortable, he scolds them and they run away like a whipped pup. seems the press had no problem holding chilly and the other pro teams mgrs accountable but it's different with gardy. he routinely burns up the bullpen by having guys pitch to one or two batters and using pitchers that make no sense. case in point was the doubleheader blowouts the other day. when you are down by a ton of runs late in the game, why not just let the pitcher finish it out even if he's getting pounded instead of having other pitchers go through their entire warmup routine and then only throw a limited number of pitches and then end up with tired bullpen?

why keep cuddy at 2b? he's not mobile enough to play there. of course the announcers on tv are such homers too that they exclaimed last night when he made a play that all 2b men would make that it more than made up for his error on the prior play that gave the royals a run. how can a routine play make up for a prior play that should have got them out of the inning without a run?


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They might as well just bring the Triple A team up and let them play. It can't get much worse!

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I am right there with you guys! When my beloved Pale Hose started the season I thought that if we could stay close to the Twinks we would be OK. So far WE HAVE DONE EXACTLY THAT! LOL

Could be a long season for all of us! GO BULLS!


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watching them screw up that rundown yesterday was sad they aren't playing twins baseball, as bad as they are playing i still hope to catch a few games at target field this year and hope they pull through it

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No leadership on the team at all.

Those that are looked at as leaders simply won't take the role.

Agree 100% on the Gardy bit...any heat given to him and he responds like a teen-ager and throws a fit. He will HAVE to start answering some of these questions sooner rather than later.

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I have to agree with these post's and I have to add that John Gordon/Dan Gladdin need to grow a set and call these guys out along with the tv guys.....pretty much all the radio/tv guys for the Wild/Twins are junk IMO not that I could a better job but come on if someone is playing bad come out and say it. I think if they did this the teams would step up but why should they when everyone treats them like a little baby puppy...arrrggg. I need to fish.

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LMMFAO, I can't believe you guys thought the Twinkies were good. Maybe one day they'll get an owner willing to spend money.

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They are spending money, just very badly. The 184 million man will bog this team down for years.

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Kevin Garnett and the Wolves are a prime example of what the Twins have to look forward to over the life of that contract.

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