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Danny Kristo out indefinitely with frostbite


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The teams that make it get like a 1,000 tickets, I would hope at least 500. UND would represent very well, as long as they get enough tickets. I just looked at the prices on Stub hub, not many college kids can afford that.

well let me know, If the Sioux make it I might go. I may even cheer for them if there are no other WCHA teams. Might be tough to get me in there without beer though. Myself and a few friends are on stand by, depending on the teams though. Its almost more fun to just hit the watering holes in STP during the games.

I will be going or working at some of the WCHA games though. Those are a blast. I actually bar-tend sometimes at the X, so I will be there one way or another. You will never guess which college fans are my favorite to serve beer to .....

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Bartender... no kidding. Lets hear it. Which fans are the lousy tippers. In all honestly now.

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The Sioux are bar far the best tippers. They are usually so drunk by about 5pm they dont even know what is going on. They are pretty funny to visit with too. I talked to this group last year from Towner, these dudes took out personal loans to pay for the trip. They never even went to school at UND. Its like spring break for these kids.They ago all out. Last year I started buying beer for this one kid that I felt bad for. He bought all the rounds for his group in the afternoon session. honestly $300 at least. They were suppose to get his the rest of the time. But of his group of 5 or so, none of them made it to evening games but him. 2 of them were passed out in their seats in the afternoon, and the other 2 he said he lost. Pretty funny.

I Will maybe bartend on friday night if the Sioux play. Other wise I might just go watch.

THe worst tippers are wither the badgers or the Gophs. Badger fans always complain about the price, and Gopher fans, well lets just say they are not always real fans, or pleasant to be around.

Im excited to see if UNO travels well this year.

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By the way, when the wife doesnt even know I get tips, you get to buy a lot of fishing stuff that she doesnt know about.

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UNO fans are great. When they played up here they had this mascot, a guy dress up in a devil custom. There pretty friendly and like to drink. Don't know alot about hockey but they will learn. There fun fans I'm telling ya.

Great story Scott. laugh It sounds like a few people I might know.

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They are a rather homeless looking crew but I'll buy em some drinks if I se e them. my real job might prevent me from working tho. Ill be there one way our another. Im about the worst bar tender any where tho. I can't make any drinks. Captain is about it.

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Awesome bartending stories. I was laughing real hard about that poor UND guy. At least their team usually does well!

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Its only fair Bear. What do you have in mind?

I was just thinking 2 months of sigs if we lose and nothing if you lose, if you want to dream up a more creative bet have at it.

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I was just thinking 2 months of sigs if we lose and nothing if you lose, if you want to dream up a more creative bet have at it.

Sounds good to me smile

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A update on Danny condition. Read this on Schlossman chat line Danny's been in Grand Forks and skating with the team. Won't play this weekend but maybe soon smile

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Good luck up at lake Winnipeg. Let us know how you do.

Fishing was pretty slow on Winnipeg - 4 of us caught about 30 fish over the weekend. I think 9 of those fish were over 24 with the biggest being 30 inches. Those fish look cool - I have never seen a walleye even close to those. Now I know why they call them greenbacks up there.

Back to hockey - has anyone found out what the circumstances were around him getting frostbite?

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Well you go there for size. 30 inches is a pig. Nice work. I've only fish up there at Lockport for catfish. Been meaning to go back for walleyes soon I hope. I've seen pictures of Greenbacks. I don't think pics does it justice from hearing people's first hand expirence.

I've heard rumors. I don't think any of them are solid. I'm sure it was one those being young and stp things. A few weeks ago Hack was doing a weekly press conference and spoke about his displeasure with the "distractions that happen that week".

Hey brmuskie are you in muskie inc in Bemidji? I ask because I just renew my membership and switch chapters to #46.

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Copious amounts of alcohol......there have been some really bad rumors that flew around. My guess...he's in college, got tanked....walked home...lost a shoe. Doesn't really seem much diferent from what most kids did in the college. The frostbite thing still gets me tho.

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Drinky drinky. I said I wouldn't spread any more rumors but one story involved a midget a donkey at Ray Richards golf course on a Sunday night. I wish I was 20 again.

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I'll have to see if I can dig up some pictures. We had the elephants from the Shrine circus in the the front yard of our fraternity one night. For real. Rode one of them bad boys right down Columbia. Can't go into much detail on the negotiations. I've been known to break forum policy in the past but these negotations may have offended even higher powers. Suffice to say, when we laid down our best offer, one of the handlers offered to bring a tiger. Not sure what guardian angel helped us to say no to that.

So we get all three of these animals in the yard. It obviously draws a crowd of roughly 300. For a buck a head, the handlers throw two or three kids on each elephant and take a couple laps around the yard. They're making some more cash and all is good. Now every lap past the balcony, the big elephant decides a cup of beer is a worthy reward. She determines that the 32 ounce mug is her best source of reward. How this doesn't degrade into a charging elephant story has me shaking my head to this day. Whenever I hear the saying like a cow piddling on a flat rock, I just smile cause I saw saw an elephant piddling on a nodak sidewalk.

I've got more. Most of them make walking home without a shoe sound like a trip to the library.

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We have nothing on the Gophers Bryce. What ever happen to Nate Hagemo? Isn't he robbing houses now doing smack. All he needs is some escorts and he could have a rap album.

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We have nothing on the Gophers Bryce. What ever happen to Nate Hagemo? Isn't he robbing houses now doing smack. All he needs is some escorts and he could have a rap album.

Ahhh the smack talk, I love it.

Poor Nate, couldn't play hockey any more and went off the deep end, sad story but no worse then a certain Sioux player printing counterfeit $$$$.

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no worse then a certain Sioux player printing counterfeit $$$$.

Who this? I can't think of anybody who did this.

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Bochenski-bucks. Heck of a player on the ice, but decided to make some embellishments resembling currency to blank paper. Not the brightest move . . .

I don't think we want to open the drawer of dumb moves made by college athletes. whistle

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I don't think we want to open the drawer of dumb moves made by college athletes. whistle

You are right, we should probably let this one die, the list could get pretty long.

cbrooks how does a dedicated Sioux fan like yourself not know about the $$$ incident?

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You mean the Bochenski Bucks?!? Gotta get me some of those...

In all fairness, it was quite awhile ago. And he plead guilty and moved on. But kinda funny nonetheless.

EDIT-I hate when work interupts my replies. Looks like Shorelunch beath me to it. I do remember those St Cloud fans though, one of the best fan shenanigans that I can remember...Bochenski Bucks.

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Maybe the diference between the sioux and a respectable program is the fact that the sioux players have no discipline and pull their shinanigans while still on the team. They ofcoarse are always allowed to come back and play too.

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]Maybe the diference between the sioux and a respectable program is the fact that the sioux players have no discipline and pull their shinanigans while still on the team. They ofcoarse are always allowed to come back and play...

and win WCHA player of the year like Matt Frattin will at around 4:30 today when WCHA will announce the winner.

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]Maybe the diference between the sioux and a respectable program is the fact that the sioux players have no discipline and pull their shinanigans while still on the team. They ofcoarse are always allowed to come back and play too.

Wow . . . really? I'm not one to start pointing fingers, but your beloved Gopher program, or any program for that matter, have had more than their share of players doing dumb things, on and off the ice, with some known publicly and some swept under the rug.

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All these teams are going to have idiots on them. Just seems like at und the only punishment they get is from the league and not from their team. With the gophs when their players get in trouble they get kicked off the team or suspended. How many guys on the gophs have dwis and minor cunsumptions. How many have fled the scene of the crime, how many have been caught fleeing police custody. How many have been destroying property and throwing in into the street while being tanked.

All the good old times stuff that happened was under wooger. They are closely watched and disciplined now.

To be honest I thought hackstol would have been way more of a harda.s. and punishing players.

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