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North Long Access

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Me and a group of buddies plan on fishing North Long from the 6th-10th of October. I've been told by the resort we're staying at that the public access in Merrifield Bay is going to be shut down for the first few weeks of October.

Can anyone provide some insight to this and if this is true can a guy get an 1850 FishHawk in anywhere else on the lake...371 Bay??? Any others???

I can't believe they're just going to shut the lake off completely to those who want to access it...especially this time of year.

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i think they are going to do some work on it new ramps or something

they were working on the 371 bay landing a week or so ago

dredging it out i think..i saw them workin but never did get around to go into see what they were doing

you should be albe to get your boat in there easy the lakes are back up

i see boat trailers in there all time now

plus it sounds like we are going to get a bunch of rain tonight and tommorrow

call the the dnr or the county to get the full scoop

i believe there was dnr trucks at the 371 working so they shoud know when and whats going on

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thats cool

i live like 2 mins from the 371 landin

but usally drive to the merrifield one

then come back to this end by boat to fish .....lol

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Thanks guys...sounds like either way we'll be able to get out on the lake. How's the water temps looking up there?

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Greg I do the same thing live by west end drive to Merrifield and then drive boat back!

now that access is usable will gain about 45 minutes plus fishing time and save a bunch of gas!

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Crow Wing North Long Lake North Long Lake Merrifield Sept 27 -

Nov 1, 2010 Temporary reconstruction project.

Alternate public access for North Long Lake is on the west end off of Hwy 371; this access may not meet the needs of the largest boats. For more information, call 218-833-8710.

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I can't belive there doing anything to the access on the Eastsdie of the lake, I launch there in a 18' large outboard motor.. 200 fine. The access over by 371 was 2' deep along ways out over the labor day weekend.

I saw several 26' boat being lauched in the Eastside ramp, if the government is tearing that one up I can see why our state is always broke and never balances the budgets. wasting money.

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I believe they have inpruved the west side,But could be mistaken i seen them in there workin a week or so ago. I agree there is really no need to mess with the east side. Before you know it we'll have to pay to land there when it was fine to begin with.

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ya i think its good to..i have 20ft glass boat and no problem loadin and unloadin maybe their going to pave it

shouldnt take month to do that tho

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According to the DNR link above the work they will be doing includes...

bituminous paving of the parking lots, improving stormwater management, and putting in new ramps.


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