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Bear Attack ....


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Tore the bottoms off of a pair of boots running from a bear down the middle of Highway 169 at 03:00 one morning South of Mille Lacs Lake.

You got to give the details of that one. Like what was her name and is she still single?

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You got to give the details of that one. Like what was her name and is she still single?

i always thought that a bear was a lumberjack gay dude, not a girl. are you thinking cougar? laugh

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Yea 3:00 in the moruning on 169 Sounth of mille lacs, what ya hidding bog? I know if I had a bear behind me I'd stop an pull up my pants,sleepsleepsleep Nothing? tough crowd,tough crowd

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"Tore the bottoms off of a pair of boots running from a bear down the middle of Highway 169 at 03:00 one morning South of Mille Lacs Lake."

Like Garage Logic says, "Nothing good ever happens after 1:00 AM".

Come on bogwalker we're still waiting for the rest of the story. grin

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Not all that interesting. Back in the day when hitchhiking was relatively safe I was heading from Mille Lacs to the cities. A deputy sheriff saw me thumbing my way South and offers me a ride. I figure hey, this guy is okay. Turns out he just wanted me out of his county. He drops me off in the middle of nowhere at 03:00. No cars on that highway for hours. I start walking, and walking and walking. Pitch black. I could just make out the center line. Something off to my left starts making some noise. I assume it is a cow. I hear a few snorts and tell myself it's a bull. Now there is splashing in the water in the ditch. Must be a bull that got through the fence? Now I hear claws clicking on the highway coming toward me. More snorting and I am out of there. Leather sole cowboy boots with too many miles and too little leather. I hit my top speed and the soles can't take it. They rip loose one after the other. They are flopping all over the place. Can't remember how far I ran but it was quite a ways. Never heard another sound out of the bear. I know now he was bluff charging to get me out of his way. Wish I would have known that back then.

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"These boots are made for walking". grin Great story.

When I was a wee young lad still in grade school I was trapping fox one fall. One day one of my traps was missing, drag and all. The cost of that missing trap was pretty substantial for a little kid so I started looking around trying to figure out how a fox was able to carry my trap away with out leaving a mark. There was just a little skift of snow here and there and in the little patches of snow I could see where it looked like the drag had been drug so off I go following those skuff marks from patch of snow to patch of snow. I end up down in a dark old cedar swamp. There I see something really strange. confused A place looked like water had run into a hole in a big patch of cedar blowdown. All the grass and moss in the area was pointed right into that hole. Little did I know that I was looking at a bear den for the first time in my life where the bear had raked everything into it's den. With the foolishness of youth I got down on my hands and knees to crawl into that hole to see if the fox had pulled my trap in there. I still don't know when I realized that I was nose to nose with a bear but suddenly I was on my butt about 15 feet away from that hole and a BIG, REALLY BIG bear was halfway out of that hole standing up with a blown down cedar tree raised up on his shoulders and my little fox trap and drag hanging off his little toe. shocked Me and my little hatchet left the area at high speed screaming. I got ahold the local CO to see if we could go get my trap back from that bear. This was before bear were protected and a game animal. The CO and I headed back in there. When we got to the den the CO shouted and made noise until the bear came out of his den. The CO said that was a bear over 400 pounds and that it looked like my trap would fall off and I could get it the next spring so we left and the bear went back into his den with my trap. As we walked back out there was a trail of my things that I had left behind in mad dash to safety. A glove here, the roll of wire from my packsack there, another glove, more stuff from my packsack, the packsack itself. As we picked these thing up the CO is chuckling pretty good but when we got to the sleeve of my shirt hanging off a limb a good six feet off the ground he started laughing so hard that he had to sit down.

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One year when I was a teenager I was squirrel hunting S.W. of Mille Lacs. I slept in the back seat of my car along side of a road back in the woods. The passenger side rear window was broken out but it was covered with plastic. My head was below the window. In the middle of the night I woke to something on my face. I finally realized a bear was reaching through under the plastic and was feeling my face as it reached inside the car. Not sure which of us more surprised, pretty sure it was me.

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By MATT VOLZ, – Thu Sep 23, 7:18 pm ET

HELENA, Mont. –

A Montana woman fended off a bear trying to muscle its way into her home Thursday by pelting the animal with a large zucchini from her garden.

The woman suffered minor scratches and one of her dogs was wounded after tussling with the 200-pound bear.

that bear didn't get grannies cookies either.

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By MATT VOLZ, – Thu Sep 23, 7:18 pm ET

HELENA, Mont. –

A Montana woman fended off a bear trying to muscle its way into her home Thursday by pelting the animal with a large zucchini from her garden.

The woman suffered minor scratches and one of her dogs was wounded after tussling with the 200-pound bear.

I tried that with my Mother-in-Law. Didn't work.

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