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The Fellowship of the Crib


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Since there seems to be some interest in a gathering of sorts for bear hunting, i figured I'd try an get the ball rolling. First off, Whos In? Second, Where do we wanna go? Choices this year would be LOW or Red Lake. We'll see what kinda response this sparks an based on interest then we can move this thread to the FM Gatherings thread. If it dont take no biggie, I think it would be a blast. Who's In? Me, ok thats one so far. Boar

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If I can work it around the family and work its a go for me. 300 miles away its a long drive. So dont feel bad if it doesnt happen for me. Atleast keep me updated.

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Ifin it as at LOW I would definitely be in, such a long ways for me to go. I know you mentioned March. Is that what others are thinking? Good walleye fishing that time of year and some nice weather usually to boot.

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Mark Holsten, Commissioner

Phone: 651-259-5555

Contact ASAP.. A little bird told me the Comissioner has just about heard enough and might pull the PIN... Call and voice your opinion. We need for them to know,,I just did..

The sad thing,, I was just told very FEW hunters have called at all..

COMe ON..........

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Mark Holsten, Commissioner

Phone: 651-259-5555

Contact ASAP.. A little bird told me the Comissioner has just about heard enough and might pull the PIN... Call and voice your opinion. We need for them to know,,I just did..

The sad thing,, I was just told very FEW hunters have called at all..

COMe ON..........

Explain please?

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He can pull the permit from the bogus bear study..

Just Lynns recent response being notified about Cal was,,

That they had lost contact with him and had no idea where this collared bear was..

Real good for a animal to have a collard on he will outgrow. Having unlimited freedom,NO restriction allows them the laxity to continue.

One of many reasons the call and let the Commissioner know how you feel..

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There ya' go, MG! Nice post! If you're truly passionate about ending this, just make a call. Might raise the red flags needed to stop the petting zoo, or at least hold someone accountable for a valid research study! Good job.

After we bring this one down we should turn our attention to the "Whale Wars" effort. I think that TV show is about as silly as it gets. A bunch of computer nerds sailing the southern ocean in a multi-million $$$ ship, throwing stink bombs at the Japanese whaling fleet?!? C'mon...

I'm all for protecting marine mammals, but could we possibly find someone else more qualified to do the job? Bob Barker is a dusty popcorn fart. It's amazing these people aren't all singing with Davy Jones by now. Am I alone in this thought?

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I still don't understand the whole whale wars thing. Are the wales endangered? Or is this another feel good protection attempt going on. If they can sustain a harvest, I don't see any issue with hunting them. Obviously if they are dying out, that is another thing. I am blissfully ignorant on this one! I think I will stick to the land mammals I like to eat and worry obout wales later.

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I think many whale species are on the endangered species list. But who really knows? The Oceans are really, really big! I'd bet more whales beach themselves each year then are harvested by the whaling fleets.

I think Bob Barker should just send his money to me instead. My pets are already spayed and neutered! crazy

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Considering very little contact has been done by those who oppose ANY contact is helpfull. However its not the best method of getting the message across written signed/dated and PH# is best..

There is no WiNNinG

The best we could hope for is limited #of collars,monitoring no more lost bears and the end of the payper view. Dr has done good and if they were to work "UNDER" Garshelis's team you might see somthing coming from it all..

They have and will continue toonly manipulate a force sympathetic emotional more willing to involve themselves, far more than those who have somthing to loose.

Loosing CHOICE is much bigger than you think.................

Some are more wiling than others..

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Since I will be way too busy with work for the next week to telephone the comissioner, I just sent him a lengthy email. I do appreciate Muthagoose for pointing the way.

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The otherside now has a legislator drafting the proposed collar law..

Considering DR's latest release concerning Cal's "Harvest"

We need to really consider his statement./..

""" If it was illegal to kill radio-collared bears, this would be a situation where we would expect a game warden to use discretion and not charge the hunter."""

Now thas sounds like a kind jesture but.

BUT Do you really want thier infulence in deciding each incident??

Do you really want them to count on someone willing to break the law if NO Collared Bears can be shot.

We dont need the guilt for not dispatching a animal they lost. Like in the case of Cal wearing a collard that is fixed, he will out grow.

ITS the researchers obligation to the animal.

The VERY unique thing is they didnt bother letting the DNR know or ask them to attempt to trap the bEAr so the right thing could be done and REMOVE the Collar..

This only proves how weak they are, and willing to wash the obligation off...

We need to continue with the calls letters and emails..I spent 45 minutes talking with them about publics voice and the Commissioner and others are watching this thread as well as observing the Lilly page...

Step it up. We have to NOT allow them to run with this unchecked or they will push for closing from Tower to Winton.. Ask Tom Rush about Lynns proposal from last fall thats what they are going for....

I am researching all aspects and avenues. Heck even their allies dont know the whole truth..

Peta answered my letter about animals out growing restraints IE collars and having them becoming imbedded into the animal.

They simply stated ALL case's of that type of neglect are punishable by the law..

SO since I didn't tell them who I was referring to.

Even So I only had to ask a simple question and got a contact name and PH# for a case investigator..

NOW IF I can get a picture of the tweeds bear a signed statement they will persue it.

Just having that would give them somthing more to deal with..

We only have to be observant and they will give us all the facts we need to prove our side...

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Correction Email not letter....

I've stirred enough. Write,call or email just do somthing. It dont have to be total stopping just as long as we keep the right to choice and they monitor/restrict # of.

All they had to do with Cal is ask to be able to trap for recovery the animal wouldnt have been in question.

Nuff said....Continuing my kill'm all tour this weekend looking for banded birds....

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two comments:

1: I'm IN - count me in for the fishing trip!

2: on the Minnesota Bear Hunters facebook page - there is a new member who has come over from the Lily page - her comments are very well thought out, and she makes some excellent points. It would be worth your time to read them. They have been moved from the wall and reposted under the discussions as "jaded lilypadder adds comments" in order to make them easier to read. check it out. here's the link:


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