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Mauer Needs MRI


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I read an article that said he was going to possibly have an MRI today.

If he is out for an extened period of time out chances of getting out of the first round just went from slim to none.

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Don't ya worry, we have Butera.....and he's not even half as good as Mauer!

The Twins will die without Joe. Butera cannot hit a thing.

Joe will probably be out for the season. Seems he bumps his toe and its 2 weeks off. Dude needs some conditioning before and during the season. Seems to be a pattern of injuries for Joe and its seems to be getting worse.

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The MRI sounds precautionary to me. No fluid etc. You don't mess with your best palyer. In fact, the Twins are careful with every player.

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Just in from foxsports.com.......

"The Minnesota Twins say an MRI on Joe Mauer's sore left knee shows only tissue inflammation and no structural damage

Manager Ron Gardenhire says Mauer may need a cortisone shot to help with the pain, but only expects him to be out for a few more days. If he does take a shot, Gardenhire said the reigning AL MVP will miss four or five games tops."

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MRI was just precautionary. reports say there is nothing wrong, just a little inflammation.

easy there harvey lee... you seem a little eager to jump on the "run mauer out of town" bandwagon. god forbid the guy gets hurt once in a while. he is only human.

and i don't think it is joe's call on when he comes back from injuries. i think its gardy, our other coaches and upper management that want to make sure we are extra careful with Mauer b/c he is such a large investment for our franchise. they just want to make sure they don't bring him back too early from any injuries and end up making it worse. i'm sure if joe had his way, he would have played in a lot more games this year than gardy let him

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I wonder if Mauer and Morneau are wearing matching tampoons. Seriously, these guys got paid the BIG money. Now get your arse out there and play. They can sit on the bench all they want, but they shouldnt get paid their salary for that day then. It should be given to the fans that paid good money to come and see them. Morneau I can see being a little cautious with, but Mauer is just a sally. And where is this "man muscle" he was supposed to get so he could hit homeruns? I think Punto has more muscle than him.

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theres a reason mauer didn't choose football and morneau couldn't hack hockey, just like all of joes commercials...mommas boy.

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i wonder if they did a national poll if MN fans would be the most negative fans in the country. Morneau has his second concusion, what a wimp, mauer isnt hitting 30 homeruns hes overpaid, maybe you guy didnt know but WE JUST MADE THE PLAYOFFS!!!!

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We're also competing for the best record in the American League and all of baseball.

Which is even more impressive when you consider Gardenhire is a terrible manager; Cuddy is the worst player in Twins history; and Mauer is the most overpaid & over rated catcher ever to wear a chest protector. blush

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don't forget punto, crain, gurrier, rauch, delmon, span, capps, thome, kubel, blackburn, baker, slowey, casilla, hardy, ulger...

come to think of it, is there anybody on the team that hasn't been ripped in this message board this year?

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don't forget punto, crain, gurrier, rauch, delmon, span, capps, thome, kubel, blackburn, baker, slowey, casilla, hardy, ulger...

come to think of it, is there anybody on the team that hasn't been ripped in this message board this year?

Thome! cool

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