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Bow stand log


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Have been reading about people doing all day sits and I decided to do one today since it was so nice out, and I haven't ever done one before. Got in the stand by about 6:30qm by about 2:30pm I realized it was getting to be long since no deer appeared, mind going numb. Stayed that way until about 4:30pm and thought I was about to talk to God when out of nowhere I hear crashing coming through the woods. Can't turn because it is coming at me through a clearing. It gets closer and closer until it stops right underneath my tree. After making a few scrapes on the ground at the foot of the tree I'm in he walks out in front of me. Nice eight pointer! Thought about drawing on him but decided I could wait since he could grow into a beautiful buck next year. What a neat experience, I think I'll do more all day hunts. I'm fairly certain he bed down near me during the day, and if I'd of come and sat for the afternoon only he probably would have heard me and never come my way. I grunted at him, but he just snorted and walked into the woods.

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Went out for a quick sit this a.m. rattled in a six and watched him mill around for a bit. Saw a doe cross in the distance and then a few minutes later another deer. I let out a series of grunts and turned this deer. Another six walks in and mills around. saw a doe and 2 yearlings cross through and then had to bolt for a family function. I'll be back on stand this evening hoping a grey ghost will appear before me grin


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Best sit of the year so far. Got out to my stand at 6:30. Chilly morning but beautiful. Jumped something on way in but it didn't run to far because I could still hear it walking around when I was in my stand. The sun came up and nothing. Tried grunting sequences and nothing. Tried a few rattling sequences and nothing. 9:30 rolls along and I see a flash of white off in the distance and I figure it's a blue jay because I had been seeing them all morning. Then to my surprise I see a buck quickly following the "flash". It was only a little basket rack 6 but exciting to see. I then here rustling and grunting directly behind me in a little pine grove and out pops a die with a buck in tow. I watch the two groups of deer for about 20 minutes and they all finally run off. I had to get off of my stand at 10 to get home and watch my boy. As I am starting to pack up I see a nice buck about 100 yards off walking the ridge. I grunted a couple of times and got his attention. He starts down the ridge and gets within 50 yards. Nice 8 with a decent spread and white antlers just stops. I look around puzzled as to why he is not coming in any closer. Sure enough, the little basket rack buck comes back in chasing that doe and pulls that buck away from me. Oh well, I will be back out tonight!

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Well the last two days the woods have exploded with activity. Last night saw five different bucks, three about 120-130" chasing does. Had one of the big ones chase a doe to about 30 yards behind my stand, they stop and the buck is looking the opposite direction and trying to sniff the air, stomped his hoof a few times. I thought they winded me as they were downwind at the time, but couldn't figure out why he was looking the opposite direction. Then he did a snort wheeze so I peeked a little further around the tree and sure enough, he was in a stare down with another buck about the same size... after about 5 minutes, the doe moved off and they both started chasing her again. I though I was gonna get a chance but a couple branches in the way, didn't want to risk a bad shot. Then right at dark another very nice buck followed two does across the beans about 75 yards from me.

So of course you know where I'm going in the morning... snuck in this morning early and about 7:10 saw a buck across the field in the timber about 100 yards away, can called him to get his attention, did a few soft grunts and he came trotting in on a string. Let him get just past me at 15 yards and let er fly....

Decent 8, not huge and typically would have passed it, actually had the pin on him for about 15-20 seconds before I decided to launch it. Probably my last time out with the bow anyway with night school 5 nights a week and full time work and two kids....wife is kind enough to let me out here and there and was only my 4th or 5th sit this year when I am used to getting out 4-5 times a week on a normal year....

Hit him a tad high so he went about 150 yards and of course just made it across the creek, had to get two buds to help. Time to go trick or treating with the kids. I will post a pic later if I have time.

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Went out for an evening hunt yesterday. Moved stand a Little closer to th bedding area. Was set up by 2:30. No movement until 5:30. And then the woods came alive. First 2 does who feed up to me at 10 yards. The lead doe noticed me at 25 ft up but want sure what I was. Behind these does was a border line 10 that stayed at 50 yards just munching on browse. I thought he would follow them but to my surprise turned and walked the opposite direction. The does finally feed off towards the fields. after 5 minutes I hear more deer coming through the tamaracks. I blow on the grunt tube and the sounds get louder. There coming right at me and now I can hear grunts. It takes for ever for them to get to me with light fast fading. At 620 the first one is visible at about 40 yards. Cant tel exactly how big he is due to light. I grunt, he goes towards where the other buck went but turns around and ends up in from of me at 15 yards. But to dark to see horns. Now I can hear deer all around me coming from the swamp.

Needless to say it was great nite to be out. Except they moved to late. I was also surprised they weren't further along as far as chasing. There interested but not to the point of chasing yet at least on the property.

Going to wait until wed due to work and hope they get more motivated by then. Good luck this week guys its going to be a great weak.

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Got back on stand last night at a little after 3 pm, about 20 minutes later I see a doe off in the distance and a few minutes after that I see a nice 10 trailing her at a slow walk. I did a doe bleat and a series of grunts and he stopped and turned my direction and watched for a few minutes and then ambled off towards the doe. 1/2 hour later a lone doe moves through. All is pretty quiet in the woods. About 45 minutes minutes untill sundown when I hear some crashing through the woods. A nice 8 chasing 2 does right for me. The lead doe goes right and ends up 15 yards to my right and hits the breaks, the other doe is directly behind me and the buck is surveying the situation. I hear something behind me and the doe ends up at 10 yards over my left shoulder. Nice big doe and I have an open tag so I put one through the boiler room and ended up with a nice doe for the evening sit. This was the first full blown chase that I saw this year but have watched some smaller guys dogging does on a steady walk after them. It is that magical time of the year when the buck of your dreams may show up at any moment grin Good luck out there, may you all shoot straight!


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Got to my stand VERY late Saturday am, very shootable light already. Tied the bow to the haul string & heard a deer coming steadily about 50 yards away. Untied the bow & repositioned to a decent field of fire from the ground. Nice 6 pointer walked in from downwind & right up to one of my scent wicks. Gave me 3-4 awesome shot opps, but passed. He looked at me several times with some alarm, but never bolted. Took him about 15 minutes to leave, then I climbed up in the stand, saw nothing else.

Saturday night, was trying to fill my fall turkey tag, sat in a blind for about 2 hours where I'd seen turkeys on Thursday night, nothing. Popped out at 5:30 to hop over to bow stand about 200 yards away. Jumped a fawn under the stand, but managed to creep in with 4 fawns within 75 yards. They eventually came by & all offered shots, although my bow was still on the ground. Didn't want to shoot them anyway, three other unknown deer ran in at dark as I was prepping to get down, waited a few minutes for them to move off.

Sunday looked for turkeys again, no luck, hung a portable for an all day hunt on Thursday. Decided to put the climber in a preselected tree & hunt a spot I'd not hunted before. Nothing until late, then a deer started blowing from a long ways upwind, although it was almost still. Apparently the thermals don't work in that spot in the evening, at least without stronger wind. Saw four flags, must have been a doe with 3 fawns, or two does & two fawns. At least two flags looked small, but a fawn wouldn't blow like this doe. She came to 60-70 yards three times & then blew & blew... Felt like I wasted a sit last night, but the deer were there.

Saw a small, fresh rub on a nearby 2" diameter tree.

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Sat Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. Saturday morning I was 60 yards in the woods Cornfield straight in front of me. Worked the grunt and the rattle bag, about 7:30 out of nowhere a fork is standing 40 yards in front, he was going to town on his scrape. He eventually wanders off around the corn field. At about 8:30, I decide to rattle again, I hit the bag once and see a head pop up 60 yards away next to the cornfield. Nice buck, 150 class if not better. He gives the staredown. I slowly put the bag back, grab the grunt tube, but he walks off. Both deer were super quiet coming in the woods. Never heard them at all, was very quiet in the woods.

Saturday Night, I sat in a different stand on the other side of the property. There is a nice buck that keeps coming out of the ravine to the west of me. He takes off everytime I leave from the stand. He doesn't know whats up, but he doesn't like me either. Only deer I saw that night.

Sunday morning was perfect. Ice cold, good frost, and all the corn in the area was picked Saturday. Also moved the stand 30 yards closer to the field for a good shot if they walk around. Grunted at first shooting light, hear something coming at a run. Same little fork. Man, he was hot, breathing heavy, looking for something to breed. A little later, a doe and her fawn came through. They were downwind of me and the cagey old doe was directly under my stand. I thought for sure she was going to bust me, but eventually, she lets her gaurd dawn and feeds past right under me. I didn't even blink, she offered me a great shot, but I passed. They hung around for an hour, and I thought maybe they would have brought in a big guy, but no dice.

I just pulled a stand from another farm. I am going to put it up in the ravine where the other big guy has been coming out. Try and ambush him. I am going to do that in about ohhh, 20 minutes. I'll post another report tomorrow unless I stick one.

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Had a dr appointment for my shoulder and elbow then made appointments for a few weeks of physical therapy. Though my bow season was done after falling getting down from my stand last week. So I figured if im going to therapy might as well go hunting and if a big enough on walks by pull the bow back to see what happens. Got out at 3:45 and sat in a stand that was down wind from the stand next to the bedding area. Wouldnt ya know it, the biggest 8 ive seen walked right next to the tree I fell from. Watched this joker for an hour making a few rubs then bedded down with a doe. Sat til after dark and they never moved. He had to be close to 140" and did not leave that doe for nothing. Going out the next two mornings I hope hes still on her if she returns.

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hunted friday night seen 4 does. hunted saturday night and seen two does the kid seen three does and a six no shot for either of us sunday morning me and teh kid sat for a few hours I then gave him my stand since it is in a reall tight pinch point. I went for a walk along the river pushed a fawn into him He put the smack down on her nice double lung she only went fifteen yds after the shot and he wasnt even shooting a rage! That was his first deer with a bow. sat all day today seen one shooter I would say somewhere near 140" definately a mature buck hard to tell on the horns for sure he hung up about 75yds away in some brush I also heard a one or two others crossing the river but never seen them.

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Tell the youngin WTG BB. The fisrt is always the hardest with bow.

HH, hang in there maybe he'll be back tomorrow. Best of Luck

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HooknHorns, no shot on that buck? Did you try and draw back?

Went out last night, put up a stand. Took way longer than I had though it would, couldn't find a tree to put the stand in for nothing. Like an [PoorWordUsage] I cut the brace for the ladder shorter to fit a specific tree, now, If I can't find a tree with a backward lean, I am screwed. Tried 3 different trees before I actually found on in a good enough spot. Finally got in the stand at about 4:45. At 5:30 a lone doe walks through, right in front, so of course, I'm thinking a buck should be behind her, but he never shows. She eventually feeds around the ditch and leaves, never saw another deer. Had a coyote start to yip and howl 50 yards from me. He eventually started to come right at me, but got a whiff of one of the spots I was messing around in by a tree I was trying to put the stand in, and he wandered off. Lots of coyotes on this farm. Am going out again tonight. Will see what happens.

By the way, BBouncer, tell the youngster congrats. Awesome to get the kids involved.

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came home from school yesterday for a eve hunt. Got set up around three and didnt even see a deer all night mad. I did have a flock of pheasants around me and boy are they loud in the grass. My stand is set up right in the middle of four recent scrapes too. I guess they 870 will get dusted off this weekend.

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I hear you on the taking too long to hang a stand thing. Went & helped a buddy prep all their stands for gun season yesterday afternoon & then hung another portable myself. It was about 5:00 by the time I was in the stand to stay. Sometime a little after 6:00 I moved to hang up or take down my bow & a deer I couldn't see busted back in the woods about 60 yards away. Apparently it must have somehow caught my movement as it was up wind. I was 17' up & it was in the brush, still don't know how it saw me. Guessing it was a yearling doe. Only deer I sort of saw. It was coming perfect too, I'd of stuck her if that's what it was.

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Went out this morning for a quicky. Saw Nothing on stand but a little scouting trip on the way back to the truck a saw a nice 10 pointer feeding on the edge of an alfalfa field along with 8 does/fawns. I tried a little still hunt. Very exciting as I got to 50 yards but that is too far for me. I had him at 35 yards but had brush in the way. He simply walked away, no clue I was there. Lots of scrapes/rubs in that area so I will be back with a stand later this week.

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Trigger did you see that pic of that buck shot here near Roch? I had seen trailcam photos of him and he was shot friday night. Grosses a bit over 192 as a typical.

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Went out Monday evening and sat on a new stand. Got up on the stand at about 4:15 and saw a doe getting up out of her bed at 4:30. "Great!" I thought. They are moving on a warm evening. This bedding area is about 75 yards from my tree and luckily I snuck in without bumping anything. I proceeded to watch 10 does get up out of this thicket and start feeding behind me in an oak grove behind me about 75 yards away. There were no bucks in the area that I saw at least. Saw a couple fawns still suckling on their mom so not all of them have been kicked out yet. Thinking about moving my stand to intersect the path to their p.m. field. Don't want to get too close though where I may spook anything. Going to be a good stand once the rut is in full swing.

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That deer shot in SW Roch is a giant. I have a buddy that hunts in same areas as where Jimmer filmed shooting that giant. There are some GIANT deer in there. Its unreal.

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Went out this morning and seen nothing but does. Walking into the stand at about quarter after six jumped three does walking on the field edge. a hundred yards later i jumped another doe. Got into the stand about six thirty and seen one doe too far to shoot. This afternoon had a Doe come in at forty yards. She came in about five stayed till dark at 5:50 big buck come out! Wanted nothing to do with the grunt call and walked on to the freshly cut soy bean field. After 6 small doe came in while grunting at the buck! Great day in the field even though i didn't draw any blood! Maybe tomorrow!

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went out tonite sat a spot that I have not hunted yet this year. Had a doe and fawn come in around 5 they hung out untill 6:15 she kept trying tp pick me off eventually she did a couple hoof stomps and some head bobbing so she had to go she should have just kept her mouth closed. I was going to let her walk But Thaawap! The last of my doe tags with the bow I am going to try muzzy hunting this year so I wanted to save one tag for that being I have never shot a anything with a smokepole before.

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Was out last night for the evening sit. Saw a single doe early meandering along and later towards dark a decent 8 point that trotted in when I grunted, then turned and headed into the wind after checking out the area. Best part, is the deer turned and walked right in on my buddys setup just down the woods and he thumped him.


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Went out yesterday morning and sat from 10-1. Walking into my stand location, I found 5 new scrapes that have appeared within the last couple days. Tried some rattling and grunting, but nothing was moving, at least where I was. Had to leave to take my daughter to the Orthodontist, and as I am walking back out to the truck, I find a fresh scrape over the top of my footprints from the walk in. Go figure?!?!?!?!?! Its the way my season has gone so far.

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Went out last night. Had a doe and two button bucks come through and feed in front of me. She was cagey, know something was up, but didn't spook. About 6:00 a buck runs out and chases her back in the woods. Another bigger 6 or smaller 8 point buck. Nothing to shoot at. Tomorrow is my last day in the stand with the bow, I have all day off and plan on using it to sit pretty much all day. Hopefully I can seal the deal, wish the weather was going to be a little nicer.

Jamie, Have not seen the pics of that big buck yet.

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Finally put some venison on the ground this morning. Love those bonus tags! Hit her at 8:30, in the truck by 9:30, in the fridge by 10:30, back to work by 11:00. Not a bad morning.

My wife was so happy. She thought we may actually have to buy some beef pretty soon.

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Was out this morning from daylight til 10:30. Watched a 2 1/2 year old attack a tree! The tree was about three inches in dia., and he had it bent over lunging at it! Course he didn't come my way!! Had a small doe come thru but out of range. A good morning. Plan to be out in the morning again. This afterenoon is out. Just got done with therapy on my shoulder. To sore to even try pulling my bow! I'll finish winterizing the boat instead!

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Tunrevir...thanks for scaring that buck my way last night...I take back what I said about you on the forum the other day!!!! wink

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Sat all day yesterday. Wind had them hunkered down. Didn't see a deer until almost 6:15, and it was dark. Walking out they were just coming out in the field to feed. Don't know what to tell you about the rut. There was a decent buck (small 8) feeding with does when I left, I didn't see any chasing and the does all had fawns. On Tuesday night in a different location I had a younger buck come and chase off a doe with her two fawns. I haven't seen the big guys. I have had almost no luck calling anything in with either the rattle bag, or the grunt tube. It really feels to me like we are still in a pre-rut stage in my area of the southeast. When the rut is going, I'll see bucks cruising across fields and wandering through the woods at all times. Have not seen that this year yet. Its been a strange fall.

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I also sat all day yesterday and like 96trigger, I didn't see anything until the evening. I was set up near the edge of a picked bean field in the afternoon and saw 5 deer come into the field right after the sun set. One was a small buck that was about 120 yards out in the middle of the field. I used a grunt call to call him within about 40 yards of me. When I thought he wasn't going to get any closer, I took a shot at him, guessing he was only about 30 yards out. Unfortunately he was more like 37 yards out because the arrow went about 3" below him. Oh well, at least I had some excitement.

I'm going to take a break from bowhunting until late December and focus on Pheasants now.


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Sat Thurs morning... Bright & early. Had a 10 pt cruise within 25 yds at early light about 7:40am. My 2nd encounter with a shooter buck this week. This guy must've went 140". He was under a lower canopy of brush which made it hard to find his outline through my peep site, but he did offer one shot. I let off one arrow off at a spot I picked behind the shoulders. Low & behold there were a few twigs sticking up from a brush about 10 yards out that I didn't see... Again, there was enough light to see my pins and some color on the ground but the buck was in the darker area.. The arrow deflected and missed him clean. Oh geeze.. I don't think I'll have any more opportunities like that after gun opener (please tell me different).

Now it's time to focus on a doe to avoid tag soup after the gun season closes. Got a nice place up north where dumb does are plentyful.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Rivergroup
      We used Chubbs and rainbows during the beginning of the week and the bite seemed to transition to leeches later in the week. 
    • Dougo
      22 has killed more game than anything, including deer!
    • knoppers
      not too bad at my place, but they are starting to come out. about the only time they get abundant is when I pull my skeeter out of the garage.😁
    • smurfy
      i reckon the skeeters are starting to get a bit over abundant about now????????🥴
    • VermilionGold
      Shamrock Landing and Grubens marina have both sold minnows/bait in past years, not sure about current season 
    • SkunkedAgain
      I am not aware of anywhere in the west basin to get minnows. Hopefully I am wrong.
    • chucker1101
      The only place on the East end (unless i'm mistaken and don't know of some semi-secret place) that sells minnows on the lake is the Casino bait shop on Everett Bay. Whether they have rainbows is hit and miss. I'm not including Timbuktu as East side   Getting off-lake, the best value for rainbow for me over the last 10 years has been Lucky 7 in Virginia.
    • knoppers
      was up at the lake all week, water temps 65-66 today, and the crappies are now spawning. did not try for walleyes this week, but got my eye on a couple of lakes.
    • smurfy
      well.........i'll be back up june 10th to the 16th. the 10-11-12th i'll be there by myself!!!!!🤗   i'd even be OK with meeting at a neutral place and go to the lake blindfolded!!!!!!!! 😊🤣   leech...he is over there.........just forgets about us FM  rejects!!!!!!!🤪
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   Good fishing this week with nice numbers of walleyes and saugers.   A jig and frozen emerald shiner again this week is the go to presentation for walleyes.  Rainbows and fatheads are also working and it is nice to see what the fish want each day.   Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.  Most walleyes and saugers are being caught in 17 - 24' of water.  Anglers are anchoring up and vertical jigging. A quarter ounce jig in gold, glow white, pink, orange, chartreuse, or a combo of these colors tipped with a minnow worked well again.  Pound the bottom, jig it up in the strike zone, hold.  Trying shaking the jig and lifting it off of the bottom.  Any kind of weight will be a fish hanging.  Set the hook! A mixed bag while fishing walleyes include pike, jumbo perch and a few crappies.  On the Rainy River...  Some nice walleyes caught  this week on the river in 10 - 15' of water.  Typical spots such as holes, current breaks, weed edges and rocky areas all can hold fish.  There are 42 miles of navigable waters from the mouth of the river all the way to Birchdale.    Sturgeon fishing on the Rainy River is closed until the keep season starts up again July 1st.   The river holds good numbers of smallmouth bass for those interested in bronzebacks.  A lot of bass are caught by unsuspecting walleye anglers. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing.  As typical with guests staying at the Angle, some fish MN waters, some slide over into Ontario waters.  Both areas are producing.     Points, neck down areas and bays with warming water have been holding walleyes.  With warming waters, fish are in transition and there are lots of fish.   The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Gold, glow white, pink and orange are good colors.  
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