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Bear harvest


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I posted last week about timber wolves scaring my bear away. Well the wolf pack moved on. And a nice big boar moved in on my site. For those worrying about bear that aren't hitting... be patient. They're moving looking for food. Stuck it out. Nice 300 lb male just showed up and fed for 3 nights at 7pm. I hunt ground blind and he came in right before dark but would not commit. He ran away 4 times and came back 4 times before my fading pins could rest on him broadside......bump and bear bark! 12 yard shot double lung hit. Done in 60 yds. My second bow kill bear and it doesnt get more exciting than harvesting em up close! Glad I didn't abandon that site!

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I have pics but use this site via Iphone. Can't figure out how to upload em. I can send pics via email. So if ya want pics and somebody can post that's fine.

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