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Wax for Cleaning Ducks

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Most grocery stores have it. I just picked up a few pounds at our local super value. Any place that sells canning supplies would also have it.

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Not sure, but I think you would pluck as many feathers as you can, then dip the bird in the melted wax. Then when you pull the wax off, all the fuzz and pin feathers come off with the wax.

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what he said. when i was a little tike and lots of ducks were shot i rember there being a metal 5 gallon bucket over a fire that you would dip the whole duck into pull it out and cut down the belly, and peel like an orange. the heat would loosen the feathers. then we would use the propane torch to get whatever fuzz/ pin feathes were left.

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When I was growing up I think my brother melted wax with water. I remember there were the big hunks of wax with feathers laying on paper.

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Pull as many feathers off as possible keeping whatever you need on a bird for transportation. Rubber gloves work really well. Cut off the legs at the knukles. I use a large metal bucket with 2/3 water and inch of wax on top placed on a turkey fryer. Melt the wax. The wax will stay on top of the water. dip ducks in and hang for 5 min. redip a second time as it will peel easier. Wait 5 min or toss in cold water to harden the wax quicker. peel wax and gut the duck. It will not get all of the pin feathers out of young ducks bt most of them. It there are too many pin feathers after you wax you can always breast it out. If you ar echeap like mee you can save the wax you peeled off until the end of the year and reheat it and run it through a ricer to strain out the feathers and get save your used wax.

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go online to buy wax. I bought a ton of it last year. Dux wax I believe is the brand you want. regular canning wax will be to brittle and it will break up. bee's wax or Dux wax will hold together. It comes in 3# blocks with instructions. You can reuse it many times over. Google DUX WAX

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