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Navionics app on droid


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Hey guys I am getting ready to download this app on my motorola droid. What all can I do with it? Can I make a trail when trolling and hit a icon every time I catch a fish? Can I mark spots with it? Thanks for the help guys

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Man I am seriously considering this...

Darren does it have any river contours? Mississippi or Croix? I'm not familiar with Navionics.

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I just got a droid as well, and this app will be one of my first.

Does anyone know of a good GPS app for hunting? Something where I can set waypoints to go to, save waypoints, use compass, get a baring to follow and so on...

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Does anyone know of a good GPS app for hunting? Something where I can set waypoints to go to, save waypoints, use compass, get a baring to follow and so on...

Maybe just use Google Maps with "My Tracks". I think that would work pretty well. You can even have the satellite image overlay on it as well.

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Does anyone know of a good GPS app for hunting?

I'll 2nd MyTracks. I've played around with it since getting my Android phone doing things like taking the dog for a walk and various things. When we went to buy our house I used it as I walked the land the house is on and the outside and was waypointing the telephone poles and things so I knew where they were just for measuring the lot and such. It worked pretty well.

My plan is to charge my phone up till the moment I leave my house (we did buy the house and the land) and go do some scouting. The part I like the most is I can label each track (scouting trip, walk through woods) as hunting or walking or something and they upload to Google as both a map and a document. I can then on google maps show my map with satelite view and pick one map or all the maps and overlay them all. They will all overlay in different colors. I'm new to deer hunting so my simple plan is try and find the trails and walk them, overlay them all to Google and see where they intersect and try and go back and set stands. Not sure it will work, only part I'm sure about is MyTracks will be able to do it and I don't have to buy a handheld GPS I can just use my phone.

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One last question for you guys...does this app need to be updated every year and does it cost another $13 or whatever?

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No, I have had mine for almost 2 years now. it is a one time flat fee. They have updated the software a few times, not sure what they do, but it is a big download. I assume they are updating the maps, but I dont use it on enough lakes to notice it if they do.

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Works great until you don't have phone service/reception?

Nice tool but will not replace the hand held? IMO.

You dont need any phone service, it runs off the GPS on your phone. I have used it plenty of times when i dont get any cell phone reception.

Are we talking about the same thing?

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My bad.

I did a search and yes the iPhone GPS will work with out service.

The exception is google maps and such will not.

To you that have this app? Does it have good accuracy?

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The GPS is a chip on the phone separate from the cellular antenna. So you will always be receiving what your current GPS location is. Whether or not the App works depends on whether or not the App keeps the maps in memory. Google maps streams the map data, so with no cell signal (and thus no data signal), the map data will not load unless you are working entirely within any data Google Maps cached. Navionics from what I hear saves the map data on your phone, and thus there is no need to request data over the cell signal.

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The GPS is a chip on the phone separate from the cellular antenna. So you will always be receiving what your current GPS location is. Whether or not the App works depends on whether or not the App keeps the maps in memory. Google maps streams the map data, so with no cell signal (and thus no data signal), the map data will not load unless you are working entirely within any data Google Maps cached. Navionics from what I hear saves the map data on your phone, and thus there is no need to request data over the cell signal.

Yes, that is a good point about google, as the app does have a google map overlay (so you can see the sat images of the land around the lakes. I always leave it off becuase it is a lot of data to download, but the options are there.

I get great accuracy from the GPS, and my iphone picks up GPS signals so much better than my Lowrance.

The only downfall has been the maps themselves, up on LOW we were ice fishing a tiny little channel out in the mud flat where it dropped a couple feet deeper. My buddy with his Lakemaster had this spot marked on his Lakemaster maps, but it didnt show up on my Navionics chart.

But, again, for the price it is such a wonderful tool to have especially if you already have the phone. I use mine much more for ice fishing, as it makes a perfect hand held.

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I think the Iphone version is $9.95 or so. It's the best money you'll ever spend. I struggle w/ the GPS chip costing $100, yet this app is only $10........and it's easier to use than fooling around w/ my GPS.

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