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Youth Waterfowl Day Yea or Nay?

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This has probably been talked about before. Let's keep it civil and have a nice discussion about it.

I have never participated because my daughter is still in diapers but once she is old enough I plan on taking her with me on opening day. I personally don't see why we have a youth day because I can't imagine leaving my kid home on opening day while I go. I also don't understand why the DNR insists on the 9am opening for the regular opener while the youth hunt begins at sunrise? Supposedly part of the reasoning behind the 9am start for the opener is safety? smile I am all for an early teal season like many other states have which would fall on the weekend of the youth hunt if I had my way (or maybe a week earlier). I love the isea of taking kids hunting but they should be included in the "main" hunt and not left behind at home. I personally am against the youth hunt but I am not against taking kids into the field! Give me some reason I should support the youth hunt and change my opinion!!!! grin

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All I can say its all about the kids the whole day devoted to them no competition or other things to pressure them from ther goal.

I have to admit that when this was first introduced I didnt think much of it and had some of the same feelings as you do but once I was able to put everything into a day just for the kids it worth every minuete of time.

I also take my kids on opener and take them deer hunting opener and out to NoDak.

I never got that from my dad althou he did always take me hunting and fishing.

I dont belive that you sit back and say that the youth hunt will push al the duck out either.it just doesnt happen.

All in all its more time I can spend in the field with my kids

I see nothing wrong with it but thats just my 2c

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Because If i have kids some day and they have as much fun as i did as a youth hunter i would not want to take that away from them.

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Big yea here,i've duck hunted more than thirty yrs. the best times i ever had or have is when my sons are with. Early start lot of ducks around not as many hunters out advantage for the kids. I dont believe it pushes many ducks out, But tell ya what if it would mean less ducks during the reg. season so be it.The fun we had on youth waterfowl day was worth it.

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Been taking kids out since mine were too old to go. I took alot of their friends along too. All are duck hunters now and I still keep in contact with them. I asked around at work and could not find anyone this year so I posted on my facebook page that I was looking for a kid that someone thought would like to TRY hunting. I had so many people respond that I had to turn lots away. Some where kids I had taken saying that it "made thier day " to see I was still introducing others to waterfowling, and how they still remember their first hunt with me. It is a shame. Most were from non-hunting parents that will never get to try if someone with all the gear they need does not offer. In my eyes it is a way of giving back to the sport. Passing the torch to the next generation. Who will do it if we don't ? I like to share the passion I have for waterfowl with others. That is partly what hunting is about.

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I have been taking kids out on youth waterfowl for 5 years now. Just seeing how excited the kids get make me think of the first time I went duck hunting. It makes me feel good to introduce a kid into the sport that I love to do. This picture if from last years youth hunt.full-20552-1144-october5,2009013.jpg

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Nothing wrong with it.

Since my 15 month old son is a little young I decided to be part of the DNR and DU Mentored Youth Hunt this year.

I am really looking forward to this Saturday!

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No big problem with it, But I kind of think that the kids who hunt youth day should be kids that have never hunted before. Not kids who hunt all the time so they just get a jump start on the season.

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Personally I believe that when they opened up the Southern early goose zones to hunting on water it really messed up the duck opener for everyone else. One day of having kids on the water shooting is not going to scare the ducks away but weeks worth of banging away at geese really does some damage. Not to mentiong the boat traffic that it brings. My opinion is that they should keep the youth waterfowl hunt but go back to limiting goose hunting to fields only.

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I'm taking my son out for his first youth hunt this year. Unfortunatly the duck meeca they call Swan Lake has been getting worse and worse so hopefully we see a duck let along get a shot. It will be fun no matter what. Good luck this weekend.

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This will be my first year participating in it. My kids will come opening weekend too if they want, but I do like the idea that it is just for the kids.

1. Less pressure on public lands than opening weekend.

2. Kids only so adults can focus just on them

3. Another chance to get out and start a family tradition

4. I don't think it hurts opener any?!?!

5. More ducks - teal and woodies are more apt to be around at this time

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Nay for me

If kids were able to hit birds consistantnly and not blow through a box of shells for every duck it would be one thing. But jeez I have been out grouse hunting adjacent to youth waterfowlers on their day and it sounded like a gun club. I saw them leaving and inquired about the success rate. Two youths pounding away all morning and 3 ducks. I say take them to them to the gun club that weekend a get them ready for regular opener.

If we were blessed with a population of ducks like ND, it would be one thing, but here in central MN the local birds are pretty much your bread and butter and they get educated real quick!

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If you take things that serious that you are worried about one day dedicated to youth only and the potential negatives that could come out of it, I'd suggest you are taking things a little too serious and missing alot of what hunting is about.

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Not a big fan..but then I'm not a fan of making any one group "special". Personally I think it burns the locally grown ducks off their roosts..seen this happen on regular opening days before when it was noon..ducks like crazy for the first day then nothing..same thing with the "Youth Day". Take your kids out and learn how to get along with other people good or bad..thats life.

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+2 on thast life.. i hunted oen youth watefowl weekend (im 17 now) and it was fun.. but it didnt MAKE me a duck hunter.. and if your a hunter based soley on getting something every time when you go out.. are you really a "hunter"???

to me im happy as little pig in 2#%^ if i get one duck that i outsmarted. if i get nothing i improve on what i didnt do right that time the next time out.

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I'm taking my son out for his first youth hunt this year. Unfortunatly the duck meeca they call Swan Lake has been getting worse and worse so hopefully we see a duck let along get a shot. It will be fun no matter what. Good luck this weekend.

I hope so to. This is where we went every year for youth day and opener. This year will be the 1st year EVER we will not be hitting swan lake on opener.... The last few years have have justified going there because of "tradition" This year we will start a new tradition because of lack of ducks. Just sad. I hope the kids get some. I always looked forward to the youth hunt and would never take that feeling away from my children....

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It is a great day for so many different reasons. It gives opportunities to youth that they cannot get from just going out on the regular opener (pressure, ducks, time dedicated to them, hunting with their friends)It also creates lasting memories for the kids when they are able to go out and shoot at ducks which so many people claim is hard to come by in MN. These kids are also the future of the sport that many of us love to the point where we would trade shooting a couple of ducks for one day of great hunting for them. Without them it could come to the point where we are not allowed to hunt at all. I don’t believe this one day hunt has much of an effect on the regular season if any and is that small effect if any worth taking away great memories for kids I don’t think so.

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heck yeah its a great day for kids. I dont care what other people's opinions are. I've taken plenty of youths out on hunts, whether its youth day or regular season. Last year i took my neighbor(just watched) and his boys out. They have only gone hunting with there dad for deer. I let them use my waders and showed them how to set up with the wind,shooting lanes and so forth. I let them set the decoys out and even gave them a call to use.(i was practicing with them a week prior.) Checked the watch, its shooting time boys. They loaded there guns and patiently waited. The first group of 15 plus teal buzz their heads and they just start giggling like little school girls. Takem, oldest boy 13 shoots and gets 2! wow. Youngest boy 12 was hesatent to shoot. I coached him a little and then hear comes a drake mallard. The youngest pulls up and boom an awsome shot at aprox 45 yards drake mallard drops dead. I thought to myself you have to be kidding me he just shot a duck at a distance some people would have a hard time hitting on there first shot. All in all it was a spectacular time for me and the boys. Not to mention their father was grinning ear to ear also. They ended up shooting 4 teal and 1 drake mallard and 1 drake wood duck! So last month the boys come up to me and as if i can take them hunting again on youth day. They bought waders, duck calls and decoys and ready to go! I just can't wait to have a kid myself and teach them and watch them grow in a sport we both can enjoy together!

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Nay for me

If kids were able to hit birds consistantnly and not blow through a box of shells for every duck it would be one thing. But jeez I have been out grouse hunting adjacent to youth waterfowlers on their day and it sounded like a gun club. I saw them leaving and inquired about the success rate. Two youths pounding away all morning and 3 ducks. I say take them to them to the gun club that weekend a get them ready for regular opener.

Ive heard and seen some adults that shoot the same way maybe they need to go to the gun club to get ready for opener wink

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Ive heard and seen some adults that shoot the same way maybe they need to go to the gun club to get ready for opener wink

Isn't that the truth! lol When I used to shoot sporting clays all summer long I was a MUCH better shot. It now takes me a while to warm up the shooting iron when the season opens. I actually had my first triple on honkers (one banded) the last week of the late season LY. Without me missing the ammo mfgs would go out of business.

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Nay for me. How's this for an option. Close goose on water. Sept 25-26 everyone(adults and kids)can open the season. Shut it down for 2 weeks for adults. Have the youth day Oct 2nd. Reopen for everyone Oct 9th and add the extra days to late season. Just my thoughts.

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Nay for me. How's this for an option. Close goose on water. Sept 25-26 everyone(adults and kids)can open the season. Shut it down for 2 weeks for adults. Have the youth day Oct 2nd. Reopen for everyone Oct 9th and add the extra days to late season. Just my thoughts.

I like this idea a lot actually! The DNR could use someone like you to help them out! grin The season closes way too early in MN IMO. The best hunting is right before or after ice up IMO.

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only problem I see with this idea honker is what happens when the weather turns unexpectidly and you know it can happen and the flight starts and were not able to hunt because the seasons shut down.

alot of P and M going on about about that deal then. Just my 2c

We live in a State that has had a major growth in everything since the 80's and the hunting not like it used to be so there are things that are tring to be done to better up the state for waterfowl hunting but it will never be as it was.

I hope that it will be but I dont see it happening unless some major things happen and I know that I have no control over those things. Yes together a bunch of people can make a small differnce but Urban sprawl is just taking over little by little.

For me the best way to deal with it is to enjoy what I have and still am able to do especially when it comes to the youth or my kids with out them no changes for the good will be made so its up to us to invole youth when ever possible to the outdoors on a possitive level.

Happy hunting

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Yea for me - I'll be out for my 12 year olds 4th duck season. Us adults can't start till Oct 2nd when the teal and woodies will be gone anyway. Mise well let the younguns get a few before they head south.

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there should be some good oppertunities this weekend for the kids; i scouted last night and this morning in western minnesota for a spot for 2 kids to hunt, saw wood ducks hitting fields by the hundreds, and there is a lot of mallards and teal just hanging out in flooded crops. i will be putting 2 boys on some flooded wheat stubble for mallards in the morning!

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