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packers overrated???


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Hey does anyone else on here think the packers are a little bit overrated? I'm not saying there a bad team or anything, but i definately dont think they are a guaranteed better team than the vikes. They havent proven anything yet, who have they gotten since last yr, that makes them so much better? There o-line still sucks, and their secondary will be picked apart by Favre when we play them, ap will run all over them, just like last yr. if they go out, and prove that they are an elite team, i'll respect them, but until that, i still dont think they are the clear cut winner of the nfc north.

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Too early really to tell much. After one game all we know is they won their first road game and vikes lost theirs. Slight advantage packers but that can change next week.

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after watching Farve thursday i dont think he is going to pick anybody "apart", he looked aweful. Guess thats what happens when your good enough to skip training camp. The Packers looked good for an opening game, lotta season left to improve. Yeah they gave up a few sacks, but compared to last year, and for an opening game there line played pretty solid. As far as AP running all over them, EASY, he also didnt look to stellar in thursdays game, if were going by first game impressions. its a long season and your vikings definitely didnt prove anything yet, they looked horrible so dont be judging the packers on there season opening win...

Go PACK!!!

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I thought the Pack looked worse than the Vikes did...luckily, they were able to open with a 4 win team in the Eagles and a q-back attempting his first NFL start.

Had Vick played the whole game they would have beat the Pack by 10+.

A win nonetheless....

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I can't stand the Packers, and I can't stand guys with 3 feet of hair hanging out of their helmets, but Matthews is scary good.

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luckily, they were able to open with a 4 win team in the Eagles and a q-back attempting his first NFL start.

Kolb has started before, and did a decent job at that. 700+ yds/4TD's in two games last year.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Yes the predicted darlings for the Super Bowl, Packers beat a premier NFC East Team. From what I'm hearing from all of the outlets that's the strongest Division in Football. Now that's bla bla bla with an east coast media bias. smile

As for awful did you see the Dallas-Washington Game last night?

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The Packers, as much as it pains me to say, will be a good team this year if they can stay healthy. I don't see any teams in the NFC who are heads and shoulders above them so they have as good a chance as probably 5-6 other teams including the Vikings.

It should be a good, competitive year.

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Way to early to tell much about either team. Neither team looked good.

The Vikes last year got to open against Cleveland - one of the worst teams in the NFL and looked marginal at best. Don't think the Vikes were written off for the season after that game.

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i thought the pack looked fine other than their offensive line

Eagles are a darned good team (well... if everybody is healthy, they lost some key cogs last night)

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Most teams are rusty the first week as you should know. Everyone is used to last watching playoff football.

People the whine and cry about how teams perform in week 1 are to funny.

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Packers go in to thee most if not one the thee most hostile envioments in Pro Ball and put 27 on an Andy Reid defense, Great Start IMO

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The reality is, Packer fans are nuts. grin

Yup, and proud of it. But hey, we all drink our own color of KoolAid. gringrin

Rating shmating. Enjoy the season, everyone! smilesmile

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Just rating shmating also. Looking for an excuse to drop that commercial also. grin

I can not knock GB anymore. If we loose the Vikes, and I am prepping myself wink , I guess I will have to go Pack and not for LA. wink

IMO it is getting scary. MN fans after a poor year, let along the MN public, ARE NOT GOING TO WANT To take on a new stadium financially, let along legislaturly.

Plus with the looming $100-$200 million instant increase in the franchise's value if moved to the LA market (which would put Ziggy in the billion dollar ownership club), it's getting harder to understand why a move from a state that does not care about their NFL teams future, more than a bill for something they liked but feel they should not have to pay, is taking so long. wink

The drive will kill me though if I win any tickets. wink

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The Packers looked as bad as the Vikes did if one wants to be honest.

I do not believe the Vikes are going anywhere Shack. Just all a bunch of hype.

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Dude! I got . . . . nothing. Absolutely nothing. Speechless! gringringrin

Hey Tom, you poormouth, deep down inside I don't drink KoolAid of ANY color. That's what makes me lame as a football fan. I can't help recognizing the warts when I see them. Good thing Super Bowl trophies never grow warts, eh? gringrin

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Just starting to get worried Tom. eek

I feel we are going to have a good season this year, but I am realist and of course, a Vikes fan. I know MN (voting) Vikings fans. I think we would gain more support with a bomb season, then a playoff blooper ending season. After the year we had last season and NO interest in even talking about a stadium to keep the Vikes here?

I get the no Super Bowl win thing, but why wait till the last minute? Is that what MN is waiting for?

Blow it off if you will, but in retrospect we are down to the wire dude! wink

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Just starting to get worried Tom. eek

I feel we are going to have a good season this year, but I am realist and of course, a Vikes fan. I know MN (voting) Vikings fans. I think we would gain more support with a bomb season, then a playoff blooper ending season. After the year we had last season and NO interest in even talking about a stadium to keep the Vikes here?

I get the no Super Bowl win thing, but why wait till the last minute? Is that what MN is waiting for?

Blow it off if you will, but in retrospect we are down to the wire dude! wink

Shack...are you following the NFL in California at all? This week both the Chargers and the Raiders have local black-outs to their HOME OPENERS...can't sell the stadiums out. No team in L.A....and no one there cares...everyone is from somewhere else that lives there anyway and cheers for their home team....which is not L.A.

A stadium deal will get done...and yes, it will go down to the wire...always does. The last thing the NFL wants is for Minnesota to move anywhere.

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Its almost a done deal that the Chargers will move to LA if anybody does. They are in really bad shape. Jags would be second.

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