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Velvet gone???


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I haven't gotten any pics yet but word on the "internet" is about half the bucks have lost their velvet, the rest should be losing it very soon.

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I had some small bucks in velvet on the cams yesterday. The big guys are MIA, typical of their behavior after they shed their velvet.

2 more stands to hang and 2 more blinds to put out and then it's hurry up and wait time. cry


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I saw one with and one without two nights ago in a bean field. I guess it holds up to the fifty/fifty. I checked my camera today after 5 days and I got a pic. of a gray fox and some coon. Thats not what I was hoping for!

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mostly gone for the most part. I shot a 155 2/8 in 8 pt in nd on opening night in full velvet, but he would of been solid within days. My camera out there showed one in velvet and the rest bone. Check my cameras around home and they were all hard as of 9-4-10

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The city bucks seem to have lost their velvet, and that happend fairly recentlty. I live in Superior, WI.

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Velvet is going fast if its not already gone. No suprise since we've already passed the first week of September.

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I haven't had any bucks on cam the past two weeks so I couldn't tell you. Time to start hitting the oaks as the beans have yellowed.

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Of about a dozen or so different bucks on camera over the last week, all but about 2 were out of velvet.

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Stick you might want to check Alfalfa as well. Took a drive last night and every alfalfa field was full of deer.

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Had a 16 pointer in the yard last night with no velvet.

Man those deer get big back in the wildlife refuge in the MN river valley.

Anybody want to sit up on my roof with a bow pointed at my bird feeder? Leave the gut pile in my neighbor's yard. Her dog drops deuces all over my yard.

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Get the camera out and take some pics of that monster!

i have been perusing online auction sites and whatnot kinda passively for a game camera to stick on the side of my house.

is that weird?

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