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Good to see you in the woods. How did your crew do on that lake we were headed to? The wind was vicious & on Friday comming to Prarie Portage we got tossed around in the Devils Throat wind tunnel.

I got this 29" Laker- guessin around 13#. She sure is a pretty lake. Kudos to you & the kids on your trip, them portages aint easy...


Later- CLoma

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It was good to see you on the trail and you message in the sand created quite the stir with the group. We had 1 good day on the lake catching 5 nice lakers, but nothing over 22". Good eaters. Then the winds from hell started to blow and we ended up bound for a day and changing our route a bit. I am sure I left a few whiskers as well as more hair from the head on the campsite...along with a few brain cells from being wind bound. Glad you had a safe trip and maybe we will see you again in the woods! I would post some pictures but it seems to be a pain.

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