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moss not happy..............


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Saw this and the wheels began to turn................

New England Patriots receiver Randy Moss, who has kept silent for most of training camp, expressed some frustration Monday afternoon about not having a contract beyond this season.

"When you have done so much and put so much work in, it kind of feels like I am not wanted," Moss told CBSSports.com. "I am taking that in stride and playing my final year out and whatever the future holds is what it holds, but it is kind of a bad feeling -- feeling not wanted. It is not like my production has gone down. I am speaking from an individual standpoint. I don't know about [Patriots quarterback] Tom [brady's] or whoever else's contract.

"I am a little older and understand the nature of the business -- the older you get the more your skills supposedly diminish, but I think I am getting wiser in how to use my physical skills. That's the frustrating part when you put so much heart and desire into things and feel like you are not wanted."

Moss, 33, is entering the final year of a three-year contract and will earn $6.4 million this season. Last season, Moss caught 83 passes for 1,246 yards and 13 touchdowns.

Brady, whose contract also expires at the end of the season, and Moss went out to dinner together Monday night, according to a source.

I think I am getting wiser in how to use my physical skills. That's the frustrating part when you put so much heart and desire into things and feel like you are not wanted.

-- Randy Moss

Moss has been quoted more than once this offseason as saying he thought this would be his last year in New England.

In May, in a Boston Herald story about Moss parting ways with longtime agent Tim DiPiero, Moss was quoted as saying, "I don't think I'm realistically in the future plans of the Patriots. But if the New England Patriots don't want me in their future, [it's a business]. I understand."

Moss made similar comments in February. "I don't think they are going to extend my contract here," Moss said, according to The Boston Globe.

"You know the Patriots don't really pay, so when I got my second contract from them that was a blessing in disguise. I understand the business. I don't think they're going to re-sign me back. I'm not mad. I'm not bitter. It's just the way things are in this NFL, so like I said after this year I'll be looking for a new team. I think so."

How about bringing back a so-called washed up moss to help end favres career on a high note??? Maybe good insentive for brett to come back for "one more year" next year and also end moss's career where he began and on a high note!

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I have said it many times, but I would love to see Moss come back home. IMO he had a killer year last year and the deep pass on a consecutive level, is something we have struggled with since him and Carter left. Watching Moss last year he was solid as could be and was their when they needed him. This while making it look nothing/easy with a couple twists and those long limbs, with the white gloves. grin

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Moss still has a year on his contract, I am sure NE wants to get Brady locked up long term first, then they will move to Moss, unless he puts his foot in his big mouth first. I just dont understand players, a contract for 3 years, is suppose to be good, for 3 years. Not 1, then complain you want an extension

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you think he's not happy now, just think how unhappy he'd be next year with tjack at the helm. I think you could just about count on randy giving up on the team in an even bigger way than he's given up on teams during is career.

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Plus thats all we need, to listen to Lmitouts comments about Moss and Harvin stopping for munchies during the play. wink

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Moss can go wherever he wants to go. He was a good player but he is not a team player. There is no I in team and never will be.

Unless Randy has gotten much better, I could care less if he comes back.

He is to big of a whiner.

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Moss is a stud and always has been....if he is used right and the team has a QB he will continue to put up big numbers......it is a joke that he ever left Minnesota!!

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Moss is a stud and always has been....if he is used right and the team has a QB he will continue to put up big numbers......it is a joke that he ever left Minnesota!!

AGREED!! The guy may have been a whiner when he first came in the league but things change when you gain a few years experience and i think he would be just fine wearing purple again, with a guy like favre chuckin him the ball!! Favre says it is his last year but i think he would love the opportunity to play with a receiver like moss!!

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Moss is the best WR ever. Kind of funny the owner and the media said he was bad in the locker room but when they interviewed all the players they loved him. It's an absolute disgrace Red McCrumbs got rid of him.

We'd be lights out if he came back, I'll take Ricky Williams too.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Moss is the best WR ever. Kind of funny the owner and the media said he was bad in the locker room but when they interviewed all the players they loved him. It's an absolute disgrace Red McCrumbs got rid of him.

We'd be lights out if he came back

Agreed laugh
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I'd take Ricky in a second. We are going to be in the hurt-bag if AP goes down too.

Albert Young is a dime a dozen back in the NFL...can't believe we couldn't up-grade in the off-season or even during final cuts. Hopefully Gerhart will come through but from what I've heard... Albert is the #2.

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Moss is the best WR ever.

Sorry, I'm not buying this one. Moss is better than Jerry Rice? He's better than Chris Carter? I don't even put Moss above Herman Moore. Randy Moss is a very athletically gifted receiver, but it's more bling than substance. Moss is great at going deep and stretching the field, but he's a sloppy route runner and not a great possession receiver. You need to do it all to be "the best WR ever."

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Sorry, I'm not buying this one. Moss is better than Jerry Rice? He's better than Chris Carter? I don't even put Moss above Herman Moore. Randy Moss is a very athletically gifted receiver, but it's more bling than substance. Moss is great at going deep and stretching the field, but he's a sloppy route runner and not a great possession receiver. You need to do it all to be "the best WR ever."

No need to apologize I forgive you, Yeah I think he is better then Jerry Rice and Chris Carter. Just like at any position in any sport there is a debate who was the best.

Moss came out in his rookie year and had a better season then most Wr's dream about not to mention the best rookie season for a WR ever, when people thought Moss was washed up he came back and broke the all time TD record for WR's.

Your argument is weak though saying he's a sloppy route runner and not a possesion WR. Jerry Rice and Chris Carter must not be nearly as good as Moss then since they can't stretch the field and go deep like he does. Who else can do long bombs all day in triple coverage when the teams know where the ball is going?

Put up the highlight reels, of the best WR's.

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the only thing that has kept moss from surpassing all the career reception records is moss himself. don't think anybody can question his talent one bit. from a talent perspective, he's arguably the best ever.

his attitude and willingness to just quit on the team during games and seasons though will always be baggage that he carries and is the one thing that will keep him from being recognized as the best receiver ever in the opinion of many.

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I think his attitude and willingness to quit is blown out of proportion. His "baggage" isn't nothing compared to other people in the league that get bad raps.

The guy ran a fly or streak dang near every play then gets grief for taking a few plays off every now n again.

Another thing is Moss has played his whole career with pie stain QB's besides a healthy Brady the one season and broke the all time record td record.

Look up the highest scoring offensives in the history of the game and you'll see it isn't a fluke Moss was on the team.

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.Can't argue with too much of what you say but if you want to compare him to rice or some of the arguably best ever then moss attitude does become part of the argument against him. Sure if you compare him to owens you can say randy had a better attitude between those two but owens will also never be touted in the same company as rice and other best ever type receivers.

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Moss and his attitude is blown out of porportion by the media.....they would pan on him after he runs 2 straight fly patterns and he would come off the line slowly because the ball is not going his way but he still would have 2 guys watching him where if he goes off the field for a breather they could stack the box for the run. Rice was an unbelievable player and hard worker but Moss has seen more double and triple coverages then Rice ever did and Moss still ends up with the ball. The last few years Moss has been more and more of a possetion receiver when needed but he still is the biggest threat on a deep ball in the NFL after 12 years!!!

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There really isn't much to compare, Moss smashes everyone but Rice with stats and records and he's still playing, alot of the records Moss has he took them from Rice even faster then Rice accomplished them. If Moss has a career as long as Rice's he'll have tons more of his records.

I guess he don't belong in the same company as the other guys cause he squirted a ref with a water bottle and pretended to moon the Packers lol.

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still doubt he will catch rice's career reception and yardage records. he's got a shot of breaking his td records but will need several more strong seasons that. if it doesn't happen, it will be a case where many will say he could have had he given his all all of the time, not just when things were going good. he does have a very good shot of walking away from the game with the crown of 2nd best of all time though.

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