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Chilly Sick of Talking About the "Back-up(s)"


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Brad Childress is tired of talking about Tarvaris Jackson

Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on September 6, 2010 9:34 AM ET

Vikings coach Brad Childress has heard the theories. He knows that trading Sage Rosenfels wasn't a popular move. And Childress is sick of it.

Asked about the possibility of third-stringer Joe Webb playing this year on Sunday, Childress replied: "I'm not going to deal in hypotheticals. I'm done with the backup quarterback. I'm done with it. You guys, if that's all you've got to write, good Lord."

In one respect, we understanding Chilly's frustration. Despite his age, the odds are against Brett Favre missing any time this year. And the Vikings won't go anywhere without Favre, whether they kept Rosenfels or not.

The problem is more about the future. Folks in Minnesota don't see one at the position.

"We're talking about the two highest-scoring offenses [the Vikings and Saints] in the league last year playing each other," Childress said. "Let's talk about the game, instead of Joe Mauer's backup."

Hmm . . . I smell a PFT/HardballTalk crossover post. Who's worse: Tarvaris Jackson or Drew Butera?

Also Chilly explains why he feels T-Jack was better. He gets pretty riled up for Chilly at the end.:

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"He has great practices that is why his is our #2 guy"....HUH?? "8 snaps compared to 36 snaps against the second team" Wasn't this the same Rams team that went 1-15 last year? If ya can't move the ball with 8 snaps against the worst team in the NFL, sorry that is not very good. Why did they not give TJ 36 snaps to see what he can do? Are they worried about injury? Or maybe they are more worried about him failing?

Just like Chilly I am sick of hearing about TJ. And I will be sick of it until we get rid of him.

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i tend to agree with your post. as a fan i see tj on game day if at all. the coaches see him daily in practice. so you would think they know something i as a fan do not. a friend of mine watched practice and told me he doesn't see what childres sees in tj. i think childress doesn't want to admit he made a mistake in drafting tj and to compound that he cant get a bag of donuts for him in a trade. good luck.

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I sense our great minnesota sports media to divide the team by not letting go of the decision. to now question chilly on every move/playcall he makes, and eventually bringing it to the vikings locker room for opinions and comments by players, creating tension among the team. From Burns wanting to retire over the Schnelker hounding, to running Green out of town because he took 8 of 10 division champoinships without a playoff win, to Tice and "loveboat" then to running randy moss ot of town for every pidley thing he did (fake mooning someone "thats disgusting!") they need to learn to move on, instead they like to pick, pester and eventually tear things appart. as far as coaches go, childress is in the middle of the pack, but he has built a pretty good staffand team overall. he knows quarterback is the weak link, otherwise favre wouldn't be here. the season hasn't even started and everyones in panic mode.

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As if the MN media is worse than anywhere else?? Maybe you should check the media in other outlets. You will find that the MN media is pretty tame. If it wasnt clear to most everyone who the better option as backup QB was people wouldnt be asking the questions.

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i'm not saying their NYC, but they don't drop a subject after the fact when there is nothing you can do about it anyway.

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Chilly don't want to look like an [PoorWordUsage] but in the process he makes himself look like a bigger [PoorWordUsage].

Hey lets keep a QB that looks good in PRACTICE with no pressure!! We've all seen what the clown can do during real games.

I wish he could just admit his mistake and move on instead of getting all these other QB's in here and begging Favre to come back.

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i'm not saying their NYC, but they don't drop a subject after the fact when there is nothing you can do about it anyway.

Im sorry but when it is stated that there is nothing Sage can do to claim the backup QB role, and then proceeds to clearly outplay junkson in the preseason, and then is traded away.....questions should be asked.

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You could easily tell Chilly didn't like Sage one bit from the start. He never got a fair chance going against Chilly's man love. It's pretty sad when a coach says there's nothing one guy can do to beat out another guy, especially when the guy in question is junk.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

T-Jack looked pretty good in his last 4 regular season starts against 1st teamers who actually game planned against him.

Sage looked good against 2nd and 3rd stringers wooohooo! Listening to you T-Jack haters you'd think he was the second coming....hahahaha.....The Vikings finally wised up and traded throwsandfalls smile

I suppose you Vikes name callers will all be Giants fans now that your man-love was traded to them!!

Face it Sage isn't even up to T-Jack's level, poor as it might be and you T-Jack haters are the ones who are wrong laugh

With your pants on the ground grin

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Were two of those four starts against teams that had already clinched a playoff spot?

How about that 5th start against Philly? Do I need to post the video of T-Jacked-up with his pants on the ground after being carried backwards in mid-air about five yards?

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators


LMIT, are you still sour about how good T-Jack looked in the last 4 regular season games he started when he made your predictive powers look so BAD. cool

As for the Philly game, that one can be placed squarely on Chili's shoulders. Chili even made Favre look bad in the first half of that Bears game last year. A game we should have won that would have given us home field advantage frown

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Rick you must think we all have bad memories. Do you remember a year ago when junkson looked like garbage a few times in the preseason and you junkson fans all said "ya hes playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers, but hes also playing with our 2nd and 3rd stringers. Wait til he plays with the 1st teamers and we will see him play better". So now a year later you have completely reversed your stance now that its Sage to fit your arguement. Now it doesnt matter that Sage is playing with 2nd and 3rd stringers, hes doing well because the other team has 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Going with your stance from last year, as well as Sage played with the 2nd and 3rd stringers, he should look even better with the 1st stringers? Which is it Rick? It doesnt go both ways.....

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Junkson has never looked like a good QB ever..PERIOD.

He still to this day locks onto 1 reciever, can't read a defense, has horrid accuracy, doesn't know if he wants to run or pass, he's pathetic and all people can pretend is he's getting better LMMFAO.

Funny the Junkson fans love his stats when he gets to come into the game late in the 4th quarter to mop up teams that are just dead tired from us pounding their faces in all game. I'm sure Sage could come in and do just as good all fresh against a beatin and battered team.

Hopefully we never have to see Junkson play in a game that matters.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Rick you must think we all have bad memories. Do you remember a year ago when junkson looked like garbage a few times in the preseason and you junkson fans all said "ya hes playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers, but hes also playing with our 2nd and 3rd stringers. Wait til he plays with the 1st teamers and we will see him play better". So now a year later you have completely reversed your stance now that its Sage to fit your arguement. Now it doesnt matter that Sage is playing with 2nd and 3rd stringers, hes doing well because the other team has 2nd and 3rd stringers in. Going with your stance from last year, as well as Sage played with the 2nd and 3rd stringers, he should look even better with the 1st stringers? Which is it Rick? It doesnt go both ways.....
I don't recall ever saying any of the above, ever JW smile

Originally Posted By: james_walleye
Rick you must think we all have bad memories.
Maybe only you then ehhh? cool

LOL, Not a T-Jack fan or a hater. I just said I haven't seen enough yet. I'm guessing I might at some point. Some of you believe you are football Gurus and are apparently privy to all the play and interactions going on in training camp that I haven't seen. You obviously believe you know more than all the coaches. I haven't heard any of Sages ex team-mates say Sage was the better QB!! I do believe T-Jack is second string and Sage was 3rd string and that was my throwsandfalls argument! I also said I don't believe comparing Sage playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers and comparing them to a QB playing against 1st stringers is not a good way to compare. Obviously T-Jack got 1st team reps for a reason...he's better than Sage smile That's it. ha

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Well there are 3 people in this world that we know think that, as stated before, you, chilly, and junksons mom.

Do you really think any vikings are going to publicly state whether or not they agreed with letting go of Sage rather than junkson?

junkson got 1st team reps because of childress. Thats all there is to it, end of story. 31 other teams would have dumped junkson by now.

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Bevel said something interesting, about the running backs,and how they are practicing well (blitzes, blocking, etc.)............and then he said" but we know that live games are a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMAL". Maybe he should've let Childress know that about QB also............."I've seen all I need to in practice"................uh,huh

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Bevel said something interesting, about the running backs,and how they are practicing well (blitzes, blocking, etc.)............and then he said" but we know that live games are a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMAL". Maybe he should've let Childress know that about QB also............."I've seen all I need to in practice"................uh,huh
Exactly right on soldoncass, Looks like even Bevel is hinting about T-Jack and how he did what QBs are supposed to do in his last five regular season starts...he won!

T-Jack was winning regular season NFL games while Sage was riding the pine.

Proof is in the pudding T-Jack haters. laugh

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Bevel wasn't talking OR hinting about Jackson at all......he was talking about the running backs looking good in PRACTICE picking up blitzes, etc..........BUT, GAMES ARE A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIMAL. In other words, just because practices went well, DOESN'T mean they will do well in games. Childress goes by practices....guys on here go by what we see IN GAMES. Rosenfels clearly outplayed Jackson in games this preseason.....by a LOT.....didn't matter which TEAM they were playing WITH or AGAINST....big difference in results.

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Your wasting your time soldoncass, Rick likes to take what you say and spin it around to make it look like he knows what he's talking about lol.

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Have you guys heard about the new reality/sitcom show coming soon to Fox:

I am starting to think all you guys are right. frown

Might as well start rooting for Green Bay this weekend. Picking my GB jersey up Sat. frown

Again, you guys are right and it can only add up to the Vikes moving.

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The first 2 questions asked at every childress press conference this year should be:

1. How do you let 12 guys in the huddle

2. Why did you trade the better of your 2 backup QB's away.

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