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Ambush saddle or Vipper ss Climber?


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Ok so I am looking to get a new stand, I hunt public land.

I have been looking at both of these stands and i would like the mobility of the saddle but i dont know if these are for long sits.

I know this is discussed alot on here, but what would you get?

Any info is good info.

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i have a viper and will be using it for the 1st time at ripley this year. have not used it huntint but have sat in it in a tree in the yard. very easy to set up and climb. and very comfy.

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I would say vipper all the way! I don't have that model but you will not find a more comfortable stand in my opinion. I have sat for very long periods of time with deer all around me limiting my movement.

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I have heard some good things about the saddle but I just can't seem to wrap my head around hunting out of that thing, even after watching a few videos. Some people swear by them but if it were me I would go with summit or lone wolf.

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I got the Viper this year for a special hunt, set it up on another property we hunt just to test it out and watch the deer... worked great, and I sat for only about 2 1/2 hours, but never got stiff or sore anywhere. EXTREMELY comfortable.

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Saddle hands down. The Summit stands are great, but only work on trees without branches and that will greatly limit your choices of stand location. If you cut down branches to make it work you'll probably make too much noise to have a successful hunt.

Get a pair of knee pads and learn how to adjust your saddle for optimum comfort. Also, go to YouTube and search "BoudreauxBoswell" and watch his videos.

I have both, but the Saddle wins the battle as it is so much more versatile.

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Saddle hands down. The Summit stands are great, but only work on trees without branches and that will greatly limit your choices of stand location. If you cut down branches to make it work you'll probably make too much noise to have a successful hunt.

Get a pair of knee pads and learn how to adjust your saddle for optimum comfort. Also, go to YouTube and search "BoudreauxBoswell" and watch his videos.

I have both, but the Saddle wins the battle as it is so much more versatile.

@BradB - would you sit as long in the saddle as you would in the Summit?

I'd love to try out a saddle but I don't want to get one if they aren't comfortable for all day sits.

I do love the idea of 360 shooting and a 3lb stand that fits in a pack.

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I can't say for sure. I hunted with a Viper for 4 years, and then a Titan for 2 years. I've practiced extensively with my Saddle this summer and have spent a lot of time in it learning how to sit comfortably. Look at the videos on YouTube I mentioned and there is one in particular that goes into sitting positions. With the knee pads, and adjusting the strap to a sitting position, it is just as comfortable as my Summit Titan or Viper.

I switched for two main reasons:

1. I missed a lot of shot opportunities with my Titan or Viper as I could not shoot from a sitting position. On several occasions I could not stand up to shoot over the rail as I would have spooked the deer. The way I have my Saddle configured, the bow is right at my hand and all I need to do is draw

2 I hunt a lot in the metro and need to set up not far from bedding areas. Try as I might, I couldn't get the Summit climber to go up quietly enough, and it made too much noise walking through the woods (the Summit clank).

My saddle operation is this:

I dress and put it on where I park, and the saddle bags I have attached carry everything I need on me. I have 4 Lone Wolf sticks on a strap, and a Lone Wolf Assassin platform that I carry in. When I get to my tree I attach two sticks while I'm on the ground. The other two sticks fit into loops of weed whipper wire I've tied into the back of my saddle, and I hang them there.

Then, I climb up to the top of the second stick and attach my lineman's harness that is integrated into the saddle. I attach my last two sticks and climb up. I attach my platform, then screw in two pegs that are coated with soft fuzzy tape on either side of the platform (these allow me to walk around the tree, and not squeak against rubber boots). Once I do this I stand on the platform, attach the strap above me and hook in, adjust it for my sitting position, screw in a bow hook, and pull up my bow. Good to go.

It sounds kind of convoluted, but it is really fast. I feel the safest in my saddle as I don't think it is possible to fall out. It's well designed, and easy to shoot out of.

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Thanks Brad!

I've watched all the videos now -- I think I'll try one out. I'll still use my sit and climb on opener as I doubt I'll be ready to use the saddle by then.

Shooting looks pretty cool out of the saddle. It seems it may help accuracy because your whole body angles towards the target maintaining good arm/body geometry. Stability should be interesting though when trying to hold a pin on a target and your feet aren't under you.

Did you get used to shooting out of it pretty quickly?

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I didn't find it hard to shoot accurately out of it at all. I agree that it allows you to keep your body geometrically correct, and that it helps with proper shooting form. I'm right-handed so I mostly practiced the left side shot, and the one behind me. Depending on the situation, I should be able to quietly move around the tree to make that shot every time.

I really like the fact that you can hide behind the tree, or other foliage, while waiting for a deer. That's one thing I wasn't able to do in a ladder, traditional hang on, or the climber.

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I agree with BradB. Very versitile out fit. A few things to add. Sizes run a bit large, so if you're "in between", go with the smaller size. If you're in good shape with strong core strength and good balance, you can cheat on how many steps you put at the top as it's possible to take any shot except "thru" the tree without "walking around the tree". If you can find a tree with several limbs coming off at you're desired height to walk around is a pretty sweet deal. Also, if you can leave tree steps in, VERY quick setup.

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      Hey  stranger!!👌
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      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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