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The Wind Factor


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Hi Everybody,

Open Water Mille Lacs rookie here, and just had a few questions about fishing the wind.

I'm a new (used) boat owner (Crestliner Pro-Am 1750 Tiller w/75hp outboard) and am looking forward to many trips to fish Mille Lacs in the future.

I've read many of the helpful comments re: dealing with the wind, i.e., fish the lee side of the lake, etc., but had one more question before I "shove off" as it were.

All things considered, at what wind speeds (forecasted or actual) should I consider it "safe" boating, and at what speeds should I bail and go fish my local smaller lakes?

Note: Although this is my first boat purchase, I have quite a bit of experience on the water with vessels up to 18', both console and tiller.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Safe fishin'.

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Any wind is doable. 15-20 is generally fisable anywhere. 25+ can get a bit hairy. The guide lines I use are; if fishing for money(tournaments)it doesn't matter how much wind. If fishing for pleasure anything over 20 I fish the lee side or go to another lake. Today I'd just not go fishing smile

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