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Well all you T-Jack lovers out there what do you got to say now?

He really does not look good I would not want to see him slinging balls anywhere

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Don't know how Chilly can say he's # 2. He has not looked good at all. Doesn't show any type of command on the field. Chilly can say all he want about how good he looks in practice and how he handles the offense in practice, but at game time he is terrible. Everytime he passes I wonder where it is going to be...in the ground or completely misses target. Put Sage at # 2, cut Jackson. There were no offers from other teams in the offseason for him, so there probably won't be interest in him on waivors. Team knows we need to win now and having Sage gives us the best chance at the backup position.

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[PoorWordUsage] good back up in case the ol guy goes down. (crossing my fingers he don't)

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Come on guys, he was having an off night!!! wink I admit i was a t-jack backer and I still think he has quarterback talent but he needs to have some drive and some fire to perform and I haven't seen that in him at all! sorry T-jack.....i have given you chance after chance but it is time to end our relationship!! haha...........so long t-jack!!

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One can say what they want but the guy is JUNK.


I have no idea how anyone can say he could be a starter in the NFL.

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I'm jumpin on the Joe webb for #2 bandwagon! Throwsandfalls needs to stay at the #3 spot!!

Not disagreeing with you, but it should be easy to hit a wide open Javon Walker down the side line in open field...although happy feet has problems with it. Maybe if he would plant and throw instead of his jump passes sick he would complete one or two.

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Joe Webb is FAR out performing TJ this preseason. Get rid of the headache that is known as T Jack. At one point last night he was what, 0-5? Those guys that played at half time look better than T Jack!

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T Jack tried, and he failed miserably the lesson we've learned is that he doesn't have the stuff to be a QB at least for the Vikings. Let the Packers have him and maybe we can face him and turn a few pick 6.

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I just can't understand why they don't try and either release or trade T-Junk keep Rosenfels and have Webb under Farve and Rosenfels for this year and probably Rosenfels next year with the hope that he could take over after that season. T-Junk is not a good enough scrambler and he isn't a good passer....send him packing!!!!!!!

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I just can't understand why they don't try and either release or trade T-Junk keep Rosenfels and have Webb under Farve and Rosenfels for this year and probably Rosenfels next year with the hope that he could take over after that season. T-Junk is not a good enough scrambler and he isn't a good passer....send him packing!!!!!!!


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Junkson is horrid, same ol Junkson he was 4 years ago. You could make a giant list explaining all the reasons he's so junk. Anyone who thinks he's a good QB knows NOTHING about football.

Plain and simple Chilly doesn't want to admit he moved up and wasted a 2nd round pick for a 5th round projected backup. Lets hope they make the right choice and send the Junkster packing once and for all, Webb has looked better then Junkson ever since his first snap while Junkson has many more years of experience on him.

If Favre goes down and Junkson steps in it's season over, atleast Sage can still give us a chance to win. You know Sage has a few things that make him decent like get rid of the ball and read a defense. Funny you still see Sage and Favre side by side talking football and the Junkster is no where in sight.

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So now one pre-season game counts and last years 3 didn't....Good one guys!

I think the last 3 have been counted, its just this past preseason game is the one the broke the camels back with me. I am done with him, and if he ever takes a single snap for the purple, it is too many.

I havent been a hater, but now I am. Add my name to the haters list.

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I gave him a little credit like 3 years ago but he isn't someone who takes command of a team and can carry us to the wins we would need if he has to play.....Sage I feel has a better control of the hudle and handles the team better and with Webb being a more athletic T-Junk why waste your time with Jackson anymore?

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Yeah I am pretty sure I have felt the same way about TJ the last 3 years also. Even if you forget this preseason game, throw in the last 3 years and I still feel the same way about him. Guess I am not quite sure how anyone can pick out the positives that he has done for us. If he IS as good as anyone says, why did we trade for Sage? Why did we go and get Favre? And why did they tender him a one year deal instead of signing him long term? I think I am not the only person that heard the crowd boo him coming off the field yesterday. So I think we are not alone on this one. TJ's reaction to the booing, "I just don't care anymore". Nice.

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If he says he don't care anymore his play really shows that. Chilly has to notice that and has to swallow his pride and dump him and acknowledge that he was wrong about him. If he doesn't then his pride is way over his head. Can't grow as a head coach this way. Tough cuts are coming and I hope he is the one surprise.

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Maybe Iam to far gone but do you possibly think that T- Jack was told to go out there thur. night to make a big fool of him self, so that Sage could get traded.

Nah, what the beep was I thinking I'll just keep drinkin beer

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