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DC nats, and florida marlins


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Any one else think yesterdays nats, and marlins game was very childish?? Who thinks Nyjer Morgan should get a fine and suspension acting the way he did during the game, when he charged the mound, and the way he acted after it was over. I think that was very poor baseball!!

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he got 7 game suspension and fine for throwing a ball at a fan in the 10th and hitting someone else. No mention of fine or suspension for charging the pitcher. I will say he got clothesline pretty good tho. Should be out for the rest of the year in my eye.

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Thats good that they suspended him. I dont think he should get suspended for charging the mound that clothesline was well worth it! I think they suspended him for the way he acted after the scuffle, he threw his hands in the air like he was in a boxing match and spraying out the F bomb.

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He'll get suspended for sure along with the pitcher from the Marlins and also the first baseman. Probably a couple more guys that were at the pile including the 3rd base coach. He plowed the catcher the night before and they drilled him in the back. He then stole 2 bases down 14-3 that the Marlins didn't like so they drilled him again and then the fireworks happened.

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Few different stories here being rolled into one I think. I believe he hit the Cards catcher on Saturday night and the manager sat him on sunday to avoid the retaliation. He has a suspension that he is challenging from a past episode.

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If it were Me i would have plunked him myself lol. Stealing when ur up by that much is not needed i can see if he steals second but not third..it was sure the scene to watch tho lol.

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It's a cumulative effect of incidents that will get him some sort of suspension.

I'm thinking 7 games and maybe more.

He's a real tool for sure!

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not supporting the guy at all, but i'm still not getting the "unwritten rule" not stealing bases when your down by 11 runs as they were saying on sportscenter. if it was the other way around up by 11 runs, i'd get it.

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Espn said they suspended him for 7 with an undisclosed fine. But it is not for the incident on the mound, it is from him hitting a fan in the stands with a baseball in the 10th who was heckling him.

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MLB hands out suspensions for Nationals-Marlins brawl


22 minutes ago



Nationals outfielder Nyjer Morgan(notes) has been suspended for eight games for his part in the Nationals-Marlins brawl Wednesday night and two other incidents this past week, Major League Baseball announced on Friday.

Morgan, who barreled into Marlins catcher Brett Hayes(notes) on a play at the plate Tuesday, was hit by a pitch from Florida's Chris Volstad(notes) in his third at-bat Wednesday—likely retribution for the collision with Hayes. Hayes suffered a separated shoulder on that play.

The other incidents in question: On Aug. 28, Morgan seemingly went out of his way to bump Cardinals catcher Bryan Anderson(notes) when crossing the plate, even though there was no throw home and Morgan scored easily. Morgan also directed inappropriate comments toward Marlins fans during Tuesday's game.

With his team trailing 14-3, Morgan then stole second base and third base before eventually scoring. Apparently angered by his baserunning decisions, Volstad threw behind Morgan in his next at-bat.

Morgan then charged the mound, setting off a benches-clearing brawl. Morgan, Volstad, both teams' managers, Nationals reliever Doug Slaten(notes) and Marlins starter Alejandro Sanabia were ejected.

Volstad was suspended six games, Sanabia got five games, Slaten got three games and Marlins first baseman Gaby Sanchez(notes) got three games. Nationals manager Jim Riggleman was suspended two games and Marlins manager Edwin Rodriguez was suspended for one game. Nationals third base coach Pat Listach was also suspended for three games.

The suspensions were first reported by SI.com.

Morgan told The Washington Post that he believed the entire situation was over after he was hit by a pitch the first time. The Marlins didn't.

"I know he's stealing bases out of his own doing, he's trying to get back at us," Marlins third baseman Wes Helms(notes) told reporters. "We had to show him that we weren't going to put up with the way he was treating us after last night but also trying to take the bases being (down) 10 runs… . He gets under everybody's skin. Especially mine."

Morgan's eight-game suspension is separate from the seven-game suspension that he currently is appealing. The previous discipline was the result of an incident in Philadelphia when he hit a fan with a baseball and had an "ongoing dialogue" with another.

"People are going to have their own opinions," Morgan told The Washington Post following Wednesday's game. "I know what kind of player I am. … I'm not going to go out there and take anything for granted. I'm going to show that I'm a hard-nosed ballplayer and that's the way it is."

The Nationals will host the Marlins next weekend.

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I see that now however he is appealing the 7 game suspension for throwing the ball. So not sure if they will be combined for 8 or 15 total?

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I didn't realize he was appealing a 7 game suspension already. I think its 8 total now but not sure.

The blind side hit from the 1st baseman was to die for!!!!!!

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I just have to say: I love it when guys steal 2nd, and then steal 3rd on the next pitch. You dont see it all too often. Morgan did it, he's a heck of a competitor. Maybe too much so.

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he was standing up for himself and team they hit him earlier, then he pretty much said suck it and stole 2nd and 3rd then scored and they tossed at him again, yeah he was a little childish about it cause he did get layed out but hey i dotn blame the guy

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