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ATTN Duluth City Deer Hunters

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Please please please shooot every stinkin flea bitten rat tailed deer that lives by the Arrowhead Community Gardens up on Arrowhead and Rice Lake Rd. They have been DESTROYING my garden lately...eating everything(tomatoes, zukes, cukes, beans, carrots...im pi$$ed), and plowing through my fence to get in. I've been told it may be a "hot spot" this year but have only seen a couple returning deer, a doe and yearling. I'm positive that all the other gardeners up there would be very appreciative if you erradicated them from the area. If you want my email address i will take some of the garden supplemented meat...since ive been fattening them up all summer for ya! Thanks goots

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Could be bears too. Guy at work says he is baiting the bears with all that kind of stuff and they love it.

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Oh its a giant flea bitten rat, with a short tail. Tracks and bite marks all over the place...if i could only throw a conibear on my tomato plants grin

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There are a lot of guy's that will help you out we shoot every deer we see.. We can get-r-done. I am in Gulfport Mississippi and will be home for one week starting sept 22 thought the 28th there will be some deer shot trust me i am ready to come home it will be short but hunting time and fishing it will be fun.

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I live near that area and there is a sow with three cubs walking around the neighborhood on we have seen them about every other day for the last two weeks. They got my bird feeders last week. But I agree with Gooty that those great big flower, vegetable and shrub eating oversized rats need to go.

I've often wondered why the City and DNR doesn't authorize a hunt down by the railroad yards near the can of worms on I-35 during the dead of winter. Every year there are a couple hundred of deer yarded up there and taking them out would eliminate lots of fawns in the spring.

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I've often wondered why the City and DNR doesn't authorize a hunt down by the railroad yards near the can of worms on I-35 during the dead of winter. Every year there are a couple hundred of deer yarded up there and taking them out would eliminate lots of fawns in the spring.

They have tried to get this, but there is no good way or good place to hunt down there that would be safe and "out of the public eye." There are no trees and it's all open and flat. Not to mention there would be plenty of anti-hunters that would probably flare up if there were to be hunters to hunt in that tight of a spot.

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I don't think I would consider it hunting down there. It would be more like heard control. For the sake of discussion I'll say I don't have a plan on the topic. Just think of the amount of quality meat the could be given to anyone that would have an interest.

If the DNR was able to come up with a safe as possible plan it could be a win win.

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I just dont think its asafe area to have people hunting. Also as stated you would have all the tree hugger/pita types down there causing a fuss.

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Do any of you hunt in the City, I was looking into hunting in town, as there is a herd of deer that terrorizes my parents and thier neigbors gardens up in the Heights an a nightly basis. I checked out ABA and it looks like it is not an option for me this year as they finished testing in June. What is the process to legally hunt in the city, anyone know?

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Do an internet search for the Arrowhead Bowhunters Alliance Duluth and I'm sure you'll be able to find their website. You can find out all the information for applying for the hunt. Unfortunately it is too late for you this year. Briefly: you need to take a Bowhunter's ed. class, pass a shooting test, fill out paper work, and attend Lottery and orientation night. It's not too onerous. Deadline is June 30th. Your post says you already checked out the ABA--look a little bit for all the required info.

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