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Boar scores!


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Starting of the season with a real nice 200 lbr for the freezer, Thats one down a one to go, Strolled in right after sundown, Kablamo, freezer bear in the freezer. And of course my family is asleep by the time i get home with it, so nobody took pictures, I'll have my wife take some of me an the hide. Now its time for mr.Big. Hope others have faired as well Goodnight. Boar

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Way to go old buddy! You're gonna make everyone jealous puttin' more than one in the tub.

Sounds like you got a good eater! You've obviously got the system down. "Hammer down!" Congrats!

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Sorry for stupid question but can you take two bear in a season or on one tag, just curious been following this bear forum allot this year and making for some good reading? Please don't take it that your breaking the law by any means, just educate me thats all?

thanks and congrats!


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alright good job man,i haven't had much time for bear this year with moving into my new house and the work hours i have now,but i am planning on getting a couple sites set up close to the house so i may still have a chance on getting one yet.

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good job boar!!! Had one come in on the 2nd at about 7:25. he was I know, at least 500 easy! My grand son was with and put the range finder on him at 46 Yards. I Told him to wait and it started pouring as he walked back in to the woods. Sarted blowing and raining. until dark.This went on for 2 + days up in 26 n. of grand rapids and the baits have shutoff and as of today they have not been hit, that is all 5 baits,,, abolutly no hits. any ideas anybody. I do have trail cam pics of these hogs, just dont know how to post them.-------57---full-35453-980-mdgc0095.jpg

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I love hearing the stories. I have a good one for you. We were watching a big bear on the trail camera for the week prior to hunting. Head in at 2:00 to hunt on opening day. I climb in my stand and my father-in-law puts in some bait and changes the card in the trail camera. I sit until about 5:15 and don't see anything. Then a little cub comes in and starts eating. All of a sudden there is a noise to my right and the cub takes off running. I see a good bear coming in from the right. Let it get to the bait and take it down. I thought for sure it was the big one. Find out it is a nice 250 lbs sow. Get back to camp and they tell me that the big one was in my bait pile 3 minutes before we came in. Knew i should have hunted earlier. oh well, never be mad that i got one though.full-6457-981-2010bear.jpg

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57 thats a huge bear good luck with him. We had the same problem with the rain and baits not getting hit hit until opener. Then my buddy and I both had bears in. Its funny, talked to other camps and they said their baits were getting smashed every night. Boar, hope to see the pics soon good job. I need to find a good spot in no quota, loved to have a chance at two bears. Good luck the rest of the season. Longline how old do you think she was?

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Not sure on the age of her. I don't think it was that cubs mom since she chased away the cub out of the bait so she could eat. I assumed it was the big boar that we had been watching on the camera the way the cub got scared out of there. If it was the cubs mom i feel really bad, we try not to shoot sows with cubs. Only good thing would be that the cub wasn't one of this year.

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Yea double H the pictures, I am cursed with hardley ever geting picture, when i get home with my bear my family is generaly asleep. I have pictures of teh bear i shot before i shot it, but nothing in hand this time. unless my daughtes video camer picked up an picture in the dark without a flash, I'll check.......

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For you wouldnt it just be easy as shooting another. Just thinking if a person got drawn for a quota zone and had good access to property on no-quota, woundnt it be possible for a three bear year. Now that would be awesome. Man this bear hunting is addictive!

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Ha good point, I'll go shoot another, an this time carry a camera, adictive? thats an undrstatment man, I'm just lucky my wife likes the meat an supports me in it otherwise I probabley wouldnt be hunt... married. Boar

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So if I shoot a bear in the qouta zone, could I then shoot 2 more in a no-qouta zone? Our hunting shack is in the no-quota zone. If I tag the one I have thought of trying it down at the hunting shack. Still have bait to use.

Boar, what is your thought, should I chance getting out late after work or keep working the bear until the weekend? Or any one else that has thoughts. The earlest I could make it out to the stand the next couple of nights would be 6:00 pm.

Here are a couple more pics from Monday evening. full-18080-1031-bear4.jpg


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Well the way I read the regulations it says one bear for a quota zone and two for a no-quota zone plus those are over the counter. It never says what the statewide season limit is. You just can't use your lotto tag for a no-quota area. Maybe someone else has done this or asked in the past can ring in. Maybe new post.

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Jerkbait, you have a nice bear going there, I would hunt according with your baiting schedual, an if that coincides with after work around 6 then I'd hunt, when do ya bait? When a guy hunts he is gonna do the same routine as he would do his baiting, same time, same everything, stick to this is my opinion, if your baiting a 6 an he's hitting after 7 like your camera says, then rock an roll buddy! just dont change a routine. Good luck, looks like he'll make some tasty sausage for the ice house. Double H I've heard of people doing this, an I agree that there seems to be no limit on bear just cant cross tag into zones, I dont know how successful people are, but I could be wrong. Good topic though, to much work for me at this time. But a questions is can you maintain all sites at teh same time, dosent say anything about that either, it's really kinda vauge, cause you could be hunting the line an have three tags an just cross the road after you fill one, boy lots of questions now. Hmmmm. boar

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Thanks,I have been baiting between 5:30-6:00 everyday. Funny thing with that bear coming through at 7:30, never touched the bait, then back at 2:11 am and then into the bait until 5:00 am. may have to give it a whirl tonight.

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If you dont get him tonight jb, then keep the routine, an saturday mourning just at leagle shooting I'd might just have to sneek in a do a sit for till about 9 or so, just an idea. Boar

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That is what I am thinking. I made it just before 6:00 yeseterday evening to rebait and swap cards. When I got home and looked at the pictures the bear showed up at 8:56 pm on Tuesday until almost midnight. Then it came back at 6:52 am Wednesday morning for about 5 minutes, just enough time. No set routine. So I am thinking hunt Friday afternoon, then hunt Mornings and afternoons the rest of the weekend. Thought about hunting today after work, but the Vikes are on tonight. As long as it keeps coming I have a chance of getting it sooner or later.

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J.B I think the bears time clock is off. used to come in at 7ish pm and again at 5ish am. Now he came at 8pm something and again at 6am something, at least he is still predictable. Only an hour later though. hahahaha ----57---

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Youve come this far with baiting to watch football? wink keep us posted Boar 57 I'll try tonight. Boar

I know, I know. I do have my priorities mixed up. I didn't hunt Monday night because I had a job that I needed to get done on Tuesday. What was I thinking. The one thing I have going up here is that there really is no competition from other hunters.

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