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Roger Clemens


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Congress has bigger fish to fry than Clemens. And if lying would/should land you in prison, all of congress would be there. They would be sharing space with Clemens. This is a joke. And I don't even care if he lied or not. He's a professional athlete, an entertainer. I would hope kids would have better role models than today's athlete or Hollywood actor.

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Congress has bigger fish to fry than Clemens. And if lying would/should land you in prison, all of congress would be there.

Sorry but he put his hand on that bible and promised to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" it's perjury and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. More than likely he will get a slap on the wrist, but they are making an example of him.

Doesn't anyone remember this clown messing around on his wife with a 15 year old Mindy MCcready? Guys garbage

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We should have them get a salary cap now in MLB!

Be careful what you wish for Scott! The Twins are on their way up to being one of the top spenders in the league.

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Be careful what you wish for Scott! The Twins are on their way up to being one of the top spenders in the league.

There still needs to be a cap! I was just joking on having congress set one, but it needs to be done.

Sure the Yankees can spend 250 million a year on all the top players and wont affect them at all, but then all the mediocre players think they deserve close to that, and it just hurts the middle, and low income teams that much more. If the Yankees only effected themselves by spending, I could care less if they spend a billion a year on players. But they sign a top player at 25 million a year, well the second and third best players want 23 million a year, then the middle of the line players want half that. Then the middle revenue teams get hosed, because they are trying to compete, and spend on above average players, and way over paying for them, because of the Yankees, Boston, ect.., so then they can only sign a couple mediocre players, and the rest of the players, they need to go on the cheap, just to put a team on the field.

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The lack of a salary cap is also allowing some of the lesser franchises to survive. Sure, the Yankees will always make the most $$$, but by them being able to bring in star after star it really drives their revenue and the big fish in the tank is REVENUE SHARING.... if you get rid of the salary cap, revenue sharing will go with it and the league will be back to about 20-24 teams in not too long.

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or, the other teams will be able to compete, and people will come to the games, and they will be able to support themselves!

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I think congress got involved because like Pier said they warned MLB to clean up and they didn't. Congress needed to clean it up as MLB is a big commodity for the USA and many people are employed because of MLB and if MLB goes under then it causes another big strain on the country. If baseball wasn't such a big business I don't think congress would have stepped in.

Congress IS the legislative branch of the government. They make the laws.

The judicial branch is in charge of interpreting the laws and sentencing law breakers.

Congress is over-stepping!

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congress did the investigating on this and now the judicial branch will see if Mr. Clemons indeed did lie under oath or not.

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