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Matt, I've got a bunch of over-ripe corn in the garden, and a little bacon and hamburger grease in the kitchen.

Do you want me to hang on to it for your bait stations this weekend?

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Sure, I'll take anything edible any time of year! If your wife doesn't mind it sitting around, I'll grab it when I get back up on Monday??

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  • 2 weeks later...

MS, hey bud, sorry we didn't get to hook up. I had my little guy with me again, so it was an uber-busy beginning of the week between baiting, hanging with family, my dad going back in, my wife in for an appt., and getting the little one bathed and in bed!

Go ahead and toss that stuff if it's still lying around. Otherwise, I'll be back up Sat. through Monday if you would rather it be eaten by a bear!

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