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Boy heres a tip i like


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Early on there was talk about using fish as an attractant, an the pros an cons of it. The pro being stinky the con being rotten. I work with a guy that loves trapping an lives for trapping. an was paging thru his trappers supply catalog an it kinda slapped me in the face. There it was, all kinds of fish oil, salmon oil, crayfish oil, an so on. Then i came across cherry oil, loganberry oil, carmel oil, beaver oil that was hand squeezd from the glands, Anis oil an just loads of attractans for trappers. These oils an attractants are very concentrated in which they sell buy the 4oz bottle to pints an gallons. Now All i could think about was getting my hands on some concetrated fish oil an mixing that with fryer grease an soaking up the site, oh boy! If you google fur trapper supply or something like that I'm sure you'll find something, or Ill find the catalog he gave me. Later boar

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boar----- bears favorite thing is beaver,( just like any other man ) and I think that the beaver stuff hung on a rag will work. What was your thought on how to use it? ------57----

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Same thing, or dip a scent wick in it. Has any one used beaver with good results< Your right 57, I've heard that beaver is the crem dela crem of a bears delicasies, but dont hear to much of anyone useing it. baor

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A lot of hunting tapes I've watched from Canada show a big ole beaver hanging from a a tree. Most bears went straight to it and tore off a big ole chunk of beaver.

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Anything containing the scent of beaver will get licked, chewed, and pounded by any respectable bear in the woods.

There's many an old boar that's gotten himself in a heap of trouble over just the scent of a fresh beaver.

Just don't walk thru the woods with the scent on your hands. You might get an unpleasant surprise if a big boar sneaks up behind you.

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Well put canopy sam. But sometimes you leave the cabin with your hands smelling like beaver and just don't think about it untill you wipe you face and get a reminder that you were handling beaver. Could be a costly mistake.

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Hey, I sense there may an undertone suggesting something other than baiting bear here? Who said anything about wives? I'm strictly talking about using beaver trapping scent for attracting a bear.

I suppose my wife would transform into a raging sow bear if she were to smell another beaver on my hands! How embarassing would that be? blush

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