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Ripley-Who applied Odds?


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I applied this year. This would be our first time going up. I have been wanting to for a couple years now but the dates never seemed to work out for me. Good luck...hope you get pulled!

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If drawn, this will be my first year also. I'm sure your chances have been reduced substantially since I'm in the mix now. grin

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I'm sure there are more applicants this year but I know several guys who get drawn multiple years in a row. Hopefully it'll be two in a row for me.

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I hunted there three years in a row. Last year was the first time that I did not get drawn. Hopefully this year I get back in again.

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I am hoping to get drawn again this year. But my luck has to run out eventually, 7 out of the last 8 years and 3 in a row. But I know guys that have been every other year for the last 12 years. It's a lottery it all up for chance unless you have preference points. Good luck everyone!

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Pretty sure that I will get in, but then I apply for the deployed soldiers hunt which they hold in early Oct. Only like 90 guys that hunt it, so it leaves a lot of open space.

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We got in last year after not getting drawn the year before.

Seems like if you were successful you wouldn't get drawn the next year.

Last year we took two bucks, one dandy 150" and a forky that weighed around 150lbs.

The forky had a broadhead in it's right shoulder that was totally grown over and no signs or scars. Almost sliced my fingers on that.

I would show pics if I could download them on this website, but can't do this on this computer!

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