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Insight vs. Standard Lake Master Chip

S.D. Ice Angular


Lets revisit the issue a bit,

Has anyone used the “Insight” map chip??

I have read some previous posts and I guess the consensus is that it is might be worth the extra $100.00?

Fo those of you who run the new chip, What are your thoughts??

I run an LMS-337 will it function in this unit? I also have an HDS-5 but normally only use it on the Sonar mode.

Any feedback on the “Insight” chip period is much appreciated.

Thank you,


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3 answers to this question

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You will only achieve full functionality and the enhanced benefits of the Insight Chip in a HDS unit.

So if you only use it in a Legacy Lowrance line unit....you just as well do the standard LM MN chip....for the most part.

Some topographical details will be updated in the 2010 Insight over the "09" or even in the standard 2010 LM MN, but it would be a case bye case situation to the end user if it is indeed an upgrade for you personally.

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I just looked at the standard chip and the Insight Chip side by side of South Dakota. One was on a HDS-10 one on a HDS-8.

Other then some oohh & aawh of the semi-topo look (mainly on land) there was no difference I could tell.

Minnesota maybe different but I looked at several lakes and used the Lon/Lat to dial both in on a specific spot of each lake. I don't see any benifit of the insight at all

What am I missing??

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Check the list and compare to see what waters are enhanced in the Insight in SD, and what is not, if it is not a big deal to you...skip it.

From what I understand some waters are enhanced and others are not. So if it does not pay for you to add the Insight, the standard LM chip may be just as good for you.

Does both HDS units have the most recent updates in them, if not, do that and check the maps again.

A new HDS 3.5 update just was released on Sept 1 that may influence performance and usability with the mapping.

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