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Favre or Mauer, who is the bigger sports hero?

Steve Foss

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If Favre had grown up in Minnesota he wouldn't be such a jerk

What makes you think he is a Jerk? His team mates seem to love him. Do you know him personaly that you can offer this opinion? I doubt that his kids or his wife thinks he is a jerk.

I'm sure that most of us here have been labled a "Jerk" somewhere along the line by people who don't know us well enough to make that assessment.

I know I have labeled a lot of you in my mind over the years! winkwink

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Other than Lou Gehrig who was deathly ill... I don't consider a Tiger Woods type of player/person in Jordon, a guy who illegally gambled on sports events and blamed it on his wife "Gretzy" or the most overrated basketball player in the history of NBA "bill russell" Sports Heroes. I admit Larry Bird tried to cry but there were no tears that I could see....

Let me restate this Sports Heroes don't Cry Multiple times like Favre has and constantly talk about the guys and the team when we all know its about Brett and his ego. wink

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the high school football coach in mississippi says the kids and coaching staff love to have farve around and he's a positive influence....what a jerk.

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Let me restate this Sports Heroes don't Cry Multiple times like Favre has and constantly talk about the guys and the team when we all know its about Brett and his ego. wink

I cried while reading your post

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The Rules For Crying In Sports

Sports fans appreciate emotion.

Sports fans also appreciate sincerity. In a society where image is essential, nothing ruins reputation like artificial or excessive emotion.

When Allen Iverson sat before the Philadelphia media, crying about seemingly everything but the state of Jon and Kate's marriage, it was easy to declare shenanigans.

When Tim Tebow walked away from the SEC Championship on the losing side, tears streamed down his face. It took Tebow by surprise that the Florida Gators might lose that game -- something the viewing audience had figured out by the second quarter.

Crying is allowed in sports -- but there are rules. So let’s get them on the record.

Crying because of an injury

This is always allowed, period.

Dwyane Wade certainly didn't look very manly breaking down after dislocating his shoulder during the 2006-2007 season. Anyone who chided Wade for his tears doesn't understand the pain associated with tearing every muscle and ligament in the shoulder region simultaneously. The medical staff even called for a wheelchair, worrying the slightest movement could cripple him.

Every pain threshold and every injury is different. Fans can enjoy and exalt those athletes who play through pain, while still appreciating the severity of a pain that drives a man to tears.

Crying after a loss

Crying after defeat is usually acceptable in the sports world.

Crying, of course, is unacceptable if that athlete is responsible for the loss.

Tim Tebow played horribly in the 2009 SEC Championship, his poor passing ensured Alabama left victorious.

Terrell Owens broke down after a Dallas loss to the New York Giants in 2008, and all most people thought about was his three catches and uninspiring 38 yards.

Finishing second is never a reason for crying. This means you, Roger Federer. His emotional display after the 2009 Australian Open was sad for all the wrong reasons.

And never, in any circumstance, cry before the game is over.

Adam Morrison brought sports crying to a new low when he fell to the ground weeping as Gonzaga fell to UCLA in the 2006 NCAA Tournament. The saddest part was that Gonzaga still had a chance to win the game.

Crying after a victory

If an athlete plays through injury or makes a superhuman effort to pull out an otherwise unlikely win, that athlete earns some tears of joy.

If someone doesn't understand that, that person has never won anything worth crying over.

When Michael Jordan went all Days Of Our Lives after the Bulls' 1991 NBA Championship, no one faulted him. No one called out Brett Favre, tearing up after a Monday Night Football win following his dad's death.

But, not every win is worth a spike in Kleenex stock.

In 1999, Terrell Owens single-handedly attempted to deep-six the San Francisco 49ers' season with his four drops and fumble in the NFC Wildcard Game. Owens then made a spectacular catch to give the 49ers a win. T.O. choked up -- forgetting that his heroics wouldn't have been needed if not for his earlier poor play.

Crying when you don't get your way

This is never allowed and is the least respected form or sports crying.

Allen Iverson is in this category. Watching his press conference it was clear he wasn't crying for any reason other than feeling the entire league was disrespecting him.

When Manny Wright got all teary after being taken to task by Nick Saban, he lost all respect he may have earned in the NFL. He's now serving a suspension in arena football's minor league.

Glen “Big Baby” Davis proved his nickname correct during a game in 2008, moving to the end of the bench and blubbering inconsolably after Kevin Garnett chewed out the entire team. If Davis still has his man card, it should be revoked.

Kobe Bryant inexplicably broke down when he apologized for his 2003 Colorado adultery. Sports fans rightfully called Kobe out for his tears. Tears are understandable after the fact, not after the criminal investigation.

don't be a blubbering sore loser

When it is excessive or unexplainable, crying is no longer sincere. With these simple rules committed to memory, athletes need never worry about crying inappropriately ever again.

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Well.......first of all, NO professional athlete is a HERO. Not even close.

But, seeing how one could possibly equate a sports figure with a hero this question still makes little sense because you are not even comparing apples to apples. Mauer is not even the biggest HERO on his own team. That title goes to Morneau hands down. If Morneau grew up in St. Paul and Mauer in Canada, we would not even be having this discussion.

Comparing Favre to Mauer is a farce. Mauer has done nothing to move his team from a team that has a hard time winning it's division to a title contender. His team got swept in the playoffs last year, I don't remember any heroics from Mauer. I remember tons of memories from throughout Favre's career that could be considered sports heroics. Not too many from Mauer. I have memories etched in my brain over the years of Morneau hitting game winning hits and HRs but not so much with Mauer.

In my mind the clear choice here is Favre and 100% of you would agree with me if Favre grew up in St. Cloud, MN and played his college career with the Gophers then played his whole pro Career with the Vikings. There would be a state holiday in his honor and statues all around the twin cities of his likeness.

You nailed it, if it was a nationwide poll I wonder if Mauer would even get 5% of the votes? You can think of tons of Favre's games and plays that won the game, I remember him sticking a fork in us all the time with them plays, I hated it, but I respected the guy he has always been a gamer.

That game after his dad died was unreal, them Wr's were coming down with everything, I remember being totally shocked that whole game how he was playing.

You can thank the media and people that love to talk about him, make up stories so they can be the ones to "break the news" when it comes to him being drama. If they minded their own business there wouldn't be drama, Favre would tell the team and coaches if he was coming back or not, the media doesn't hear anything from either side so they have to make things up so they can go interview everyone about it to get stories, then everyone can read it and blame Favre.

Funny how when the stories are real they name the player/coach that says it, when they are fake its always "A Vikings player" said it! Yeah sure he did!!

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