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Favre or Mauer, who is the bigger sports hero?

Steve Foss

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Well, there's no general sports forum, so I figured I'd post this question in here since there's so much Favre love/hate going on. gringrin

What makes a sports hero? Who is the bigger hero here?

Thoughts? I'm interested in a real discussion, not testosterone and bashing. It seems to me both these guys have heroic traits. And it also seems to me there are enough differences in their behavior that it's worth discussing.

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I would have to say that part of it starts with the "homer" aspect.

Mauer would probably get my nod just because he is one of us.

Farve is probably more popular but with more drama, and once football is done you dont see him any more. With Joe, you see him on commercials and making public appearances etc.

They both are leaders of their teams, so that aspect is kinda equal...so it boils down to wins and losses and how they did it etc. If mauer and the Twins win the series this year, then Mauer would probably elevate to the superhero status of the likes of Kirby and Harmon...Farve who?

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What has the Baby Jesus ever done to even be considered for this question other than being from MN?

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I guess that answers my question! You dont have to do anything except to be "one of us".

My goodness.........

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I think Brett has the world wide recognition even with the love/hate. You either love or hate him but either way you have to give him credit to be his age and still doing what he loves and doing it well.

Joe will in due time reach this status, he will 1 day be known as one of the greats both on and off the field long after he leaves the game. He'll be the Jordan of baseball....

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I guess that answers my question! You dont have to do anything except to be "one of us".

My goodness.........

He as the question between the 2 of them...NOT who you think should be on it.

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I guess that answers my question! You dont have to do anything except to be "one of us".

My goodness.........

Go urinate on someone else's thread, Tampon Boy. LOL! gringringrin

As posted, I (and probably not a few others) am interested in hearing the why and the wherefore, not the stiffy and the iffy, Bucky.

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Tough question. As far as talent and who's a better player Mauer is way ahead of Favre at this point in his career....IMO....Mauers a way better all around athelete of course.

Sports hero status.....hmmmm.....guess it depends on ones definition of that....no question it's Joe for me though.

Lets all be thankful we don't have LMIT to deal with in the baseball forum... grin

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so what will it take for him to do that?? Hmm 3 batting title for a catcher, 1 AL MVP (2 short of Farve) all he is missing is a ring. How long has Mauer been in the majors, 6 years and he already accomplised that pretty impressive in my mind. As for Favre, 3 time MVP and one ring (going into his 20th season). I think your comment is a tad far fetched.

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When I think sports hero, I think in a sense of looking up to or as a role model. I think Mauer takes the cake here. Not everyone is perfect though….. and who knows maybe we’ll find out he’s a Tiger Woods or something. I say we compare apples to apples with each person at the end of their career. Then let’s compare accomplishments and character.

And as far as him not holding Brett’s jock, we will never know, but I have a sneaky sense that Joe would have been a starting and successful QB in the NFL right now, if that is what he chose to do.

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We may need to have a better definition of "sports hero".

Winning awards and being a role model isn't heroic, IMO. Game winning plays and putting the team on your shoulders is heroic. Mauer barely plays, whereas Brett hasn't missed a game and has led his team to plenty of victories at the end of games.

Mauer's reputation is grossly overinflated just because he's "one of us". Get over it.

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You could certainly make the case that Heroes should be found somewhere besides professional sports. I know mine have been found elsewhere and I was a bit of a sports junky. All the money and selfishness has turned me away a bit in the last 15 years.

That said, when I think of heroes, selflessness and sacrifice, integrity and honor come to mind before proficiency and performance.

Both have spent time at the highest levels of their position and their sport. Both seem to be "nice" guys. One has thus far avoided the pitfalls of fame and money and hasn't embarassed himself, at least publicly.

My vote in this case would go to Mauer.

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That said, when I think of heroes, selflessness and sacrifice, integrity and honor come to mind before proficiency and performance.

That's how I look at it, too. Mauer's got the edge there. Favre clearly has Mauer beaten in other categories, but of course he's been in pro sports much longer.

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19 years and 285 consecutive starts in the Not For Long league VS. 6 years minus many months due to injury, like slivers from his bat.

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Hero Mauer, did more for his team, and to win games, Favre.

Thinks more of the team them himself, Mauer.

Thinks the world/media should revolve around him. Favre

We hear what Mauer does to his community, because we are his community. We dont here what Favre all does around his community! So it is hard to judge him in that department

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I couldn't find any good definitions of a sports hero on the interweb. Here is one definition that I found for just a regular hero:

Mythological or legendary figure, often of divine descent, who is endowed with great strength or ability, like the heroes celebrated in early epics such as Gilgamesh, The Iliad, Beowulf, or the Chanson de Roland. Usually illustrious warriors or adventurers, heroes are often represented as fulfilling a quest (e.g., Aeneas, in Virgil's Aeneid, founding the Roman state, or Beowulf ridding his people of the monstrous Grendel and his mother). Heroes often possess special qualities such as unusual beauty, precocity, and skills in many crafts. Often inclined to boasting and foolhardiness, they defy pain and death to live fully, creating a moment's glory that survives in the memory of their descendants.

I think that adding the word "sports" in front of hero just means that they did all of the above in a sporting event or setting. I read another study that discussed the difference between a sports celebrity and a sports hero, which was quite interesting.

Based on the definition above, I think that you have to go with Favre as the bigger sports hero. Here is my comparison based on above, listing who I think qualifies most:

1) Endowed with great strength or ability: Even (Mauer & Favre)

2) Heroes are often represented as fulfilling a quest: Favre (won a Superbowl and has gotten his teams close many times)

3) Heroes often possess special qualities such as unusual beauty, precocity, and skills in many crafts: Even (Mauer is baby jesus, and Favre is good at mowing his lawn)

4) Often inclined to boasting and foolhardiness: Certainly Favre

5) ...they defy pain and death to live fully, creating a moment's glory that survives in the memory of their descendants: Favre again

There ya have it, Favre is the biggest sports hero so far. Think back before this whole media circus hit, he was barely drafted, came out of nowhere and won the Super Bowl. He did that after losing half of his intestines in a college car accident, after pain pill addiction, and mustered the strength to play in many games when most would have sat on the injured list. He did that for the team back then, not for the glory. However, it's always tough to make a comparison when one player is at the end of his career while the other is in his prime. I hope that Mauer leads the Twins to a World Series win with some "sports" heroics that push him over the top in this debate.

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Well.......first of all, NO professional athlete is a HERO. Not even close.

But, seeing how one could possibly equate a sports figure with a hero this question still makes little sense because you are not even comparing apples to apples. Mauer is not even the biggest HERO on his own team. That title goes to Morneau hands down. If Morneau grew up in St. Paul and Mauer in Canada, we would not even be having this discussion.

Comparing Favre to Mauer is a farce. Mauer has done nothing to move his team from a team that has a hard time winning it's division to a title contender. His team got swept in the playoffs last year, I don't remember any heroics from Mauer. I remember tons of memories from throughout Favre's career that could be considered sports heroics. Not too many from Mauer. I have memories etched in my brain over the years of Morneau hitting game winning hits and HRs but not so much with Mauer.

In my mind the clear choice here is Favre and 100% of you would agree with me if Favre grew up in St. Cloud, MN and played his college career with the Gophers then played his whole pro Career with the Vikings. There would be a state holiday in his honor and statues all around the twin cities of his likeness.

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Once again, wait until Mauer is in the last year of his career, and I bet opinions will be a little different.

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I say Mauer until Joe CRY's on National TV. Sports hero's don't cry nor do they lead the league in interceptions or bone-head plays.

Sorry Favor lovers there is no CRYING in the land of Sports Hero's.

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Sports hero's don't cry...Sorry Favor lovers there is no CRYING in the land of Sports Hero's.

List of sports heros who cried:

Lou Gehrig - during retirement speech

Michael Jordan - post 1991 championship game

Mike Schmidt - during retirement speech

Larry Bird - after losing to Magic in the NCAA title game

Bill Russell - after winning his last title in 1969

Bobby Orr - during retirement speech

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Wayne Gretzky cried when they retired his jersey.

Anyway, until Mauer can prove he can win without riding Nick Punto's coat tails, I'm picking Favre by a mile!

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