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Baby carp as bait


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Just wondering if anyones ever use baby carp as bait? Caught them while trapping bullies in a small pond, they're 2-3 inches long. Called DNR yesterday and they said its legal to use them as long as they're under 7 inches. 44567_1372044107765_1431652624_30839526_

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Yeah I don't think its legal but i called the DNR office and the gal said that it can be used as bait but I'll call tomorrow and asked again.

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the under 7 inch rule applies to minnows. carp are not consider minnows(yes bullie under 7 do) Page 9 of the reg book under angling methods reads "using whole or parts of game fish, goldfish, or carp for bait is unlawful"

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by the way the bullhead rule now is 10 inches and under if you haven't heard. check the dnr website for the info.

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Lot's of those baby carp around right now. I bet they would make good bait, but too bad they are ILLEGAL to use. frown

It's pretty sad that you called and they can't even give you the right answer...

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Oops. I opened this thread is becasuse I couldn't believe what you were using for bait! Then I realized you wrote" Baby CARP".

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Well, sounds like it CAN be used for bait. FYI- Using email is better then the phone, you have written proof then.

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think how benificial carp would be to our fisheries if they stayed under 5" long!!!!!! they work dang good for pike bait on the private ponds ive fished.

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Well, it is stated clearly on page 9 of the 2010 fishing regs that using carp for bait is illegal, so I would tend to trust that over what someone at the DNR told you over the phone. It's pretty sad that you were misinformed by an employee of the DNR!


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This would be great if you could use them as bait, even if it was only able to use them if caught in the same waters. Them little carp are perfect sized for flats!

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This would be great if you could use them as bait...

No kidding! I've got a nearby pond full of carp that would be perfect for flathead bait!!!


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No...Carp can not be used as bait, or transported alive in any size from location to location.

Carp are considered an invasive species.

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Ralph that golden shiner looks like it needs a 8/0 hook wink Looks too good not to throw back in the water for a kitty kat

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Ralph that golden shiner looks like it needs a 8/0 hook wink Looks too good not to throw back in the water for a kitty kat

Golden Shinners..... yea thats it grin

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Who with the DNR did you talk to? Was it a Conservation Officer, janitor, secretary, IT person, etc...


(a) A person may not use live minnows imported from outside of the state, game fish, goldfish, or carp for bait.

(B) A person may not import or possess live, frozen, or processed bait from known waters where viral hemorrhagic septicemia has been identified as being present. For purposes of this paragraph, "bait" includes fish, aquatic worms, amphibians, invertebrates, and insects used for angling.

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