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Broken St. Croix Rod



I broke the tip on my St. Croix Avid AS69MLXF. I am wondering what to expect when I take it to St. Croix to be repaired. I broke it, so I am prepared to pay for it. I broke off about a inch and a quarter. Is it repairable or will they say it's time for a new rod?

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When I sent mine in all I had to do was get a RA from them and put it in a tube along with shipping money. They called a couple days later and asked if I would like to upgrade to a Legend for $50.00 more. SURE I WOULD grin

This was about 5 years ago so how they will handle might have changed.

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just send it to st.croix, and they will send you a brand new rod, no questions asked. But you will have to pay for shipping. Ive sent in a handful of broken rods to them, all being my fault, and have never had an issue.

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I had a tip break this summer. The process is still the same as Jim mentioned above. I believe the check i sent was $25. Check out the St. Croix website for shipping info and instructions.

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Not really repairable to like new. You can try cleaning up the frayed end with a Dremel cutoff wheel and installing a new tip top on it. It will effect the action and sensitivity slightly but shouldn't be too bad.

Best thing to do though is contact St Croix and tell them what happened. I've heard some stories of people who broke rods and they worked with them and got a new one for either free or a small charge. St Croix is a great company and willing to make their customers happy.

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