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I am a first time poster here but have gathered a wealth of information from the numerous threads and info Ive browsed here already.

Anyway, the plan is to take my gf out fishing tomorrow and am looking for some general tips for Lida this time of year. I have been out on Lida a few times this year and usually get on 1 walleye or so a time (if im lucky)!

Used a pretty basic approach each time trolling with spinners and crawlers between .5-1 mph. Usually fish out from the white two story on the east side of the lake (im sure you know where this is if you know the lake). Been fishing 15-22 FOW, basically flat territory outside of weeds or on weeds. Usually pulling up the occasional slimer or sunnies w/ some crappie mixed in, but having trouble finding walleye.

Are there any diff approaches someone could recommend? Id really like to get her interested in fishing and if we could find a few decent fish (aware of the slot) she'd probably have a heck of a lot more fun!

If anyone could recommend a smaller, easier lake to fish within one hour or so of Fargo, that'd be great too!

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Looking forward to hopefully becoming a contributing member..

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