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The Bow stand Log thread.


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I sat in one of my favorite stands this morning from sunup til 10. No deer sighted but I nearly got a crack at 3 coyotes. If they are that thick my favorite stand may be a bust this season:(


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Great morning, no harvest, but Melissa(wife) got to find out just how quiet a deer can be, all of a sudden a buck was just yards from her, he circled her and walked out to 15 yards broadside and she was able to get a shot off, but she missed.

Wasn't long after that it walked right to me, he walked within 12 yards of me and I passed, he was a 10 pointer, but real young, not outside the ears and spindly rack. I am very happy with my decision to let him walk. I would have have been delighted to see her harvest him being her first, but I need to wait yet. Did not seem real interested in doe bleats at all.

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Had two buck fawns within 10 yards of my ground blind tonight . Mom was coming smile but a hiker with a BIG dog spooked her and the two others that were coming in just as I was drawing. frown

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So I just set a stand about 20 yds off a main trail coming out of some thick popples and a swamp. I am also about 30yds from a corn field. There are trails running up and down the corn field, and prints in the corn field where there is an open area. Tons of fresh scat, and a very large scrape and a rub(which happen to be on the main trail coming out of the swamp. Ive never really hunted corn before, and my question is, will these deer be running around in the morning hours of light? do they literally eat corn right off the stalk? They dont really have anywhere else to go once they get to the corn because on the other side is a driveway. Just wondering if anyone can give me any insight to this setup. I plan to hunt in the morning, but am not sure if this sounds like more of an evening spot?

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The deer eat corn right off the stalk if you think about it it's easier for them to do,as far as hunting it in the morning you will have to try to get to your stand without going through the field that is were the deer will be in the morning so you will have to be in the tree early and your shot might be at first legal seconds in the morning,deer also feel safe in corn fields it is like second growth popple to them lots of cover around my area once they see some hunting pressure this is were they go and will not leave them until it is pitch black or you drive the field and most of the time on a drive they will just let you walk past unless you step on them

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Forgot to put in my report went out tonight and rattled one in could not see him because of sitting on the ground and the thick prickly ash but could hear him raking a tree and grunted at about 8 yards in the thickest stuff he could find.

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hunting was a little wet this morning to say the least. I got out of the stand at about 10 to 9 due to my sopping wet pants and gloves. Funny thing was it wasnt even raining, more of a mist but everything was soaked and the trees were draining on me hard. It was a real quiet, and mildly foggy morning, and was day dreaming about a bruiser stepping out...but obviously it didnt happen. Hopefully this precipitation ceases before dark so I can get back out before the deer start to move.

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I was in my ground blind this morning because of the rain. Nice and dry in there, unfortunatly nothing showed.

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Got to a woods I haven't hunted this year last night and I saw 3. I was concerned when I arrived since the neighbors across the road had a ton of people in the woods building stands for gun season.

The first one was far off over by another deer stand and I couldn't tell what it was. The way it was zig zagging back and forth I figure it was a buck out searching.

I waited a bit and let out 3 grunts and picked up my bow but I hear something coming from the other way. It's a spike and I let him walk at 5 yards.

About ten min later I hear something coming from behind me. It's a 7 pointer and I let him walk at 5 yards as well.

Fun Night.

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with the steady light rain i have been trying to talk myself into staying home but can't seem to do it,something keeps telling me to get in a stand so i will be heading out shortly...

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I hit another stand and saw 6 tonight. However nothing was in range. A couple of them looked big but I forgot my binocs so I'm not sure what they were.

I grunted at one of them at probably just under 200 yards and it wanted nothing to do with it. So I'm guessing it was a doe.

Gotta put a stand up further to the South.

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Does moved in at 5:10 and a big bodied 6 came in from 80yds to 30 caught my wind after 2 minutes as he was deciding to walk in to the middle of my food plot. Stopped him with a grunt as he was backing out but finally walked away as he couldn't figure out what was going on.

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Headed out Sat morning with my daughter, she saw 4, 2 of which winded her and head straight over to me. I heard them coming got the bow up and when the doe hit the creek opening, gave her a bleat with the mouth and stoped her on the spot. Short 30 yrd recovery. 115 lbs, nice managment deer. Still hoping my 14yrs old get an opportunity.

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Was out Sun morning. First light had two coyotes come thru, barely visable, before I could get a shot off, they were gone - wish they would have come thru 10 minutes later. Little bit later had a doe and fawn come thru, same path as the coyotes, she was on high alert. Fun to watch them both, they came by at about 25 yards. Little bit later decided to do some rattling with my rattle bag - rattled in a wide racked but spindly eight point!! Not ready to end my season yet so I let him pass at 18 yards, got to watch him freshen a scrape about 35 yards away - then he walked by again at about 20 yards!!!

Hope I don't regret not shooting the doe or buck later..... I've had years where I've passed on an early deer and then come December I've eaten tag soup. Wish we were still in a managment zone where I could take that early doe and still have a buck tag in my pocket. Oh well, looking forward to getting out next weekend ad that first week in Nov. when the rut really heats up!!

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Was on stand by 2:15 yesterday afternoon. had a badger walk by at 3:30, next a coyote at 4:00 (couldnt get a shot off), 3 does at 4:30, then a 9 pt at 5:30 which made the mistake of walking 22 yards away from me and is now filling the freezer, 3 more does at 6:15, and a basket 8 and a spike at 6:30. I called the basket 8 in with some grunts and a couple snort wheezes, he came on a string. best night of hunting in my life with a beautiful sunset to top it off

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Where's pics of the 9 pointer.

Went out Saturday morning & evening, jumped one deer while walking to my stand way too late in the morning, saw nothing else.

Hunted Sunday night, had two does & two fawns come through all together. All were about 20 yards, but my management tag's already filled. Saw another undetermined deer at about 20 yards through some brush at last light. Kind of think it was a very small yearling buck, but really don't know.

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Smoked a small 5ptr Sat. AM. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. I've been on a wicked dry spell (no deer in 3 years) and have yet to ever kill a buck in a lot of years of hunting up north in the big woods. I saw and passed on a small 5ptr my very first night in a stand this season; and then being presented with another chance, with rifle season rapidly approaching, I decided I needed to get the monkey off my back and put a deer on the ground. He came in perfectly and I drew on him and was waiting for hm to walk past my stand for the easy 8yd chip shot but he held up and started licking some branches.... He was only about 15 yds away and I put a bead on his chest but couldn't hold my draw any longer. Knowing I would get busted if I moved, and being very confident in my shooting and position, I let it fly(Vister knows this shot, and I await all of your criticism wink ). I sat tight for almost 2hrs before I started tracking him. Found him right away as he piled up 40yds away with half of my arrow still buried in the bread basket. It was a PERFECT shot, as I knew it would be! Gotta love Slick Tricks!

I feel really good getting that monkey off my back, but I am bummed I'll be missing out on the next 2 weeks before rifle season during the prime time! Oh well! Next year, I'll wait 'em out!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this was my first ever with a bow!

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Congrats on that first bow kill! No shame in taking a smaller buck, especially for your first.

I hope this doesn't turn into a should have/shouldn't have taken that shot kinda post.

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Decided to lower the Bow to the ground about 6:25 or so, still about 15 minutes of legal hunting time and wouldn't you know it. 6 does walk with 20 yards of me and 2 were absolutely HUGE, never again. Oh well still seen deer.

Brule, congrats on the deer!

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Looked behind me and a doe was munchin' apples just 10 yards away. Busted trying to turn around. Then 4 does and fawns came in, but just too dark. One HUGE doe with no fawns. Dry?

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Was out Sunday morning in the drizzle seen nothing.

Was out Sunday night again seen nothing.

Went out tonight and again seen nothing.

I cannot wait for this chase to start I hope this weekend is hot to trot. They outta start running like crazy pretty darn soon.

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Went out tonight, finally a nice night. Saw plenty of deer, one small buck again, all too far away, waiting for the big boys to start chasing. Some dog started barking a half hour before sundown. chased everything out of the field. Oh I wish I would have seen that dog......

Also, on the way out, skunk at ten yards. They must have lousy eye sight. I watched him for a couple of minutes, he obviously didn't care about me.

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Was on stand from 2:00 to dark tonight. Kicked up a bedded down deer on my walk in. Only deer I saw all day. Did see 4 hen and 1 rooster pheasant.

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From 4 - dark saw one lone doe right at last light, that was it for me tonight. Sure was nice out though..

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Didn't see any from the stand tonight. I did see a nice doe standing 5 yards from the landowners house on my way out.

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Well I gambled and lost tonight frown I passed up a large doe that was a foot away from my stand yesterday...not wanting to take a straight down shot in the drizzle. Today a nice buck (didn't focus on how many points but had good mass and would have put him on the wall). This happened at 5:30pm and came from a direction that was unexpected of course! He was directly under my stand as the doe was yesterday...he seemed nervous as was I of course. I decided to put the pin at the spine and released. I saw the arrow go 1-2 inches to the left of the spine and he bolted. My eyes followed him down the ravine and I saw tail flicker and I felt he was down! Lo and behold I look down and there is my arrow that snapped. I measured 5 inches that went in. Found blood exactly 70 yards from the stand. decent amount but what made me stop tracking was that he went uphill on a trail when he could have had the choiced of going into two thick thicket/swamps. I trailed probably 150-200 yards??? I talked with a buddy and we came to the concluseion that I hit the shoulder. I know it was a risky shot but wanted to know what y'all think. My guess is that he will survive...don't think it was a fatal shot at all. Hopefully he'll survive! Should I stick it out and go back in a couple of days?? Hope there is more decent bucks in the area. I'm using RAGE broadheads and have had decent luck with them but if it hit shoulder...don't know if a fixed blade would have busted through. Amazing what a couple of inches can make!

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Don't give up yet! Go back tom. and start fresh. Take your time looking. Sometimes when the blood gets hard to find I get on my hands and knees. It makes you go slower and not over run the trail all the time. I have tracked poor bleeders after a four hour wait just by there kicked up leaves. Only to find them piled up.

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Had that arrow been a bit deeper I think that would be a good idea. I should have never made that shot...just happened so fast. Think 5 inches could have went into a lung? I was losing light and blood when he went uphill. I've always heard they are more likely to go down than up. It was amazing how the arrow snapped once he ran...dindn't expect that. Sick to my stomach about this tonight! Never again will I make a shot like that..not worth it.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Dash 1
      No unfortunately it was the other one in Richmond. I really like them, but this time I guess wasn’t their best.  I ordered the wire on Amazon today. Went to 5 places in St Cloud after work and no one had it. 
    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
    • Dash 1
      Went out on the chain this morning. Water temp almost 70. Only landed a 10 in walleye and a decent size cat. Missed a fair amount. Fighting with my minkota too much.  I think the shop just used the wiring I had from my old trolling motor.  I see minkota recomends 6 guage and looks like I have about 12 in their now.  Not sure why the marine dealer didnt replace it, but it should be an easy fix as long as I can find wire somewhere.  I had it in there last fall for 2 months and all they did was replace the remote. Said that bad remotes can cause issues.  First time out this spring it acted up right away.  Took it back, and after 2 weeks all they came up with is a bad power issue in boat. Said my plug on boat and trolling were too small so they replaced it with bigger one.  It helped first time out but not completely.  Next two times out was terrible again, but if I play with the wiring I can get it to work great til I move spots.  So this time I’ll fix it myself. Being without the boat both those times was tough. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   A very good week of walleye fishing with good numbers of fish being caught by charter boats and smaller private boats. As is the norm this time of year, a jig and frozen emerald shiner was the go to presentation for walleyes.  Most boats are anchored up and vertically jigging.  The best jig colors varied but gold/glow white, gold/pink/glow white and gold/orange were great color combinations. Not every walleye is targeting the same forage in the lake, hence, depths can vary.  As a rule, 21 - 32 feet of water was best.  Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.   Jumbo perch, pike and a few crappies in the mix with walleyes and saugers.  On the Rainy River...  The best bite on the river for walleyes has been morning and evening using a jig and minnow.  With heavy flow from local rain, current breaks have been effective.    Trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water will produce a mixed bag.   For those targeting bronzebacks (smallmouth bass), shoreline current breaks, areas with rock and structure around bridges has been good.  The river is full of smallies that receive little attention with all of the walleyes around. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing amongst the island area of Lake of the Woods.  Various fronts coming through as well as various bug hatches throughout the summer may affect fishing, but there are always fish biting somewhere in these parts.   Most guests staying up at the Angle head across the border and fish amongst the many islands which is smaller water.  Others prefer staying on the MN side and fishing the variety of structure this portion of the lake offers.  Good fishing on both sides.     Some anglers are finding walleyes in 5-7' of water.  Other areas hold fish in 22-28 feet of water.  Much of this depends upon the forage walleyes in that part of the lake are focusing on. The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers and trolling crankbaits also catching walleyes, especially when they are spread out or scattered.  Crankbait colors of shiny gold and pink UV firetiger were effective this week.     Walleye anglers are catching some big pike, which is common in these parts.  
    • Jetsky
      I was catching them on bobbers and leeches in shallower side bays in the evenings
    • SkunkedAgain
      I'm worried about the camera stealing my soul.
    • Shulsebus
      Are most fish still being caught rigging or are they hitting the bobbers yet? Probably depends on time of day?
    • leech~~
      Your right, most guys are embarrassed by their small-dinks! 🤣
    • smurfy
      Any and all fish pictures are cool to see 👍
    • gimruis
      Why would anyone take photos of dinks?  I certainly wouldn't.
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