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Trading or releasing T-Jack by Friday?


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koonie, you even said this was his year......yes rumrat...he doesnt belong in the league....get a clue..or keep the banter to yourself. He is obviuosly better then Sage and like was posted a while back he is top 5 in backups. But yet, according to you he should be out of the league....

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  • fishin58


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He's one of the top 5 back ups in the league crazy and he's also on the list of QB's who are most likely to be recipients of a "MAN CRUSH" LMAO!!!! grin

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You guys can believe what you want and keep up the hate, because that is all you have in your argument.

What do you mean all we have is hate? I have agreed with you that he's a very gifted athlete. He has proven time and time again that he doesn't make good decisions and he's inaccurate. He has a VERY strong arm, but that almost makes his inaccuracy worse! Do you have any "FACTS" that really show consistent results? Not a good 3 or 4 game stretch here or there, but truly consistent results over an extended period of time, overcoming difficult situations and positions? I don't think the evidence is there.

Mark Sanchez has THRIVED right out of the gate for the Jets with only one decent receiver in Jericho Cotchery. Chansi Stuckey is average at best and David Clowney is no better. He makes quick decisions and delivers the ball on time. Only leaves the pocket when it breaks down, not because he can't make up his mind. What is the reason for this? Better coaching/handling of a rookie? Probably a good part of it. Gifted athlete? For sure. VERY smart kid? Definitely. Yeah, it's only been three games, but have we EVER seen TJ look like Mark Sanchez this year?

Not only has Chilly mishandled TJ for several years, but TJ is also just not smart enough to make the decisions. Could he do a good job somewhere else with a different coach? Probably! As long as Chilly is here, TJ will not thrive.

As far as the 3rd QB rule goes, if Favre goes down during a game (LET'S HOPE NOT!!!) they will put TJ in to preserve the "3rd QB rule", but I would guess that the following game would see Sage starting. If TJ truly beat out Sage, he would have left him in the dust during training camp. He had lived with the playbook for the last 3 yrs, and he never pulled away from Sage at any point in the preseason. Sage didn't know the book and led the competition at points. That's pathetic! I hope we don't see this situation, but if it does happen and they go with TJ for an extended stretch, I'm sure you will remind me of this post, and I will eat my crow without sauce of any kind!

What I really want to have happen is this: We will continue to win, and Favre will stay healthy. Towards the end of the season, I hope to clinch a playoff spot early, and then we can start Favre and bring TJ in for the second half. Why? That way, we can finally find out what TJ is truly made of upstairs. He will be taking control of a rolling offense with tons of confidence. If he can't thrive under those circumstances, he never will. I hope he does well. If he does, and we decide to go a different direction, he's boosted his value.

We'll see. It'll be interesting to watch his development either way.

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Originally Posted By: fishin58
That must be why he is named the number 2 and clearly beat out Sage in every fashion in the preseason.

You assume they named TJack #2 because he beat out Sage.

I assume they named TJack #2 because *style-wise* he's a "change-up" to Favre, but he will only be used in spot duty. However, when we need someone besides Favre to make a start for us, it will be Sage.

Why is your assumption correct, instead of mine?

I was hoping to hear a legitimate reason for your belief that Sage was so clearly beaten by TJ. I want you to tell me why you think TJ so clearly beat out Sage.

I was not simply 'piling on the hate'.

However, I understand if you're tiring of the debate. You've been at it for months.

Remember, I'm one of the guys who wanted the Vikes to keep TJack when all the trade talk was flying around after Favre signed. I'm not a 'hater'.

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Originally Posted By: fishin58
You guys can believe what you want and keep up the hate, because that is all you have in your argument.

TJack should not even be in the league, he is horrible and does not seem to have much going on between the ears.

Another really really stupid comment that makes no sense at all! If T-Jack doesn't belong in the league then probably half the qb's in the league have no business attempting to make a team! And who are you to judge his IQ or maybe you have checked into that and know how smart the guy actually is!!!! You "haters" do seem to know it all and see the future!!

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Standard IQ and football IQ are two different things. Football IQ is shown on the field in the decisions they make with the ball. Are you really, truly impressed with the decisions TJack makes? I'd be interested in some examples...

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Wad, I am gettin a little fatigued.........but just go back and watch the tape of Tj and Sage in the same O and see end results. SB9 yes it is hard to base consistency on Tj because of how Chili has mishandled him.

But, you say all that about TJ but then you base Mark Sanchez hot start and how great he is ON THREE GAMES!!! And yes I would take the jets recieving corp over our 06-08 Vikes without question.

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How come you are so silent about the fact you stated we did not have an offense that is conducive to 300 yard games and that is the reason TJ hasnt ever done it then Favre does it in his 3rd game. If I remember right, you were pretty direct in you criticism of those of us who pointed at those facts. Then Favre has 2 low yardage games and you sure gloated. Then the big yardage game and silence. Why is that???

By the way, that is the crow I was talking about.

And to point to the preseason as an example of how good TJ is...is well....laughable. But what do you expect from a lineman?

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I cant believe your hanging your hat of Tjacks performance in the preseason. Last Year Detroit went 4-0 in the preseason, and look how well that performance did for them in the regular season!

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So mighty Cody, what did you play in college? I bet you dont reply either.

Wow, a prayer put him over the 300 yard mark. Other then that you had a very dismal game by Bert. DelayS of game, illegal forward pass, 1 pick and another deflection that should have been brought back to the house.

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You guys just can not handle the facts!!! That TJ is number 2 and if Bert were not here he would be #1 despite having your grass is always greener, savvy vet Sage still sitting number 2 on what his third, no wait fourth team......

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koonie, you even said this was his year......yes rumrat...he doesnt belong in the league....get a clue..or keep the banter to yourself. He is obviuosly better then Sage and like was posted a while back he is top 5 in backups. But yet, according to you he should be out of the league....

Top 5 in Backups is like finishing Second in the Super Bowl.

Tjack has shown no progress since he was drafted.

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So mighty Cody, what did you play in college? I bet you dont reply either.

What does that have to do with anything?

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koonie, you even said this was his year......yes rumrat...he doesnt belong in the league....get a clue..or keep the banter to yourself. He is obviuosly better then Sage and like was posted a while back he is top 5 in backups. But yet, according to you he should be out of the league....

You may want to check what I said again. Your take on what I said is pretty far off.

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Tjack has shown no progress since he was drafted.

That's a pretty harsh statement about someone who was voted NFC Offensive Player Of The Week last year.

And don't forget, with Gus Frerotte the Vikings were trailing Detroit in the 2nd half last year when Frerotte left the game and TJack came in and quarterbacked the Vikes to a come-from-behind win.

Seems like he's showing some progress????

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I really did not want to voice my opinion on this subject again(I had THOUGHT it died a while back), but here it goes. Favre is our QB this year. TJ is a backup(whether it be 2nd or 3rd string, it does not really matter). Favre is leading this team in the direction it needs to go. TJ has shown SOME signs of improvement, but not enough for me to praise him. Sage is.....well Sage is another story. I think we traded for him to wear a headset and make sure Favre is "happy" after each game!

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That would be a good trade sled i wonder if they would give up a third??? Obviously it is that easy to get an elite Qb in the NFL....right haters....

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators
Tjack has shown no progress since he was drafted.
Now that is just a haters baloney smile
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That would be a good trade sled i wonder if they would give up a third??? Obviously it is that easy to get an elite Qb in the NFL....right haters....

Tjack is an Elite QB?

You cannot be serious.

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I left this thread behind long ago. Your dealing with a guy in fishin58 who predicted Flacco and Ryan would be flops this year. Its to bad i couldnt have gotten him into our fantasy league, that would have been an easy $150.

Say what you want about Favres game fishin. Everything on offense in that game came off his arm against a very good defense. I'll take what he brought to that game against a good defense that locked up AP outside of 1 play rather than seeing dumpoffs and hesitation on every play. Favre was not brought in to beat the lions and browns, he was brought in to give the vikings a chance in just the situation we saw the other day. With 1:29 to go the vikings won a game that we would not have won with junkson. And enough of the "if jackson was in we would have won going away" talk by some of you people. Its more likely that jackson puts up his normal 150 yards complete with all kinds of hesitation and this team scores 6 points the whole game. Fishin likes to bring up the 06' game in which jackson was the QB and the team won 27-7 against the niners. He will forget to tell you that Chester Taylor had an 84 yard TD run and that Kevin Williams picked off the first pass of the game for a TD, and that the 49ers outgained the vikings in offense. He won't tell you that the vikings picked off 2 total passes and recovered 3 fumbles and that Jackson was purely a spectator on the field to everything that made a difference in that game.

I want to also clarify something and im sure if pier and LMITOUT think real hard they will remember. A year ago i was arguing for jackson to be the QB. I thought he needed a shot. No one remembers the great preseason he had last year?? Well he did (and that shows exactly how little preseason is relevant when pier and fishin58 bring up this past preseason) and i was all pumped about that and was hoping it would carry over to the regular season. Whether he should have been yanked or not after 2 games he was. Gus didnt light it up but it brought the spark that was needed. And when Jackson got back in later in the season i was happy to see him get yet another shot,and i hoped that he had learned. And it was good to see some solid games put up. But then i sat in the dome during the eagles game and everything was put in focus. So this is what happens when we arent playing an 0-16 team, or a cardinal team who had absolutely mailed in the remaining regular season, or a giant team who played its 2nd and 3rd stringers on both sides of the ball. This is what happens when it really counts against a team like the eagles.

It was at this point when it became clear to me that the 10 wins last year were inspite of the QB position. With all the talent on the field without a QB you could put up 10 wins. And it was also clear that this was as far as the situation could take the vikings. You can't win 2 or 3 playoff games and a superbowl with a liability at QB. Sure Jackson has improved, but that doesnt say much, look where he started, any QB will improve if given 19 starts. But he is no where near the level of QB this team needs to make it to the ultimate prize. That is why they brought in Sage, and that is why they kept calling Brett. The organization knew they had to go in another direction to give the team the best chance at the prize. And with the talent pretty much assembled beyond this season, i highly doubt they will go into next year and HOPE that Jackson has learned enough. You don't gamble away the talent assembled on this team like that in the NFL. I don't know what the answer is beyond this season, but Jackson has not shown that he will be the caliber QB this team needs to be a superbowl contender anytime in the near future. Improved? Yes. To the level of QB this team needs to be a superbowl contender? Sorry, no signs he has made anywhere near that jump and as long as this team is this talented i don't think you'll see the organization gamble anymore time away to see if he will get there.

So you can call me a "hater", i don't care. Not long ago i was a backer. I just see no sign of the guy playing at a level to lead this team to multiple playoff victories against that caliber of competition anytime in the near future.

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Its a no brainer...This year the tv or radio gets left on while the queens are playing...Unlike the past couple of years.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
    • Dash 1
      Went out on the chain this morning. Water temp almost 70. Only landed a 10 in walleye and a decent size cat. Missed a fair amount. Fighting with my minkota too much.  I think the shop just used the wiring I had from my old trolling motor.  I see minkota recomends 6 guage and looks like I have about 12 in their now.  Not sure why the marine dealer didnt replace it, but it should be an easy fix as long as I can find wire somewhere.  I had it in there last fall for 2 months and all they did was replace the remote. Said that bad remotes can cause issues.  First time out this spring it acted up right away.  Took it back, and after 2 weeks all they came up with is a bad power issue in boat. Said my plug on boat and trolling were too small so they replaced it with bigger one.  It helped first time out but not completely.  Next two times out was terrible again, but if I play with the wiring I can get it to work great til I move spots.  So this time I’ll fix it myself. Being without the boat both those times was tough. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   A very good week of walleye fishing with good numbers of fish being caught by charter boats and smaller private boats. As is the norm this time of year, a jig and frozen emerald shiner was the go to presentation for walleyes.  Most boats are anchored up and vertically jigging.  The best jig colors varied but gold/glow white, gold/pink/glow white and gold/orange were great color combinations. Not every walleye is targeting the same forage in the lake, hence, depths can vary.  As a rule, 21 - 32 feet of water was best.  Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.   Jumbo perch, pike and a few crappies in the mix with walleyes and saugers.  On the Rainy River...  The best bite on the river for walleyes has been morning and evening using a jig and minnow.  With heavy flow from local rain, current breaks have been effective.    Trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water will produce a mixed bag.   For those targeting bronzebacks (smallmouth bass), shoreline current breaks, areas with rock and structure around bridges has been good.  The river is full of smallies that receive little attention with all of the walleyes around. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing amongst the island area of Lake of the Woods.  Various fronts coming through as well as various bug hatches throughout the summer may affect fishing, but there are always fish biting somewhere in these parts.   Most guests staying up at the Angle head across the border and fish amongst the many islands which is smaller water.  Others prefer staying on the MN side and fishing the variety of structure this portion of the lake offers.  Good fishing on both sides.     Some anglers are finding walleyes in 5-7' of water.  Other areas hold fish in 22-28 feet of water.  Much of this depends upon the forage walleyes in that part of the lake are focusing on. The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Pulling spinners with shiners or crawlers and trolling crankbaits also catching walleyes, especially when they are spread out or scattered.  Crankbait colors of shiny gold and pink UV firetiger were effective this week.     Walleye anglers are catching some big pike, which is common in these parts.  
    • Jetsky
      I was catching them on bobbers and leeches in shallower side bays in the evenings
    • SkunkedAgain
      I'm worried about the camera stealing my soul.
    • Shulsebus
      Are most fish still being caught rigging or are they hitting the bobbers yet? Probably depends on time of day?
    • leech~~
      Your right, most guys are embarrassed by their small-dinks! 🤣
    • smurfy
      Any and all fish pictures are cool to see 👍
    • gimruis
      Why would anyone take photos of dinks?  I certainly wouldn't.
    • mbeyer
      Smallmouth are active.  Signs of males making beds on the shoreline. The bigger fish just off in a little deeper water. Throw anything you like to catch these fish. I’ve seen these fish spit up crawfish when they’re caught. Shiney bottle cap would probably work….
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