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Trading or releasing T-Jack by Friday?


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It's really puzzling to hear the support for this guy. I almost wonder if some are doing it just to push other's buttons, because it absolutely makes no sense at all. They honestly cannot say/type that stuff with a straight face.

It makes no sense to compare Jackson to QB who when we signed him you ridiculed, laughed at, mocked and made a big stink of???? did you miss his career stats and the Pre-season competition between the 2? not a big stretch when comparing the two's ability's at all Limit!

HMMMM.... I will say you were right on one thing Sage "most" Often-Awful is lot worse than I thought... So you got that one right my friend!... gringringrin my sincere apology on that Limit!

Let's all hope Favor can stay healthy because we're all screwed if this clown gets on the feild!

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The ignorance is just plain shocking at this point. I'm not sure there's much more to say.

You guys were screwed the day T-jack was drafted which created this mess in the first place. Good luck with that! waytogo.gif

The sad thing for you is the competition on who stays isn't between T-Jack and Sage, but T-Jack and Booty. Ouch!

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It's just really sad that you all can't admit when you are wrong on a subject.....and keep insisting that you are a great football mind!

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A what? No i was saying that it would be nice if you could come to terms with yourself and admit when you are wrong instead of living in denial!

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Wrong about what? I've yet to see T-Jack prove me or the rest of the nation that actually watch football wrong. Everyone knows he's dog meat except for a handful of people hanging onto a miracle that someday he might magically (after 10 years of development) read a defense. It's really not surprising though, considering that's all Vikings' fans have had for 40+ years......waiting on a miracle and dwelling on useless stats.

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people hanging onto a miracle that someday he might magically (after 10 years of development) read a defense."

Kind of like sage who proved tonight that after nine years he cannot read a defense!?!?!? Amen to your waiting on a miracle sentence! haha! if we would just stick to who we have and give them a legitimate chance we wouldn't have to hope for miracles every year!!! Although good signings are good....but eventually you have to show confidence in the qb of your team no matter who that may be and we haven't done that since Cunningham had the good season!!

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I think I would like to honestly know how much everyone here that is backing Junk liked Daunte Cullpepper. I feel its the PERFECT Junkson comparison. Here is a guy who came in and showed glimpses of greatness. But in the end just didn't "have" it. He now plays for the Detroit Lions. How much higher do you all think Junkson sits on the "potential" list than Cullpepper?

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I'm thinking the Vikes really wanted Booty to have a big night but unfortunately, it didn't happen. It would be nice if the Vikes could get ANYTHING for him but by this time tommorow it will be too late anyway. IMO, they will try to slip Booty onto the practice squad and someone will sign him away. TJack deserves to stay...he has earned it.

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Now we're going to say that a guy (in Culpepper) that had one of the single greatest seasons in NFL history didn't "have it"? Wow, tough crowd! In that case, how many QBs have ever met the standards of "having it"? Maybe the better question is, how many active NFL QBs "have it"? Are there any? Maybe Brady. But he was hurt all of last year, so that probably rules him out.

Culpepper's career turned with an injury and a confidence problem. When he was in his prime (although it was short lived, only about 2 years) he was one of the best in the game, period. But I guess being one of the best while playing at the highest level of competition in the world isn't enough for some people. And in that case, everyone here is right, Jackson has absolutely ZERO chance at being successful.


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Listening to the radio today, they were broadcasting from the fair. They asked the crowd to applaud for who they wanted the starting QB to be for the Vikings NEXT YEAR. T-Jack got the most support, even over Favre. I guess all the T-Jack supporters in the state must have been at the fair today.


MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA...now thats too funny...more junkson backers not knowing what they are talking about...the more you guys type the more it shows you have no clue.

they've clapped the loudest for ms jackson everyday by a landslide...to bad they were asked to clap the loudest for the guy they want to be traded or released lmmfao...you guys are a riot.

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Give me a friggin break. You are dealing with Sage who has about a 3.5 mill a year contract and Jackson, a guy who is going to get nowhere near 9 mill a year.

James you it make so easy..LOL!

Lets just start with tonights game.

Pete Berstich former viking player, employee and commentator.

Q: Why are the vikings keeping Sage and entertaining the thoughts of T-Jack who has played absolutely great football not only at the end of last season but all through the pre-season?

A: "the main reason of course is money the off season commitment to Vikings made to Sage and how tight money is with the way the salary cap works makes Sage un-tradable at this point and releasing him is a disaster.

It's about Value now, can you get more for Booty or Jackson even a lower pick can make a difference in a football teams future!

You should hang up the key board my friend!... grin

Paul Allen when asked about the up coming QB decisions on the radio broadcast tonight!

This is really heart wrenching as Fan and a Viking employee. Jackson has played nearly mistake free Football of late and is showing the potential that we were hoping for unfortunately it's a business and Sage was signed to a contract and he's staying for sure because of it!

Good one James money or how the salary cap works has no bearing on the these types of decisions.

You are a great football mind....LMAO!

Haha, or you could have watched the broadcast last night and heard Mike Mayock asked why Sage is assuming the 2nd QB role and his reply was "i don't think its a question of economics, its the vikings thinking he can manage a game better than Jackson in relief of Brett Favre".

I've stated all along the #1 reason Jackson will be traded is because the vikings don't think he is the QB of the future. If he was the QB of the future why wouldnt Booty go then smart guy?? Its because at this point the vikings have no faith in a future in the guy. Are you really going to sit here and say if Jackson is the future of the franchise, a franchise which has been searching for a QB for how many years, that the vikings would send him down the road? What is totally over your head Pier is that because of Jacksons subpar play, yeah economics will come into play. Because he isnt playing like the vikings were hoping, the vikings now have to make a decision with economics involed. But the core of all of this is Jackson hasnt played up to spec, how is that so hard to comprehend?? Its reason #1 if he isnt a viking tomorrow. If Jackson plays the last couple years like the vikings were hoping, then economics don't come into play! Do you get that?? If he plays like the vikings were hoping than Sage isnt even here, and the vikings pay him for the future.

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So hows that studying of film going for Sage and Jim? That guy in the white.....don't throw him the ball. How does that crow taste, same offense but yet Sage looks like a complete tool much like......well you know.

Hahaha, isnt this great?? I'm sure everyone remembers the first game of the year when Sage looked good and Jackson looked awful. What did the Jackson backers say? Well wait until Jackson gets to play with the better players. Nothing about "they played in the same offense and Jackson looked like a tool". LOL. I hate to break it to ya, but Jackson wasnt stellar either. They both hit a deep ball, Sage's into coverage, Jacksons to a guy calling for a fair catch, and beyond that they both looked like backup QB's at best. If you want to put alot of stock into last nights game, go ahead. Neither looked good playing with a few guys that won't make the team. Hard for most people to take much from that and thats in relation to both guys poor play last night, you will i know though. Im off to Denver now, im sure when i get back this whole thing will be moot because Jackson will be a jaguar or a ram.

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So the same goes for your boy Sage how he sliced through these backups....wait no he didnt? Also how did that designed roll-out work for your boy? So by comparing the first 19 starts of TJ vs. X Qb and TJ has better numbers......but wait he doesnt have "IT" according to JIm and his buddies and a guy on sirius radio!!!! HAHA

Please enlighten us on what you saw last night, or at anytime to make anyone believe he "has it". You can't and we all know it. First, because nothing has been shown by Jackson, and second because stats is the only thing you can come up with, you've proved that you can't see beyond them. I've never seen anyone so blind to reality. How is it that hard to see that stats are a part of the story and not the whole story? I would have thought that someone who claims to have played college football would be aware of this...?

I'm sure if Jackson had shown in his first 19 starts the other hundreds of positive things that Manning showed that he would be on the trading block. Peyton Manning showed he would be more than the stats in his first 19 games in future years. Jackson hasnt. Very easy for most people to comprehend. In fact everyone but 1 person on here, since none of the other Jackson backers will even go with that slant of yours LOL.

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The thing is.......if sage has "IT" why is he not a starting qb in this league after being in the league for a full 9 SEASONS!! Sage doesn't have "IT"!!! Jackson has a chance to have it and if it means keeping him as a backup or thirdstring to find out then i would be willing to do that! And yeah i know you are going to say you saw sage make some big comebacks in games.... so he has "IT" right!?!?

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The wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbb



taking you all the way to denver? That is nice of them.

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I am a T-Rex Jackson supporter/fan. This only is second string for gosh sakes and either Sage or Jackson is a good problem to have cool . I just think the Dog and Pony show last night shows the Vike's and Jackson are not going to be together after today. At any store, if you want to sell/promote something, what do you do? Pull it up front and make it look good. That was done and maybe we saw the last of T-Rex in purple and gold????

Tarvaris Jackson error-free in Minnesota Vikings' 35-31 loss to Cowboys

Error-free play sets him apart at QB

By Sean Jensen

[email protected]

Updated: 09/05/2009 03:03:31 AM CDT

With the starter on the sideline, sporting a gray T-shirt that matched his stubble, the remaining three quarterbacks stepped into the spotlight in the Vikings' preseason finale against the Dallas Cowboys on Friday night.

All of them stood out, yet only one of them for the right reasons in a 35-31 loss to the Cowboys at the Metrodome.

Tarvaris Jackson didn't do much, but he didn't have to compared to the competition. He got the start and completed just 2 of 4 passes for 42 yards. But Jackson, who has been dogged by trade rumors, led two touchdown drives, including one that ended with a 36-yard touchdown pass to tight end Jeff Dugan in the first quarter.

But more important than what Jackson did was what he did not: turn the ball over.

Sage Rosenfels and John David Booty erased an otherwise clean run through the preseason by the Vikings' offense, each throwing interceptions that were returned for touchdowns and wasted a 21-7 halftime lead.

Within minutes.

Cowboys safety Pat Watkins stepped in front of a pass from Rosenfels intended for rookie receiver Nick Moore and easily returned the interception 23 yards for a touchdown. On the next series, Booty's first pass attempt was intercepted by linebacker Steve Octavien and returned 44 yards for a TD.

"At times, it was embarrassing," Vikings coach Brad Childress said of the quarterback play. "I end up putting that on myself. Not having them ready to come out of the locker room at halftime. All the quarterbacks I have ever coached have some regard for the football, and you can't throw it to them."

Those glaring mistakes overshadowed an otherwise gritty and dominating performance by the Vikings' backups. Many of the players wore the Viking jersey for the last time - the roster will be cut from 75 to 53 today - but they generated their share of highlights.

Most of them were on defense.

The Vikings' defense recovered three fumbles and intercepted one pass, handing the offense the ball in Cowboys' territory three times.

Yet the two interceptions for touchdowns and an unusual play on a punt provided the Cowboys just enough to ruin the Vikings attempt at a perfect preseason.

With about three minutes remaining, Chris Kluwe bombed a punt inside the Cowboys 20. But the ball bounced the Cowboys' way and, as players from both sides tried to avoid it, Cowboys receiver Jesse Holley scooped it up and raced down the field for an 82-yard touchdown.

That touchdown, which gave the Cowboys a 35-31 lead, empowered Booty to state his case for making the 53-man roster. A fifth-round pick last year out of USC, Booty has matured in the Vikings offense, yet he had - by the most generous evaluation - a mediocre training camp and preseason. He earned a few first downs, but he was off the mark on three of his last four attempts, including a fourth-down attempt from the Cowboys' 22.

For the preseason, Booty was 17 for 28 for 169 yards, with no touchdowns and one interception for a passer rating of 62.9.

Rosenfels was only slightly better this preseason, with a rating of 70.9. But he did move the offense consistently, and he had one of the other highlights of the night. On second and nine from the Vikings' 32, Rosenfels fired a ball down the right sideline. Rookie Bobby Williams beat safeties Courtney Brown and DeAngelo Smith, with a tough over the shoulder catch for a 47-yard gain.

"I thought I did a pretty good job of executing the offense, other than that one play," Rosenfels said.

Rosenfels called the interception a "boneheaded play" and accepted the responsibility.

"I read the coverage wrong," he said. "I threw it blind a little bit."

Jackson was 23 of 36 for 305 with rating of 118.4.

He has been rumored to be on the trading block, but Jackson said he isn't losing any sleep.

"It really hasn't been tough," he said. "I've been having fun the last couple weeks. That's all I really need to say. I feel like, regardless of what happens here, I feel like my future is still bright in the NFL.

"Hopefully I am, but you never know," Jackson said when asked if he will remain a Viking. "I'm not going to try to give you a certain percentage if I'll be here or not, but I'd love to be here, and if I'm not I'll welcome a new challenge and I'll be excited either way I go."

In the end we are still the Vikings. There is two stat's that are fact that you can take to the bank. One is our Super Bowl record and two is our history of letting good players go. laugh We pretty much put our selves in a position of "not" keeping T-Jackson. The feelers have been leaked, the timing on the field was precise and I guess we will see this afternoon.

In that case I would have to say Sage will be wearing purple and gold tomorrow morning and T-Rex will be reading more about Canadian laws and regulations grin

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they've clapped the loudest for ms jackson everyday by a landslide...to bad they were asked to clap the loudest for the guy they want to be traded or released lmmfao...you guys are a riot.

I will fully admit that I didn't hear the whole bit. I walked into the room when he was doing his John Wilkes Booth, Booty bit and walked out of the room after the Jackson applause. It doesn't surprise me in the least that Common was asking for applause on who to get rid of. But since this was in response to a clearly exaggerated/non-factual comment (that there are 10 T-Jack supporters in the state), a non-factual response was completely appropriate.

As mentioned earlier, the most popular QB on a team is almost always the backup or some guy that fans have seen the least of. And since most fans have seen far more of Jackson than Sage, should it be any surprise that Sage is the more popular guy in town? Winning a popularity contest doesn't make you the best QB when we're talking backups. History would suggest that it actually means the opposite. There's a reason backup QBs are backups.

If Jackson is still on the team or not by the end of the day, I don't think we'll ever see him reach his potential as a Viking. I hope we do (if the alternatives are along the lines of Sage or Booty). But I don't see it happening for many reasons.

At this point, T-Jack could go to another team and be a Pro Bowl QB for many years and the T-Jack bashers would still be bashing.


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At this point, T-Jack could go to another team and be a Pro Bowl QB for many years and the T-Jack bashers would still be bashing.

Jackson going to the Pro Bowl is something we'll never have to worry about.....

That'd be like saying the Gophers are going to win the Rose Bowl in the next 25 years.

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What time are cuts announced? I am watching Yahoos NFL transactions page and it still has yesterday on there.

5pm CST is the deadline. Teams have been releasing players all day. Nothing from MN yet.

I'd guess that unless the Vikings can swing a deal to dump Jackson by the deadline, Booty will be let go.

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Coming around to what?

There's no question that between Booty and Jackson, Booty has to be the one released if they aren't going to carry 4QB's on the roster.

Now if it were between Sage and Jackson, there were be no question Jackson would be given the boot.

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Really....wow......the preseason stats are in just for jim

Brett Favre : 14 of 22 for 146 yards, with 1 TD and 0 INTs. His rating was 97.9.

Tarvaris Jackson: 23 of 36 for 305 yards, with 3 TDs and 0 INTs. His rating was 118.4.

Sage Rosenfels: 19 of 31 for 232 yards, with 0 TDs and 1 INT. His rating was 70.9.

John Booty:17 of 28 for 169 yards, with 0 TDs and 1 INT. His rating was 63.0.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

I just realized something quite interesting. Of the ten delusional T-Jack supporters in the entire state, about half of them are Fishing Minnesota members! waytogo.gif

I sure hope you guys stick around even after your 3+ year developmental project gets shipped out.

We don't put much stock in a Packer fans trolling posts.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

At least they're studying instead of sitting on the sidelines looking like this:


Packer fan trolling AGAIN...who wants to join him on the green ande gold sidelines?

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    • Hookmaster
      Talk about pucker factor!! Glad you made it back safely!!!
    • Mike89
      hope it's an easy fix!!!!
    • smurfy
      well that suxs!!!!!!!!!!🥴
    • Rivergroup
      We easily had 20 fish (kept a couple here and there) in the boat by 7am most days this past week. Evening bite was just as good.
    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
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