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Casilla up, Tolbert down; Harris "demoted"


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The Twins on Sunday called up Alexi Casilla to give him another chance to turn his season around.

Casilla homered in his only at-bat for Class AAA Rochester on Sunday and leaves with a .340 average, two homers and nine stolen bases in 40 games this season. He will replace Nick Punto at second base and bat No. 2 in the lineup.

The Twins optioned infielder Matt Tolbert to Rochester to make room for Casilla. Tolbert hit .178 in 48 games.

Twins manager Ron Gardenhire said Brendan Harris and Nick Punto would share time at shortstop as he tries to balance Harris' bat and Punto's glove in the lineup.

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just what are those pictures of that punto has of gardy in a compromising situation that he's holding over his head?

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whast the h e l l . . . Get rid of punto. he cant hit. hes a grossly overpaid player who is average at best. Harris has been doing well playing short and not a steller bat, but at least its more than what punto has. hopefully casilla finishes up the 2nd have strong at 2B and harris takes over full time at short, leaving little nicky to ride the pine.

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I would agree to send Punto packing. He has a good glove but no bat.

He has a GREAT glove, that is why Gardy likes him so much. Gold Glove calliber IMO. Too bad he isn't hitting like he did last year. Seems to me he finished about .290.

I think his best role would be late innings defense. He's worth keeping around for that. We need a guy who can play just about anywhere.

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With out looking there is no way he hit .290, if anyone should be sent down it should be him, why make Harris ride the pine and share time with Punto? Yikes!!!!!

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I don't think he should be an everyday player, but he should have a couple starts a week. If Casilla can get it done like he did last year, we can afford to have Punto's terrible bat in the lineup because of the defense he gives you. I would have rather had them spend the 8.5 million elsewhere and have Tolbert be the utility guy, but.... we got what we got!

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I don't think he should be an everyday player, but he should have a couple starts a week. If Casilla can get it done like he did last year, we can afford to have Punto's terrible bat in the lineup because of the defense he gives you. I would have rather had them spend the 8.5 million elsewhere and have Tolbert be the utility guy, but.... we got what we got!

they should play harris every day and spilt punto/casilla's playign time

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Twins manager Ron Gardenhire said Brendan Harris and Nick Punto would share time at shortstop as he tries to balance Harris' bat and Punto's glove in the lineup.

Wow...Did Gardenhire go on vacation and leave a monkey running the team? Like Sled said, Casilla and Punto should be switching off. I wish they would stop trying to justify the money they spent on Punto by playing him.

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I think Casilla and Harris should start and Punto filling in to give either a rest once and awhile. I think Punto would do best at late inning defensive replacement and pinch hitting. Either way, he won't be back next year. IMO

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It's not like Harris is particularly weak defensively at shortstop. I liked the Crede/Harris/Punto/Morneau infield.

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On most other teams Punto would be a spot player. All the good teams have a shortstop that hits with some power. Oh I forgot we did in Bartlett but we thought Delmon would be our go to guy. WOW I think Gardy is Punto brother in law or something. Lots of guys can play defense its the one who can hit to that makes everything go. Thats why Redmond was never a starter he can't hit.

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Harris and Punto should both be playing and Casilla and Tolbert need to be the odd men out.

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1. Depending on how you look at them fielding stats show that Harris/Punto are a wash. Punto has a slightly higher range factor and Harris a higher Zone rating. So why not give the starting gig to the guy that can actually handle a bat a little bit.

2. Redmond WAS a good hitter. he has clearly lost bat speed and has become almost useless baseball wise. His best move would be as a coach. Sure you need "clubhouse guys" but he can't catch up to the pitches he used to (even last year)

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I agree on both points. Harris hits waaaay better than Punto and I think the Twins sent the wrong catcher down.

1. Depending on how you look at them fielding stats show that Harris/Punto are a wash. Punto has a slightly higher range factor and Harris a higher Zone rating. So why not give the starting gig to the guy that can actually handle a bat a little bit.

2. Redmond WAS a good hitter. he has clearly lost bat speed and has become almost useless baseball wise. His best move would be as a coach. Sure you need "clubhouse guys" but he can't catch up to the pitches he used to (even last year)

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Of course Punto will be back next year it's invaluable and almost unheard of to have somebody who can play all 3 infield positions at a high level at the blink of a switch.

So Redmond is useless baseball wise? Please the leave the forum now thats ludicrous!

Not enough time left on the work clock to address the rest of the non-sense...but please leave the running of a Major League Ball team to the professionals for petes sake!

Thanks Much...LMAO!

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Gosh I hate to agree with Sledneck but I do as they should split the time between Casilla and Punto. Seems like every other year on Puntos bat. 2 years ago 220 and last year 284. This year STILL up in the air. Save your judgements until the year is over. Could be a comeback in the 2nd half and then what would you say.

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Harris has played 3 infield positions too and he can actually hit a baseball without getting an out everytime he makes contact. The Twins are better off with him starting over Punto at any infield position. Also, what are we supposed to discuss in a BASEBALL forum? People can discuss any moves they think a team should make, if you don't like it that's just too bad. Do you want us to talk about their haircuts or what jerseys they should be wearing or who has the best looking wife/girlfriend/mistress? You act as if the Twins management/front office can do no wrong, when it is quite obvious that a lot has been going wrong this season. When I posted about Minnesota teams just barely making the playoffs and a lot of fans are satisfied, you are one of those fans. On the other hand, most of us in this forum want to see a championship soon (before we lose Mauer and Morneau).

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Having a bad day at work, are we?

Of course Punto will be back next year it's invaluable and almost unheard of to have somebody who can play all 3 infield positions at a high level at the blink of a switch.

So Redmond is useless baseball wise? Please the leave the forum now thats ludicrous!

Not enough time left on the work clock to address the rest of the non-sense...but please leave the running of a Major League Ball team to the professionals for petes sake!

Thanks Much...LMAO!

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Of course Punto will be back next year it's invaluable and almost unheard of to have somebody who can play all 3 infield positions at a high level at the blink of a switch.

So Redmond is useless baseball wise? Please the leave the forum now thats ludicrous!

Not enough time left on the work clock to address the rest of the non-sense...but please leave the running of a Major League Ball team to the professionals for petes sake!

Thanks Much...LMAO!

the term used was "almost useless" and I think many will agree that his best role right now may be simply as a mentor/coaching type person. I think the wear and tear of being a catcher at this level has caught up with Mike.

When it comes right down to it, I'd venture to guess that you are right that they won't move punto any time soon but the main reason is his contract. who wants to pay that much to a utility player? Punto has his place on this team as that utility player but it's too bad they wasted so much money on him when he likely could have been signed for much less because nobody else wanted him very badly.

Oh yeah, one more thing, that crow that is waiting for you is getting awfully cold by now. For someone who likes to throw out the eating crow statements pb sure likes to go on a non meat diet right about the time it's being served to him (unless of course he didn't realize the all star game is over and cuddy was not a participant in it)

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